Best Behavior Basics Derived from UCF CARD parent trainings Antecedent EventBehaviorConsequence WHAT PRIVILEGES WILL BE WITHHELD? WHAT REINFORCEMENT ITEMS WILL BE GIVEN? Clear expectations: Keep it simple 4 C's of Prevention Catch them being good: Praise them when you notice them using expected behaviors Communication: Teach them the language to express their feelings, ideas, etc. Choices: Offer binary options so they can feel empowered (e.g. "Do you want to make your bed or dust the living room?" Calm demeanor: Limit your affect when responding to behavior 4 C's of Responding Consistency: Be sure everyone is on board across contexts Contingent rewards: If they want it, they have to earn it (positive behavioral supports) Consequences: Natural, proportionate and related to the behavior Premack Principle: Withhold what he wants until he has done what you have asked of him First veggies Then dessert