Megan, Gena, Kellie , Kathy B. and Kathy F. EDSE 452/453 – September 29, 2009 Plant PhotoResp www.CMASTE,ca Page 1 Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis – Indigenous Knowledge Lesson Plan Curricular Fit o Biology 20, General Outcome 20 C2: Students will explain the roll of cellular respiration in releasing potential energy from organic compounds. Biology 20, Skill Out come 20 C2.3s: Students will relate the Aboriginal metaphor “the trees are the lungs of mother earth” to the complementary role of the carbon and oxygen cycles. Previous Knowledge o Students should be familiar with the processes of cellular respiration and photosynthesis before this lesson o This lesson is meant to tie together the complementary processes (i.e.: the products of one are the reactants of another, they are dependent on each other) Lesson o The teacher delivery of this lesson would mainly consist of a story to be read aloud and provided to the class in written form. The story can be written by the teacher entirely or partially, and should be written from an aboriginal perspective and using metaphor. o After reading the story the teacher should relat e the processes to the story, superficially reviewing each as they go o Vital parts of the story include: “Trees are like the lungs of mother earth” Importance of water to plant life Importance of plant life (i.e.: glucose) and oxygen for survival of animal s Creation of water and carbon dioxide by animals Uptake of water and carbon dioxide by plants o The story should make clear the interconnectedness of the two cycles (products of one are the reactants of another) o Use of a circle metaphor to symbolize the co nnectedness of plants and animal life may also be utilized o The teacher can show students the illustration of a tree with lungs to further the use of the metaphor o The purpose of this portion of the lesson is to introduce the idea of photosynthesis and cellu lar respiration from an indigenous perspective Student Portion/Assignment o In groups of 3 or 4, students will be responsible for creating their own metaphor to relate the two processes/cycles, which they will present to the class o Students can choose any f ormat they wish, as long as it can be visually represented (story, skit, poster, diorama, etc)