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TCS NQT Registration Guidelines

Guidelines for Registering to “TCS National Qualifier Test”
General Guidelines
1. NQT (Cognitive Skills) is a mandatory test to be taken to register for Attitudinal Alignment
(Psychometric Test), Industry NQTs and Subject NQTs.
2. Attitudinal Alignment (Psychometric Test) can be taken once in every 6 months.
3. However, you can appear for other NQT variants whenever TCS NQT is announced. The validity
for TCS NQT Score is for 2 years.
4. You may purchase multiple NQT Tests.
5. Mode of Test: In-Centre (TCS iON Authorised Exam Centres) and Online Remote Proctored
6. Candidate who had indulged in any type of malpractice during the earlier TCS NQT will not be
permitted to take the test for a period of 1 year.
Registration Guidelines
1. Click on the REGISTER NOW button on the product page.
2. Under the TCS NQT Variants section click on the preferred Domain (highlighted as “1” in the
image below). Then click on the image of the stamp (highlighted as “2” in the below image) you
want to buy. You will be redirected to the respective product page where you can read more
information about the variant and buy the Test.
3. You can also initiate your purchase by clicking on the BUY NOW button. Or, if you have an
Activation Code, you can activate the Test by clicking on the Activate Now button. It will ask you
to sign up and then you can proceed further to register for TCS NQT.
4. Logging into TCS iON Digital Learning Hub (iDLH)
A. Login by Creating a New Account
a. If you are a new user, click on the Create Account button to complete the one-time sign up
process. You can also login using social media handles such as Facebook, Google, Twitter
and/or LinkedIn by clicking on the respective icons.
b. Once Create Account window opens, please select the Learner tab to fill in all your details as
shown below to proceed further. Please ensure your email ID entered is correct as all
communications will be routed through that email ID.
Note: The Phone Number is an optional field.
c. OR, if you already have a Sign Up link, create your account using this link.
d. Please read the Privacy Notice, Privacy Policy and Terms of Use properly. Tick the declaration
checkbox and click on OK to complete the registration.
e. Please fill in the other details, as shown below and click on CONTINUE.
B. Login by an Existing User ID
a. If you are an existing NQT candidate, enter your registered TCS NQT Candidate Login ID and login.
Once you login, you will see the View Details button on the webpage. Click on View Details to
check your application; or you can update your application details and initiate your purchase.
b. If you are an iDLH user, you may use your registered ID to login and proceed to buy TCS NQT
and its variants.
5. After successful logging in, you may register yourself for TCS NQT, either by using Buy Now or
Activate Now.
A. Steps to register using Buy Now
a. Click on the Buy Now button on a stamp or on the webpage.
b. Fill up or Edit the registration form.
c. Proceed to purchase the Test.
B. Steps to register using Activate Now
a. Click on the Activate Now button available on the stamp, product page.
6. Fill in the Registration Form
A registration form will be displayed on the screen. Fill in all the required details carefully as
mentioned in the subsequent steps.
a. Enter the required Personal Details. Please ensure that the information entered is correct, as these
details will be used for further processing. We request you to double check your email ID as all
communications will be routed through that email ID.
b. Verify your mobile number using the OTP option.
i. Click on the Generate OTP button as shown on screen below.
ii. Enter the Captcha in the required field and click on Submit, to receive the OTP.
iii. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number, then click on Validate OTP. You will get a
message OTP has been validated successfully on the screen.
c. Please enter your Educational Qualification Details as shown in the screenshot below.
i. To select Institution Name, click on the button highlighted in the screenshot below.
Enter the parameters and click on Search to find the Institution’s details.
iii. Once you select the preferred Institution, the pop-up window will close, and the selected
Institution Details will reflect in the main registration form.
d. Select the Mode of Exam through which you want to appear the exam.
If you select ONLINE (Remotely Proctored), read the instructions carefully and ensure that
you have the necessary system requirements. Read and check the declaration note carefully
and adhere to the same.
If you select In-Centre, to be held at TCS iON Authorised Exam Centres,
i. Select State Preference and Select City Preference.
ii. Location will be greyed out if the seats are not available with the message, as shown in the
screenshot below. In such cases, please select another Centre in a city nearby.
e. If you need a scribe to write the exam, ensure that you are accompanied by a scribe to write
the exam. Note: Eligibility of the scribe will be communicated on your registered email ID.
f. Upload your photograph. Ensure you adhere to the guidelines mentioned on the screen.
g. Enter the correct Captcha. Read the Disclaimer content, click on the checkbox and then click
the Submit button.
h. A message will pop-up saying that your form has been submitted successfully. You will also view
your TCS NQT Registration Number. Click on the Close button and then click on Click to Proceed
button, on the form and make the payment.
7. Proceed to Purchase
On successful submission of the form a pop-up will appear. Click on Click to Proceed on the top
right corner of the form and go to payment gateway and make the payment.
A. In the case of Buy Now
a. On successful submission of the form, click on Click to Proceed followed by Proceed to Pay on
Your Purchase screen.
b. Click on Pay via Net banking/Credit/Debit Cards to go to the payment gateway.
c. Enter the relevant details on the Payment Gateway and click on Continue to Pay to make the
d. On successful payment, you will be redirected to the Order Summary page with the details of
your order.
e. On closing this window, you can make the next purchase following the same steps. However,
details of the purchased Test will be seen in My Dashboard.
B. In the case of Activate Now
a. On successful submission of the form, click on Click to Proceed, and Enter Licence Code and
click the Activate button.
b. After Licence Code is successfully activated, a pop-up will appear. Click on Close button and
you will be automatically redirected to My Dashboard.
C. On clicking the product name, as highlighted in the screen shot below, you will be automatically
redirected to the filled-up Registration Form of TCS NQT.
D. On successful submission of the form and payment through Buy Now/Activate Now, you will receive
a confirmation of the same on your registered email ID and mobile number. Additionally,
‘Subscribed’ label will appear on the stamp if the purchase/activation process is successfully
completed. Please refer the image below.
Further communications will be sent to the registered email ID and registered mobile
You will receive your Hall Ticket on your registered email ID 2 days prior to the exam.
If for any reason, you get logged out or abandon the session during the application process,
For any further assistance
Call Us (India Toll Free): 1800-266-6282
Email: info.tcsionhub@tcs.com
SMS: <TCSiON NQT> to 56161