SPH4U Physics Formula Sheet Kinematics d v1 v2 t 2 1 d v1 t a t 2 2 v2 v1 t ( v v2 ) t d 1 2 vav aav v2 2 v12 2a d dx = vxt v 2 v1 a t d v2 t 1 a t 2 2 H = (vi2)sin2θ/2g Δt = 2visinθ/g Dynamics Fg mg Fg F kx v2 ac r g GM r2 vesc Ff FN Gm1m2 r2 Fnet ma mv 2 4 2 r 2 2 Fc mac ac 4 rf r T2 3 3 r r GM v2 2GM Cs tan T 2 4 2 T2 gr r Momentum, Energy & Power W F d cos E g mgh 1 2 kx 2 E elastic efficiency P Δp = mvf - mvi Ek 1 mv 2 2 GMm r Woutput Winput 100% W F d t t p = mv Wnc = ½ mvf2 – ½ mvi2 Wnc = Δ(Ef – Ei) Electricity and Magnetism Non-uniform Electric Field: F k q1 q2 r EPE k 2 q1q2 r Ek V Einitial = Efinal q r2 kq r Uniform Electric Field: F E qo V EPE qo Other Electricity: q Ne F qo vB sin q t F ILB sin I VB VA V E s EPE qo -EPE = KE Magnetism: q = mgd/ΔVb r mv qB Waves f N t 1 f T v T f n sin 1 v1 1 n2 sin 2 v2 2 n1 c v sin n (n 21 )( d ) PS1 PS 2 (n 21 ) 2D interference: double slit experiment: dsinθ = (n – ½ )λ single slit experiment: wsinθ = nλ thin film interference: film dsinθ = mλ wsinθ = (m + ½ )λ vacuum λ = x / L (d / n - ½ ) λ = x(d/L) λ = Δy (w/L) mλ = wsinθ condition for interference = 2t + ½ λ? - ½ λ? n Constructive: mλ w=1/N air wedge: ΔX = Lλ / 2t Destructive: m + ½ λ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Revolutionary Modern Physics t to L Lo 1 1 v2 c2 p 2 v c2 mv 1 v c KEmax = hf – W0 2 2 E mc 2 KE E Eo Eo mc 2 1 v2 c2 λ = h/p pphoton = hf / c E = hf p y y h 4 __________________________________________________________________________________________ sin θ c a b A a c cos θ b c tan θ a b A b c c 2 a 2 b 2 2ab cosC B Solar and Terrestrial Data Quantity mass of Sun radius of Sun mass of Earth radius of Earth at equator (mean) radius of Earth’s orbit (mean) acceleration due to gravity Earth-Moon distance (mean) Earth-Sun distance (mean) standard atmospheric pressure length of Earth year mass of mon Symbol mS rS mE rE rEO g patm Ty mmoon Approximate value 1.99 × 1030 kg 6.96 × 108 m 5.98 × 1024 kg 6.38 × 106 m 1.50 × 1011 m 9.8 m/s2 3.84 × 108 m 1.50 × 1011 m 1 atm or 1.013 × 105 Pa 3.16 × 107 s 7.35x1022 kg C a Physical Constants QUADRATIC FORMULA Quantity Symbol Approximate value speed of light in a vacuum gravitational constant Coulomb’s constant charge on electron charge on proton electron mass proton mass neutron mass atomic mass unit Planck’s constant Permeability of free space Acceleration due to Gravity electron volt c G k -e e me mp mn u h µ0 g eV 3.00 × 108 m/s 6.67 × 10-11 N.m2/kg2 9.00 × 109 N.m2/C2 -1.60 × 10-19 C 1.60 × 10-19 C 9.11 × 10-31 kg 1.673 × 10-27 kg 1.675 × 10-27 kg 1.660 × 10-27 kg 6.63 × 10-34 J.s 4π×10−7 N/A2 9.8 m/s2 1.6 x 10-19 J x b b 4 ac 2a 2 QUADRATIC EQUATION ax 2 bx c 0