Look at the scenario below and explain who Boulton Ltd. could sue for negligence and what such a claim must be based on. Scenario: David’s company, Boulton Ltd is having its annual fund-raising event in which everyone in the company, its suppliers and distributors come with family and friends to raise money for different charities. The planning committee decided that as part of the fun they would hire a bouncing castle for the smaller children coming to the event. On the day before the event the company that Boulton Ltd had hired the castle from came, Outdoor Fun Games Ltd, inflated and anchored it and provided an emergency No. for a 10 minute response should there be issues with the inflation pump. On the day of the event things were going smoothly, until suddenly screams could be heard as the bouncy castle was lifted into the sky by a gust of wind. Fortunately, a few of the people nearby were able to climb in and weigh it down before it could get too far. However, three of the eight children who were on the castle at the time suffered injuries, one, who had fallen out as the castle as it flew up was critically ill.