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business-admin-u1-assessment Vasileios Tsitsivos

Business and Administration
Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business
Assessment Guidance
You must use this file to complete your assessment.
• The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document in a suitable location on your
computer then, complete each part of the assessment after you complete the corresponding
session of the course, remembering to save your work regularly.
• You should refer to the answers you gave in the ‘time to think’ questions which will assist
you in answering the questions in the assessment. Try to answer the questions in the format
requested i.e. describe, explain, identify/list, see the guidance below for this.
• Describe- When you are asked to describe, you must give a description i.e., write a
detailed account like a story (not a list). Free flowing sentences, at least one paragraph of
• Explain-If you are asked to explain, then you must give your answer and your reasons. As
with a description please make it as detailed as possible, free flowing sentences and at
least. one paragraph of text.
• Identify/list - This can be a list, like a shopping list (can be numbers/bullet points).
• When you have fully completed all seven parts of the assessment go to
www.vision2learn.com and send your completed assessment to your tutor via your My Study
area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the
unit/assessment number.
Employment Status
You do not need to be in employment to answer any of the questions in this course. If you
are in employment and would like to provide additional evidence from your workplace (e.g.
policies and procedures) to support your answers, you can upload these as additional files.
You may also research any online documentation and upload as additional files. Please
ensure that you reference any additional documentation in your assessment answer.
Please note that this assessment document has 13 pages and is made up of 7
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Business and Administration
Name: Vasileios Tsitsivos
Section 1: Rights and responsibilities at work
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1:Know the employment
rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer. If you are unsure of
any questions you should refer back to the specific page number that covers
the topic.
Learning objective
1.1 Identify the main points of contracts of employment
Place in assessment
Question 1 Page 2
1.2 Identify the main points of legislation affecting employers and
Question 2a Page 3
Question 2b Page 3
1.3 Identify where to find information on employment rights and
responsibilities both internally and externally
Question 3 Page 4
1.4 Describe how representative bodies can support the employee
Question 4 Page 4
1.5 Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and
diversity in a business environment
Question 5 Page 4
1.6 Explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity
procedures are followed in a business environment
Question 6 Page 5
1.Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. [1.1]
Hours of work
Conditions of employment
Job title and duties/ responsibilities
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2a)In the table below identifytwo types of legislation and then provide two key
points of each legislation that affect employers in a business environment. An
example has been provided for guidance[1.2]
Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998
Key Points
1. Employers must ensure that all equipment is properly
Pay and Pension ( The
National Minimum Wage Act
Data Protection ( Data
Protection Act 1998)
Employers must check that employees are properly
protected from any dangerous parts of machinery
Introduction of national minimum wage to prevent
very low pay.
Organisations with more than five staff should have
occupational pension schemes and in smaller organisations
there should be access to a stakeholder pension scheme.
Employers should provide training for staff in GDPR
legislations within the business environment.
Employers should have certain documents
readily available or on display in the business
to ensure that staff are in compliance with
GDPR rules and regulations, like ICT use
policy and Data protection policy.
2b)In the table below identifytwo types of legislation and then provide two key
points of each legislation that affect employees in a business environment. An
example has been provided for guidance [1.2]
Employment rights and
Key Points
Employees must consider the health & safety of others and
carry out their work accordingly.
Cooperation with employer when they require something to
be done for safety and health at the workplace.
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The Government implemented substantial changes to
ensure that people are saving enough towards their
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Measures were introduced to protect women from being paid
less than men for doing the same job.
3.Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment
rights and responsibilities. You should identify two internal and two external sources
of information.[1.3]
Line managers/ senior members of staff
Human resource department
Websites including directgov.co.uk, hse.gov.uk, business link
Representative bodies including Citizens Advice, trade unions, ACAS
4.Describe how representative bodies can support employees.[1.4]
One of the best ways employees can receive help and support at work is through
representative bodies. The best know examples of representative bodies are trade unions.
A trade union representative is a member of a union who not only represents colleges at
work but also can and will provide advice when workplace problems arise.
They can support an employee by:
1. Discussing with the employee any problems and issues or concerns regarding their
2. They can be a chaperone during disciplinary or grievance hearings with the business
3. They can help develop the best possible health and safety procedures with the
4. Represent you during and after negotiations regarding your current pay and terms
and conditions of your employment, this is known as collective bargaining.
