GROUP 4 GANG AND YOUTH VIOLENCE, ILLEGAL FRATERNITY-RELATED VIOLENCE, KIDNAPPING AND ABDUCTION, AND ACTS OF TERROR GANG AND YOUTH VIOLENCE GANG AND YOUTH VIOLENCE DEFINITION • A gang is defined as a relatively tough, mostly street-based group of young people who regard themselves and may be seen by others as a group that engages in a range of criminal activity and violence. Oftentimes, they are in conflict with other similar gang. • Gang and youth violence, depicts to the act of inhumane and injury inflicting terror of youth that justifies war as a sign of strength, control, and supremacy. GANG AND YOUTH VIOLENCE YOUTH’S REASONS IN ATTENDING GANGS • Their need to belong, to be included or be part of a group they can identify themselves with. • Their desire for adventure as they believe that joining gangs will give them the excitement and thrill for their lives. • They feel protected and looked out for if they are members of a gang. What are it’s effect on the victims? • Youth’s involvement in a gang leads to an increase hardships and family problems in adulthood, which in turn, contribute to involvement in street crime and/or arrest in adulthood. • • • • • Dropping out of school. Teen parenthood. Unemployment Drug and alcohol abuse. Committing petty and violet crimes. What are It’s injury and indicators? • The injury in gang and youth violence can be recognize if the group forcefully attack a group without a probable cause. The indicators will be if the gang or youth group bringing equipment such as paddles, firearms and guns. In many cases, youth violence will start in a riot between two group ILLEGAL FRATERNITYRELATED VIOLENCE ILLEGAL FRATERNITY-RELATED VIOLENCE DEFINITION • A fraternity is a group of people with similar background, occupations, interests, or tastes. • A fraternity is considered as illegal if it is undocumented or participate in street fighting, rape, illegal hazing, bullying, damage to personal property, robbery, causing injured to other person, selling drugs, recruiting youngsters to join the group and etc. ILLEGAL FRATERNITY-RELATED VIOLENCE YOUTH’S REASONS IN ATTENDING FRATERNITY • To gain power and protection, as fraternities have reputation for being powerful group. • Some joins for academic support. • And because of the sense of belongingness that these fraternities would provide. What are It’s injury and indicators? • The injury is caused by hazing. This initiation ritual is done by brutally kicking the new member at different parts of the body. They are also struck on the back of the thigh with a wooden paddle using a full force. • Because of this, difficulty in walking may be an obvious indicator of injury. Inspecting for bruises underneath the clothing will clarify what happened. KIDNAPPING AND ABDUCTION KIDNAPPING AND ABDUCTION DEFINITION • Kidnapping is taking away