Uploaded by Muhammad Rashid Akbar

Editorial Design & Layout: A Guide

Editorial Design & Layout
Prepared by MRA
Editorial Design
Editorial design is a subset of graphic design
Traditionally, it has referred to designing for newspapers, magazines, and books. These
days, it could also refer to designing for online publications.
The goal of editorial design is to make publications attractive, visually interesting, and
easy to read. Good editorial design is cohesive, clear, and draws readers in.
Editorial Design
Editorial design has a big impact on how written information is understood. An ed
itorial designer has many things to think about, from typography to layouts to gra
phics and illustrations.
The Elements of ED
• Grid & Layout
• Text and Typography
• Images
• Composition
Editorial Design
Grid & Layout
Grid & Layout
Editorial Design
Text & Typography
Editorial Design
Text & Typography
to support expressions of certain concepts and ideas….Type can also use as an image.
Editorial Design
Basic Alignments and Orientation of Text
Left, Right, Centralized, Justified, Radial, circular, Diagonal.
Photographic, Illustrations, Symbols
Text and Images Alignment
Photographs and Illustrations
Editorial Design
Editorial Design
Composition or Layout with the preference of Creativity in visual arrangement…
Think of all Elements and Principles
of Design
Editorial Design
Visual difference between Newspaper and Magazine Layout
Newspapers are known for their simple layout and design. While the content is usually in black
and white, the style and font are fairly consistent throughout. Magazines have much more visual
expression than newspapers because magazines are not subject to one consistent layout.
Magazines got traditional
and more
creative formats
More restricted in columns
Less restricted in columns
Less restricted in columns
Editorial Design
Editorial Design (ED) has many aspects to in consideration, from typography to layouts to graphics
and illustrations.
The goal of editorial design is to make publications attractive, visually interesting, and easy to read.
Now it’s time to go out and practice.
One way to develop your eye for editorial design is by looking at examples. The more you seek out
and read beautifully-designed magazines and newspapers, the more confident you’ll feel to take on
the editorial design process and produce your own original work.