5. Meet with your employer to find adequate solutions to work place issues and
6. They can identify any workplace malpractice and look at providing an amicable
solution to ensure that the issue does not escalate into something far more serious.
5.Identify employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a
business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and
twoemployee responsibilities.[1.5]
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Train staff on equality and diversity topics to ensure all
members of staff are aware how people can be offended and the
consequences that come with discrimination.
Develop procedures to address equality and diversity issues.
Be aware of judgements you make whilst working alongside
colleagues who may come from a different background than
Always treat people with the same level of respect you would
expect to receive from your work colleagues and
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6.Using the table below provide three Explanations forwhy equality and diversity
proceduresmust be followed in a business environment. Your answer should
include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit
for the overall organisation.[1.6]
Employer Benefits
Employee Benefits
Organisation Benefits
One of the benefits for the employer is they will find they
have more competent and productive, positive workforce
who all know that their employer has their best interests at
heart and know they will be treated fairly. Another benefit for
the employer is that he/she will find that there will be no
tribunal procedures brought against them.
A key benefit to staff is that they know that their employment
rights will not only taken into consideration but that policies
and procedures that reflect diversity in the workplace will not
only be encouraged but also communicated amongst staff
and management. Such a culture should be communicated
to all staff from their start of employment – this will, in return,
reassure employees that their rights are respected and
diversity celebrated. Also employees who may well face
personal issues should feel that they can seek advice and
help when needed, they should feel comfortable in
approaching line management or a designated person;
again this should be communicated to all staff from
commencement of employment.
By implementing a workplace culture that celebrates
individuality, respects rights and encourages diversity, this
will hopefully encourage staff retention, ensure individuals
feel valued and in-return help employees develop and
enhance their career.
Finally, no business can totally illuminate the potential of a
staff dispute whether involving management or fellow
colleagues, therefore clear policies and procedures should
assist in dealing both fairly and quickly any issues arising
whilst preventing them from escalating into a more serious
workplace dispute which, if no action is taken or “fuel added
to the fire” may potentially escalate to dispute level and
ultimately end up at employment tribunal.
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Section 2: All about health, safety and security
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2:Understand the
purpose of health, safety and security procedures in a business environment.
If you are unsure of any questions you should refer back to the specific page
number that covers the topic.
Learning objective
2.1 Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health,
safety and security in a business environment
2.2 Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security
procedures in a business environment
Place in assessment
Question 1a Page 6
Question 1b Page 6
Question 2 Page 7
2.3 Identify ways of maintaining a safe and secure environment in
a business environment
Question 3 Page 7
1a.Identify two employer and two employee responsibilities for health and safety.
1. The employer has to look at potential hazards that could cause
injury whilst his/her workforce carry out in their daily duties,
he/she has to look at precautions to stop the injuries. This is
part of a full risk assessment.
2. A risk assessment should be conducted by a competent
person who is qualified in the field of Health & Safety.
1. If there is a workplace risk then this should be identified and
communicated to line management at the earliest possible time.
2. Employees should not be afraid to inform their line
management of any potential risks with fear of intimidation or
potential disciplinary action as this will be seen as unlawful.
1b. Identify two employer and two employee responsibilities for security.[2.1]
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You must have in place measures that protect data such as
client details and other sensitive information. Employers should
have in terms and conditions that outline company policy.
Restrictive covenants should also be communicated and
implemented to all staff that outline the severity of individuals
who will consider working with a competitor and stealing
valuable company data and other sensitive information. All
employees should sign the documentation and penalties
outlined of any action that will be taken against employees who
flaunt the rules. Restrictive covenants should be enforceable
so employers should seek professional advice to ensure such
documentation is watertight.
Ensure confidential documents are only accessed by
authorised members of staff.
We live in a society where employees bring their own mobile
devices to the workplace so precautions need to be
implemented to ensure the protection of company data and
other sensitive information. If an employee leaves then you will
need to ensure that important company data is removed from
the device. However best practice dictates that you should
discourage employees from using their own devices and they
should make use of company provided equipment.
Comply with your organisations security procedures.
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2.In the table below, Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security
procedures in a business environment.[2.2]
With any business they have to follow procedures for both health and
safety and also security this is because all polices have to be in line
with Acts set out by parliament and the relevant governing bodies.
