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Some live longer while others shorter, but it doesn’t mean who live longer
got the mighty portion and those lived shorter missed it at all. Perhaps those live
shorter answered the summon of God and met it as an invitation to His eternal
abode of tranquillity in the heaven. While those live longer must accept the
destiny of life. Life is flow of plots with series of scene, some are full of serenity
with comical interaction and some are complete anxiety accompanied with
tragedy. The common one is mixed-up of tragicomedy. Therefore, life is what
you make it not what you meant.
We lived and we are leaving. Being together doesn’t mean being forever.
However not being together with someone does not mark his end on the Earth nor
with you. Perhaps life may reunite you some time somewhere; where you will be
more important to each other ever before. But before then bear in mind otherwise
could happen.
Musa Umar Jajere
Not all help and support come along the side of your lover(s) however not
all mistakes and faults come from your enemies or opponents they are only meant
for your destiny.
He who loses character loses real humanity, what remain is nothing but
mere figure.
Musa Umar Jajere