RREACT BUDDY Program Design Element Why did you make this choice? Description/Explanation ● "Elevator Pitch" ● CFD RREACT and RREACT Buddies Alignment ● ● ● ● RREACT buddies is a program available to students who are participants in the AfterSchool All-Star programs. Students identified through ASAS rosters and RREACT data will be eligible to participate in RREACT Buddies with proper consent obtained. RREACT Child & Family Prevention Specialist (FCFCFC) will provide mentorship brain based-trauma informed training and strategies to RREACT team members and ASAS staff members. Including scripted questions that will provide benchmark and follow up data to help evaluate the RREACT Buddies program. Program Operational Logistics : Program Manager A goal of the RREACT Buddy program is not only to mentor the children but also to involve the whole family unit for resilient sustainable outcomes. Data will be reviewed with outcome goals established by the RREACT/After- School All -Stars Buddy Program Manager, CFD RREACT Supervisor, and ASAS Executive Director. ● RREACT and RREACT Buddy Alignment: The opioid crisis became the “epidemic within the pandemic”. Children and families impacted by the opioid epidemic experienced a disruption in available services and access to vital resources and connections which had kept some of our most vulnerable residents connected to their safety nets. Leveraging the established relationship between After-School All- Stars and RREACT, this partnership was expanded to create “RREACT Buddies”. 1 ● Increase capacity of First Responders and After School All Stars to integrate trauma responsive strategies into their interactions with youth and community at large. Increase community utilization and awareness of services available through RREACT. Increase youth knowledge of career opportunities in public safety. Build Resiliency ● Increase the level of trust between youth and first responders in their community so that they will access available services and consider career opportunities in public safety. ● ● RREACT Benchmark Tool Afterschool All Stars: Devereux Student Strengths Assessment (Dessa-40) ● Evaluate effectiveness of the program. ● ● ● ● ● Columbus Fire Department- RREACT After-School All-Stars Columbus City Schools City of Columbus KIPP Columbus Academy ● All partners listed have a vested interest in the reduction of substance use disorders in Central Ohio. Desired Impact ● ● ● Measurement/ metrics Collaborative Partnerships Beneficiaries ● ● ● ● Youth and families of Central Ohio City of Columbus First Responders After-School All-Stars City of Columbus Fire Department ● These people are going to benefit because of the ongoing services that have been initiated. 2 PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS ● ● Neuro-sequential Model Strategic Prevention Framework ● Approaches ● Brain Based Trauma Informed Education Guided principles that offer a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing the substance misuse and behavioral health problems facing states and communities. All participants will receive virtual and/or in person training, on resilience competency, trauma-responsiveness and cultural humility for equity. Participants will receive specific information about historical trauma and education, adverse institutional and childhood experiences, brain architecture, the stress response, self and co-regulation, building resilience, and cultural humility to build relationships and community. ● The content covered in the training is foundational to the program. The topics were chosen to increase the capacity of first responders and community stakeholders. Remove barriers and create the cultural competency that will improve community connections for residents in central Ohio. ● Coaching and technical assistance will be provided to RREACT Buddies and AfterSchool All-Stars staff at least monthly for the school year. ● To build relationships and cultivate sustainability. ● ● Increase trust towards first responders. Enhanced careers exploration of Public Safety. Stipend for First Responders Content ● Cadence Incentives ● ● 3