Failure to follow these acts and rules can have serious consequences
such as fines, closure of the business’s and also can lead to prison
There are many moral reasons to follow both health and safety and also
security policies set out by any company/business, both employers and
employees have a moral obligation to follow all the health and safety
and security polices to ensure that all personnel who work for the
business do not come to any harm.
Finally you have economic consequences of failing to follow all the
policies set out by the business, these consequences can include fines
handed out by breaking the laws set out by parliament, compensation
paid out to the individuals who end up having injuries because of
breaches from failing to follow procedures this can include staff and
customers. With any breach that comes of the attention of the public
and customers you with have the knock on effect of losing customers
and future business deals. Failure to ensure that all policies are being
upheld by all staff members and management could lead to the closure
of the business.
3.Identify three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business
Prevent buildings being entered by unauthorised people by introducing a
swipe card machine [or other applicable security measures] to enter the
Notice what is happening in your working environment, being aware and
pointing out potential hazards to staff and members of the management.
Keep commercial sensitive documentation in a secure place accessible by
only a select few of senior management. Again those employees who have
access to such information should be bound by a Restrictive Covenant and
ensure that it enforceable.
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Section 3: Communicating effectively with others
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 3:Understand how to
communicate effectively with others
Learning objective
Place in assessment
3.1 Describe different methods of communication
Question 1 Page 8
3.2 Explain how to choose the most appropriate method
of communicating with others
Question 2 Page 8
3.3 Describe ways of actively listening
Question 3 Page 8
1.Describe three different methods of communication. You should include one
verbal, one non-verbal and one written method of communication.[3.1]
In verbal communication we have face to face meetings where two
or more people communicate over internal or external matters or you
can have phone call communication where by individuals can
communicate even if they are in different locations or indeed differing
time-zones around the world; with this type of communication you can
implement conference calls which link up multiple individuals in
various locations to discuss common business matter to communicate
vital information.
In nonverbal communication we often use our body language or
facial expressions to pass across our opinion and information to
another individual. A sign with our hands from a distance or a facial
reaction to something we can hear shows whether we agree or
disagree with the information that is being passed across to us via
multiple communication techniques.
Written communication can be in the form of email. Caution should
be applied as on occasion an intended message can often be
misinterpreted, so care should be taken when composing such an
email. Email can also be a useful form of communication when it
comes to reviewing attachments.
2. Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate
method of communication to meet your needs and the needs of others.[3.2]
To pass on vital and important information to a work colleague I can use
verbal commination such as a phone call or a face to face meeting as this
means the information is passed on at the fastest and most reliable source to
ensure the matter can be dealt with at the priority it requires to be processed
at. It also ensures that the message is not misconstrued in any way, the
original message is delivered in the form that it was intended.
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If I felt that I need to raise a concern with a member of the management team I
would use either email or letter as I can make both of these formal and the
information that is getting communicated can be treated with the strictest of
confidence if the situation requires that form of formality such as grievance in
accordance with the companies grievance policy
3.Describe two ways of actively listening.[3.3]
It is vital that with all matters that come to your attention during your day to day
work activates you listen carefully and take in the information that is being
passed to you. If you switch off or you lose concentration then firstly it may be
deemed that it is not professional and that you are not interested in the
message the individual is stipulating. Furthermore you will also miss vital and
key information that will assist you to carry out the task at hand to the best of
your ability.
When I am being tasked to complete a duty by my chain of command I ensure
that my body language shows that I am interested in what is being said to me
so I may carry out that task correctly, ensuring the job is carried out at the best
of my ability and it also displays that I am taking in all the relevant information
so I can complete the task set before me to the correct standards.
Section 4: Working with others
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 4: Understand how to
work with and support colleagues
Learning objective
Place in assessment
4.1 Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for own work
with others
Question 1 Page 9
4.2 Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and
adapting to change
Question 2 Page 9
4.3 Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and
Question 3 Page 10
1.Explain two different purposes for agreeing standards for your own work. [4.1]
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With any employment you have work standards that you have to adhere to
whilst undertaking your day to day duties, these include:
 Time keeping – ensuring that you are on time to work and you are fit
to carry out the day’s task.
