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Review Quiz

According to kelly, because individuals have personal investments in their established constructs, they
A. are motivated to perceive reality correctly
B. are willing to modify their constructs instatly
C. behave in an adaptive manner
D. resistant changing them
Kelly held that, generally speaking, people A. attempt to validate and improve their construct
B. are usually unaware of their personal constructs
C. arely or never attempt to change their constructs
D. are completly conscious of their personal constructs
Kelly's Philosophical position that people attempt to solve everyday problems by observing, formulating hypothesis, testing, infering conclusion, and predicting future events
A. scientist as a person
B. person as a scientist
C. constructive alternativism
D. redefining behavior
You're mother believed that she will have Covid if she took a COVID 19 vaccine. But then, her friend who is a doctor tells that her fear of the vaccine is unlikely to happen. He also convince your mother to take vaccine by educating her about the advantages of it. This is an example of which corollary? A. modulation
B. experience
C. construction
D. fragmentation
JC, a teacher, teaches nicely because he expects his students to act nice as well. This is an example of which corollary?
A. individuality
B. dichotomoy
C. Experience
D. construction
When we arrange our contructs in patterns, according to our view of their similarities and differences, we are engaging in which corollary?
A. individuality
B. Organization
C. Choice
D. Sociality
These are a way of constructive or interpreting the world:
A. Complex
B. Role
C. System
D. Construct
Kelly's theory hypothesized that we are free to revise or replace our constructs with alternavtives needed. This is known as: A. skepticism
B. constructive alternativism
C. scientology
D. Replicative contructivism
This is a therapy where the client acts out a predetermined role for few weeks to change their outlook in life. A. psychotherapy
B. Cognitive-behavioral therapy
C. fixed-role therapy
D. person-centered therapy
Which situation best illustrates Kelly's individuality corollary?
A. Kevin likes Miss Dawson, his first grade teacher, but Ramone dislikes her.
B. Ramona notices that dogs come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors.
C. Kevin observes that plants growing above grounds are usually some shade of green.
D. None of the above
According to Kelly, which of the following characterize psychological problems?
A. past traumatic experiences
B. unloving parents
C. faulty construct system
D. using irrational logic to explain events
According to Kelly, anxiety result when? A. People perceive that the stability of their basic constructs is likely to be shaken
B. people can’t predict future events, and cannot adapt well to new situations
C. people experience specific and incidental change in core structures
D. people behave in ways that are inconsistent with their sense of who they are. ANSWER: B
Mercy’s early experiences with dogs made her fear canines. When she was 13 yrs old, a neighbors’ dog bites her which made her suffer from injectable vaccines for almost a month. Whenever she sees dogs she anticipates that it will bite her. Mercy and her Jenny share the same anticipation regarding dogs. What corollary is portrayed? A. commonality
B. choice
C. organization
D. sociality
Conveniently meeting your childhood best friend after not seeing each other for almost 15 years is an example of?
A. Chance encounter
B. Accident
C. Social Persuasion
D. fortitious event
In modeling, Bandura claims people are most likely to attend to: A. children
B. attractive models
C. people of lower social status
D. all of these are correct
You were caught by your teacher vandalizing the walls of the bathroom, you reasoned your way out by pointing out that some of your classmates even broke the window and buckets. This illustrates Bandura's disengagement technique of:
A. distort consequences of behavior
B. palliative comparison
C. victim blaming
D. diffusing responsibility
In Bandura's view, self-efficacy is most likely to be increased when. A. failure strengthens one's determination to succeed on future projects.
B. one successfully performs a difficult task
C. one's best efforts fall a little short of success
D. one observes others failing at a task. ANSWER: B
Carlos has great confidence in himself as a hairdresser. However, the economy in his city has recently turned downward, and few people can afford a hairdresser. When Carlos applies for a job at Mr. Dan's Hair salon, he will likely have __ self-efficacy and __ outcome expectation. A. high; high
B. high; low
C. low; high
D. low; low
Bandura's triadic reciprocal causation assumes that personal conduct is a function of:
A. the environment
B. the person
C. behavior
D. none of these
Like most people, Madison relies on other people such as the police, the fire department, and mechanics to exercise indirect control over her life. Bandura calss this situation as __.
A. collective efficacy
B. external reliance
C. personal efficacy
D.proxy agency
The main person factor that Bandura discussed was __ characterized by the belief that your ability to perform a certain task or function.
A. self-actualization
B. self-efficacy
C. self-esteem
D. self-concept
He became interested in studying the effects of television violence on aggression in children that led him to one his famous Bo-bo doll experiment. A. BF Skinner
B. Albert Bandura
C. Erik Erikson
D. george kelly
Which is the correct flow of process in observational learning?
A. attention, reproduction, retention, motivation
B. motivation, attention, retention, reporoduction
C. attention, motivtion, retention, reproduction
D. attention, retention, reproduction, motivation
Which of the following is the ultimate goal of Bandura’s social-cognitive therapy?
A. self-realization
B. self-regulation
C. self-congruency
D. self-actualization
This type of learning occurs when a person learns through direct experience. Bandura called this _.
A. Self-efficacy
B. Collective efficacy
C. observational Learning
D. Enactive learning
Which of the following is not a core feature of human agency?
A. intentionality
B. forethought
C. Self-reflectiveness
D. autonomous directive
Theorist who disagreed with the concept of free will
A. BF Skinner
B. Albert Bandura
C. Abraham Maslow
D. George Kelly
Behaviorism's name stems from the central belief that:
A. studying the mind is useful only as a way of explaining behavior
B. studying behavior is the only way to unlock the screts of the mind
C. behavior is psychology's only proper object of study because it alone is observable
D. behavior can be understood only in its pure state, isolated from environmental influences.
__ is the tendecy of a previously acquired response to become progressively weakened upon reinfocement.
A. extinction
B. punishment
C. escape
D. passive resistance
The approach to personality that has most emphasized the situational specificity of personality varianles is"
A.post-Freudian psychodynamic theory
B. trait Theory
C. social learning theory
D. humanistic theory