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Final Case Study
Topic:Health promotion for elderly in Portugal
Submitted to
Ricardo Lopes Pinto
For the final assignment,
Select a country of your choice for an in-depth analysis of social protection programs and delivery mechanisms within that
Identify a specific population and programs that is of interest to you. For example, you may have a specific interest in poverty
alleviation, maternal & child health (maternity benefits), education of children, unemployed, disabled, elderly, etc. (See attached
Taxonomy of Social Protection Instruments). You will provide some detailed analysis of that program you select to address the
specific population. If you choose, you can choose to focus on the general social protection system in a country which means you
will not go into as much detail for each of them.
Data should come from the most recent publications as possible (2015 and later although there may be data in these
documents that is older). Internet resources are a valuable source of information and are most often downloaded at no charge. I will
provide examples in our class as well as a sample template. WIKIPEDIA and POPULAR WEBSOURCES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.
Write a paper (approximately 4-6 pages excluding title page, references, and appendices).
Provide information about the social protection systems following the outline below. There are some very good examples of
case studies that I will share with the class that can assist you in the research, how to organize, and assess the social protections.
Suggested Outline for the Country Case Study of Social Protections
A suggested outline follows – also make sure to use the Sample Template as a useful tool as I’ve included some references to make
sure you know how they are done.
Country Case Study of Social Protections
Introduction: Background and rationale for country of choice and specific vulnerable population of choice, if you are going to focus on
a specific population. You can provide any information about why you are interested in the specific focus or country that you have
chosen. Also, is there anything specifically that you would like to learn.
Overview of the Country Key Indicators: Where is your country location (you can include a map)? Provide an overview of
demographic and health (life expectancy, dependency ratios, infant mortality, maternal mortality if relevant to your study; other health
issues such as COVID-19 rates), socio-economic facts (poverty rates, GDP, unemployment rates, or other relevant data), and socio-
cultural information (for example gender issues, child trafficking due to poverty, etc.) and any specific information on key vulnerable
Overview of Social Protection Situation in the country and the focus on your research: You might provide a definition of social
protection and any information about an overall strategy, laws, etc. and the status of reforms. You can describe any key features of
the social protection system in general. Some of the topic MAY include, depending on the program and data available:
Social Protection System and Services: (See World Bank. (2020). Sourcebook on the Foundations of Social Protection Delivery
Systems. Photo at end of this document for ideas of what to include). You can focus on just a few of these – not all of these
depending on the information available.
Program Design & delivery systems
Eligibility & benefit design
Expenditures & financing (for example, donor funded, taxes, contributions, etc.)
Incentives and conditions (if relevant)
Program Implementation
Outreach, eligibility, verification, enrollment, benefit delivery
Monitoring and Evaluation
Information Dissemination, Advocacy, Awareness Raising
Delivery System and Social Work and Social Services Involvement: To what extent is social work engaged in social protection
services. Are they integrated into social services? If so, what information can you share (if available)
Positive Attributes & Successes of the Program(s):
Barriers and Gaps in Programs & Implementation:
References – USE APA Style, including for internet resources.
Attachments can include a summary of your interview including questions asked in the interview (if applicable); tables and other
information you want to include to support your paper.
TIPS on Writing and Evaluation Guidelines:
Please note this is a suggested outline. The use of Headings and Subheadings are REQUIRED (2020 APA Writing Style, 7th
Edition). Please refer to the APA Style Resources listed on your course outline. Make sure to properly and accurately reference
internet resources, interviews, as well as scholarly journals and books. Please note that this is an OUTLINE that uses Roman
Numerals. The Roman Numerals do not go in the body of the paper.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
USE QUOTATIONS AT A MINIMUM! If you use a quotation, you MUST keep it to no more than ONE sentence MAXIMUM. You must
also provide the exact location of the quote –including from a website. “Quotations are most effective if you use them sparingly and
keep them relatively short. Too many quotations in a research paper will get you accused of not producing original thought or
material (they may also bore a reader who wants to know primarily what YOU have to say on the subject) ” (Owl at Purdue, 2020,
para. 6).
The feedback on the paper is organized around three categories (please review the grading rubric for papers under the
Assignments section):
Content: This includes descriptive information, statistics, and the extent to which you have included information that
addresses all of the criteria in the case study.
Writing and Organization: This refers to the grammar; sentence structure; organization of the information around the headings
and subheadings; and overall quality of the writing.
Citations and References: This provides information on in-text citations, references, and use of quotes:
Anytime you use a direct quote, you much provide the exact location of the quote, just as you would for a journal article or text
from a book. So, for websites, the principle is the same.
The (Author, date) is the rule of thumb in the text. The date always follows the author. And only the last name of the author(s)
go in the text.
Sometimes, if you have a quote, then it is the (Author, date, exact location which can be a page #; para. # or title of section
such as mission).
The webpage cited should be the EXACT URL so that the reader clicks on it and goes directly to the webpage your
information came from. I do check, by the way, because I am also learning as I review your work.
The sample paper provides examples of how you reference when you have the same author and date more than once.
Nonperiodical Web Document, Web Page, or Report
Include the following information for a web reference or document from the grey literature (you sometimes have to hunt around to find
the information at the bottom of the webpate!) If there is no specific author, then the organization is the author.
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of document. http:/EXACT URL
World Bank. (2021). Country report – Brazil. https://data.worldbank.org/country/brazil?view=chart
NOTE: When an Internet document is more than one Web page, provide a URL that links to the home page or entry page for the
document. Also, if there isn't a date available for the document use (n.d.) for no date.