Uploaded by Gretchen Nordleaf-Nelson

Theatre Genre Assignment: Seminar Project

RI Project
Theatre Genre Assignment
This assignment will give you and your classmates a greater knowledge and
appreciation for a wide variety of theatre genres from different time periods and cultures
from across the world.
In groups of one to two, you and your partners will be responsible for creating a
60 minute seminar on a genre of theatre of your choosing from the list below. These
seminars will be presented in front of your entire class. Make sure to check with your
teacher to confirm your groups’ topic, as each genre will only be assigned once.
The seminar should include a 15 minute presentation on the background of your
genre and 25 minute teaching sessions and a 5-10 minute practical performance.
Your presentation should include (but is not limited to) a general overview of the
genre, important people (playwrights, directors, originators etc.), important plays and
movements that may have come out of the genre, and any other interesting things you
may stumble upon in your research. You should use at least 5-7 visual aids throughout
your presentation.
Your 25 minute teaching session should be used to get students on their feet to
practice an activity associated with the genre.
Your 5-10 minute practical performance should reflect your findings on the genre
your group is researching. This should be a fun and creative outlet for you to give your
fellow classmates a better understanding of the performance side of your genre. This
could take the form of a live performance of a scene from a play of the period, a video
recording, or video clips. These are just suggestions, do not feel limited to only these
ideas, be creative and get inspired by your genre and most of all have fun with this part.
Do not forget to cite all sources you use. You will turn in a properly formatted
Theatre Genres:
African Theatre
Children’s Theatre
Commedia dell’arte
Epic Theatre
Fantasy Theatre
Grand Guignol
In-yer-face Theatre
Medieval Mystery Plays
Musical theatre
Physical theatre
Restoration Comedy
Theatre of Cruelty
Theatre of the Oppressed
Other [on approval]
RI Project
Background Presentation (25 points)
o General overview of the genre.
o Important people: Playwrights, directors, originators, etc.
o Important plays and movements that may have come out of the genre...or
led to the genre.
o Other interesting things/facts. Be sure to hit at LEAST 5.
o 5-7 Images (A Video will only count as ONE image)
Teaching Session (25 points)
o Gets students on their feet.
o Practices a clear activity associated with the genre.
Practical Performance (25 points)
o 5-10 Min.
o Prepared- Did students use their time wisely and to their advantage?
Proper time usage is often reflected at the time of presentation.
(25 points) Bibliography – Properly formatted.
o You should have at minimum three sources. You should not use any form
of source more than twice. (i.e. you may have only two internet sources
and may use a book or journal for your additional source).
o You may not use Wikipedia. This is not a credible research source. You
should be looking for publications from universities or theater production
Total: 100pts (Summative 40%)