The Cold War: Knowledge Sheet Questions 1. Explain what the Cold War was. ________________________________________ a) How did it begin? ___________________________________________________ b) Why did it begin? ___________________________________________________ c) Who were the main players? __________________________________________ d) Which international conflicts were part of the Cold War? i) ___________________________________________________________ ii) ___________________________________________________________ iii) ___________________________________________________________ e) What is the time frame for the Cold War? ________________________________ 2. How did the Treaty of Versailles alienate Russia already from the Western powers? ____________________________________________________________ 3. What was the Yalta conference? _______________________________________ 4. What was decided at the Yalta conference (February 1945)? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What changes had taken place before the Potsdam conference (August 1945)? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. What was agreed upon at the Potsdam Conference? ___________________________________________________________________ 7. What was NOT agreed upon at the Potsdam Conference? ___________________________________________________________________ Knowledge Sheets Revision Questions The Cold War Page 1 8. Why did Russia have so much influence in Eastern Europe? __________________________________________________________________ 9. How did Yugoslavia and Greece remain independent from Russian influence? __________________________________________________________________ 10. What was Cominform? ____________________________________________ 11. What was the Truman Doctrine? _____________________________________ 12. What was the Marshall Plan? ________________________________________ a) What were the objectives of the Marshall Plan for the Americans? ___________________________________________________________________ b) What did the Russians think that the objectives of the Marshall Plan were? ___________________________________________________________________ c) How successful was the Marshall Plan. Justify your answer. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13. What was the Molotov Plan? ________________________________________ 14. What was Comecon? _______________________________________________ Knowledge Sheets Revision Questions The Cold War Page 2 Diverse Crises of the Cold War. Berlin and Germany (1945 – The division of Germany/ 1961 – 1989 Berlin Wall) 15. Why was Germany divided? Who divided it up? __________________________________________________________________ 16. What were the differences between the allies’ approach to the division of Germany? Did they want to rebuild or did they want retribution? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 17. Despite the four sectors, Germany was essentially divided in two parts based on different ideologies in East and West. What were these? ___________________________________________________________________ 18. Why did the location of Berlin make this division even more complicated? What were the reasons for building a wall around West Berlin? (see Knowledge Sheet pg 7) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Knowledge Sheets Revision Questions The Cold War Page 3 19. What was the Berlin Airlift? ________________________________________ a) How long did it last? _______________________________________________ b) What did it achieve? _______________________________________________ c) How did it end? _______________________________________________ 20. FRG – Federal Republic of Germany was the _____________ part of Germany. GDR – Germany Democratic Republic was the ____________ part of Germany. Berlin was the capital city of _________________________. Bonn was the capital city of __________________________. 21. In 1949 NATO was formed. This is the North Atlantic Treaty Organizaton. What exactly is NATO? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 22. In 1955 the Warsaw Pact created the Warsaw Treaty Organization – officially the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance. What exactly was the Warsaw Treaty Organization. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ The Korean War 1950-1953 23. Summarise the key events of the Korean War: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 24. Label the map above with the: a) 38th Parallel, b) the Communist dictatorship c) the anti-communist dictatorship which was supported by America. Knowledge Sheets Revision Questions The Cold War Page 4 25. What were the key lessons learned in Korea? a) _________________________________________________________________ b) _________________________________________________________________ c) _________________________________________________________________ The Cuban Missiles Crisis. 26. What were the long-term causes of the Cuban Missiles Crisis? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 27. Why did Fidel Castro turn to Russia for support? __________________________ 28. Why did Russia want to put nuclear missiles on Cuba? _________________________________________________________________ 29. What options did President Kennedy have when faced with nuclear weapons on Cuba? _________________________________________________________________ 30. How did the Cuban Missiles Crisis end? ________________________________ 31. How did the Cuban Missiles Crisis improve relations between Russia and the USA? _________________________________________________________________ States that had communist governments in red, states that the Soviet Union believed at one point to be moving toward socialism in orange and other socialist states in yellow Knowledge Sheets Revision Questions The Cold War Communist Countries of the World Today Page 5