Ensuring that you are carrying out your duty in a safe and secure
Respecting others and working as a team to complete tasks as
If the working standards are in place then progress and performance can be
accurately measured and assessed for both employees and management so
that if anyone is underperforming then it can be quickly highlighted.
2.Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to
change at work.[4.2]
With any business one has to adapt and change to tackle new challenges that arise
during the day to day running of the business, with good planning a business can
overcome and adapt so that efficacy of a business doesn’t decline over time.
If your staff and management are willing to except change and adapt their working
environment to suit the needs of the business then such individuals will work as a
more productive team; thus proving to be a great asset to any business. They will
also learn new skills to ensure that the business grows at steady increments.
Whilst any organisation changes and adapts to the commercial challenges based on
the market then they will find that they open doors to new and bigger clientele, this
means that the team can grow and develop as a strong work force as well as
enhancing their individual skills and talents.
If your staff and management do not adapt and change to new challenges then the
business will become stagnant meaning they will never attract new business and the
business will become stale and potentially start to decline and start to fail.
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3.Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration.[4.3]
There is a saying ‘behaviour breeds behaviour’ so this means if we are kind and
honest and considerate to our work colleagues then we will receive the same respect
back, if we treat everyone by being rude to them and being disrespectful then it will
have a knock on effect on the workforce.
If a team works in a respectful environment then the workforce works more
productive and also it helps build lasting work place relationships, it will also help the
management team because they will not have as many internal concerns or issues
with a strong knitted workforce.
Section 5: Planning your own work
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 5: Know how to plan own
work and be accountable to others
Learning objective
5.1 Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and
deadlines when completing tasks
Place in assessment
Question 1 Page 10
5.2 Identify ways of planning own work
Question 2 Page 10
5.3 Compare ways of keeping other people informed about
Question 3 Page 11
1.Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when completing
tasks in a business environment.[5.1]
When you meet both the work standards and deadlines you ensure that you meet
your customers and employers expectations. Also going above and beyond
expectations stands you in good stead with your employer as they will trust you with
more important responsibilities, this would also help in your chances of promotion
within the business.
If standards and deadlines are not met it can have a negative impact on a business
resulting in a possible loss of income, clients and future business.
2.Identify two different ways that you can use to plan your own work.[5.2]
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Set clear goals for your important deadlines
Prioritise between important work and busy work
3.Describe ways of keeping other people informed about progress and compare
their effectiveness. Think about 2 separate times that you have had to inform other
people about your own progress. In the box below describe both times and explain
how well each one worked. Could you have done anything different? [5.3]
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There are many benefits and drawbacks with each form of communication within a
business. One of the most personal ways of communication is face to face, the
reason for this is that there cannot be any misunderstanding during a face to face
meeting as all the relevant questions can be asked, this means the meeting is very
detailed and often during these meeting notes or minutes are taken so the meeting
becomes very thorough for all parties involved. Once again the original message can
be communicated and reduce the risk of misinterpretation. However face to face
meetings can often be very time consuming especially if you have many parties who
need to be in multiple places in a very short space of time, or when multiple bodies
ask questions that may not be relevant. Therefore an outline the meeting objectives
and a timely agenda should be drawn up and communicated prior to the meeting.
You can use letters/ traditional mail shots, these again can be personal and thorough
and very detailed. However with this type of communication you can often fine it can
be misunderstood, it also can take time to get to the intended recipient, also it lacks
certain amount of security because if the letter gets intercepted or lost whilst in
transit. Also if a business sends out a lot of correspondence it can become very
costly and time consuming.
Another communication technique you can use is text/multimedia message, these
can be detailed so that all the relevant and necessary information can be passed
across to the relevant recipients, also you can send a message out to multiple
handsets at once and these can be very cost effective especially with technology
today. However this can be time consuming and difficult to read, also you can be
restricted to what you can say about the subject you are currently discussing.
As an example, when I was studying for my Life Coach diploma, I was in weekly
communication with my mentor Whatsapp and Zoom calls to check on my progress
and to ensure I reached my milestones in a timely fashion and before that, while I
was studying for my NVQ3 in the Culinary Industry, I had monthly face to face
meetings with my mentor to check on me, give me new homework and update me on
my progress. I really loved what I was studying and I was informed I was a month
ahead compared to all my fellow students.
