Uploaded by Callum Howland

Virtual Reality: History, Applications, and Future Innovations

Virtual reality
By Callum Howland year 7 teacher Mr Ison
Virtual reality
Table of contents
 Introduction……………………………………2
 History……………………………………………3
 Case study.........................................4
 Future innovations............................5
VR this big thing that came out as new as it seems the idea
goes back to the renaissance era
When people when we're thinking about making false reality
Come to present day where we have bone works and finally
haptic feedback is coming
VR started to become popular in 2010s with the oculus rift in
2010 by Palmer Luckey it was a prototype built on the shell of
another virtual reality headset it could only track rotational
movement but it had 90-degree field of vision that was never
seen before by the consumer market
Although the lens had distortion issues from when the lens
used to make field of vision were corrected by software
written by john Carmack for a version of doom 3
In 2012 the (oculus) rift was presented at E3 and in 2014
FACEBOOK purchased the Oculus VR for (what thought 2
billion dollars) 3 billion dollars
This purchase occurred after the first development kits
ordered through Oculus 2012 Kickstarter had shipped in 2013
but before the shipping of their second development kits in
Back at 2013 valve discovered and freely shared the
breakthrough of low persistence displays which make lag free
and smear free display of VR content possible
In 2016 cheaper versions of the VR set head mobile came out
from google, Samsung,
And then in 2018 oculus quest the first phoneless wireless no
pc rig headset
And 2020 is coming with haptic feed back
Case study
Well VR today is used in medical military and FUN purposes
but the military used VR first to train soldiers how to do
important stuff without the danger
In the medical industry VR is lifesaving it can look in hard to
look places it can train doctors without killing someone
In the gaming industry VR is getting steam it might be the
new thing
For education this would be great because during these times
of covid-19 you can’t speak face to face in real life but in VR
you don’t need to social distancing and you can get on the VR
class room and do work and write down things its almost
Future innovations
In the future there is going to be more haptic feedback
making virtual reality more real and interactable
And making VR more available
Being able to shop at home learn at home a play at home
Maybe it will shine a new light on the world.