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AGCM Publicity Report: Enhancing Member Engagement

Conception of Vision
Delivering results-oriented publicity and outreach activities that enhance our members’ awareness,
improve their responsiveness and foster their growth.
Directions/ instructions/ strategies
Early provision and circulation of program flyers
Frequent updates on upcoming programs
Bringing out some flyers to promote socialization among members
Actively managing all social media handles of AGCM UENR
In depth expose on the vision (intro, body, conclusion)
The publicity team is tasked to covey verified information to member and also to raise the image of
the denomination through good publicity, thus engaging members in activities as well as fostering
good socialization. The above listed, can be achieved through;
Firstly, early provision and circulation of program flyers. Aside announcements made at services, one
major media through which members, both present and absent from services get informed about
programs is through the circulation of flyers on the various AGCM pages. When this is frequently and
efficiently, for instance: daily reminders and 30 mins interval reminders on various AGCM pages. This
will make members well informed so as to be present and punctual at gatherings.
Furthermore, bringing out some flyers to promote socialization among members. This can be
achieved by initiating initiatives like; Know Executive flyer, personality of the week flyer, birthday
wishing flyer and many other which will contain details of said person to serve a collective purpose
of promoting socialization.
To add up, actively managing all social media handles. For a while now, the various social media
account of AGCM thus; Instagram and Facebook have remained dormant. Changing this by actively
updating these accounts will make both members and non-members see what goes on in the
ministry, and also, since these are usually the place where most AGCM freshers go to check out
ministry before settling in school, proper management will draw more members.
In conclusion, the above stated methods will work collectively to achieve the stated vision for the
good of the member, the church and to the Glory of God.
Year expectations
After a year, our expectation is to record very high numbers at gatherings and also to foster very
good socialization among members.