Section 6: Improving your performance
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 6:Understand the
purpose of improving own performance in a business environment and how to
do so
Learning objective
Place in assessment
6.1 Explain the purpose of continuously improving own
performance in a business environment
Question 1 Page 11
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6.2 Describe ways of improving own performance in a
business environment
Question 2 Page 12
6.3 Identify different types of career pathways that are
Question 3 Page 12
1.Explain the purpose of continuously improving your performance in a business
As an individual you should always look to improve the way you carry out your duties at
work, the reason for this you will help improve your own productiveness and also
contribute to the productivity of the team you are a part of. When you look to improve
performance you learn new skills and experience which in turn will help your promotion
2.Describe two ways of improving your performance at work. If relevant, you may
use examples from your own work experience.[6.2]
When you are looking to improve your own performance at work you firstly have
to do a self non bias evaluation and assessment, when you are doing this you
have to display integrity. If you make a mistake you have to display maturity to be
able to stand up and say I’ve made a mistake and take the appropriate
In my current position I have to be able to account for every person that currently
stays within my accommodation wing, if I make a mistake then I have to take my
mistake to my chain of command, from there they will decide on wat punishment
is suitable. I constantly work alongside my section commanders to look at ways
we can improve as a team this happens on a weekly basis, the punishment if
mistakes are made could be a charge on my wage and also restriction of
3.Identify two different types of career pathways or options that may be available to
you. If relevant, this may be with your current employer or another pathway that you
wish to pursue[6.3]
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In my current position I have to wait until I complete my training phase before I
begin to look at my options. However when I am able to choose my options I have
to ask myself 3 questions.
 What do I have to do to achieve the position?
 What qualities do I need to bring to the job?
 How far up the chain of command do I want to progress?
With this in mind I can either choose a more specialised route where my skills will
be tested constantly or I opt for a training route where I would be in charge of
teaching others to perform the same role that I am currently undertaking. With this
route is quicker promotion however it does mean that more responsibility will be
thrusted on to my shoulders.
Section 7: Problems at work
This section will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 7:Understand the types of
problems that may occur in a business environment and how to deal with them
Learning objective
Place in assessment
7.1 Identify the types of problems that may occur in a
business environment
Question 1 Page 13
7.2 Explain ways of dealing with problems that may occur
in a business environment
Question 1 Page 13
7.3 Explain how and when to refer problems to relevant
Question 1 Page 13
1.In the table below, first Identify two different types of problems that can occur in a
business environment[7.1],then explain how the problems can be dealt with [7.2],
finally explain how and when each problem should be referred to colleagues [7.3].
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Identify problems [7.1]
Explain how to deal with
the problems [7.2]
Minor Problems –
problems that only require
minor solutions to rectify,
with these types of
problems you often find the
issue is easy to deal with
such as an employee being
five minutes late for work.
As a wing senior I have to
ensure that everyone is
turning up to the right place
at the right time and
conducting themselves in a
manner which promotes a
good light onto my team.
As part of my job I have to
deal with minor problems
such as people’s personal
admin such as cleaning
their sections to a
satisfactory standard.
Sometimes I have to lead
by example and some other
times I have to demonstrate
how things are done.
Major Problems – these
Another issue I have had to
problems could and often
deal with myself is petty
have serious consequences arguing within the section if
and with implications on all people’s personal space is
individuals who are involved encroached upon at the
in the issue. With some of
wrong time by other
these problems such as
incidences that lead to
gross misconduct can often I had to talk it through with
mean an individual being
the people involved and
demoted or indeed losing
help them see each other's
their position, which will
point of view and reach a
have impact on their future
common understanding.
employment, however it
also can detrimental effect
on the individuals left
behind to help the rectify
the situation.
Explain how and when
the problem should be
referred to colleagues
One issue that I have had
to refer to other people
within my chain of
command is bullying within
the section.
This happened immediately
after the incident by talking
in person with the higher
ups in my chain of
Another issue that I have
had to refer to other people
within my chain of
command was in regards to
the safeguarding and
wellbeing of anyone within
my section is put into
danger either by
themselves or others.
This happened immediately
after the incident by talking
in person with the higher
ups in my chain of
Once you have completed all 7 Sections of this assessment, go to
www.vision2learn.com and send your work to your tutor for marking.
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