Literary Devices 1. To be able to recognise these linguistic devices when reading texts and be able to refer to them in your answers 2. To be able to use these devices to enhance your own writing A Correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. B This is where the first letter of a word is repeated in Alliteration words that follow. For example, the cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice. C This is exaggerating for a purpose – it is not meant to be taken literally. For example, we gorged on the banquet of beans on toast. A This is a conversation between two or more people B This is a word that sounds like the noise it is Dialogue describing. For example, splash, bang, pop, hiss. C This is where words or ideas are used humorously or sarcastically, to imply the opposite of what they mean. A This is where a word or phrase is repeated to achieve a particular effect. Hyperbole B This is exaggerating for a purpose – it is not meant to be taken literally. For example, we gorged on the banquet of beans on toast. C This is a conversation between two or more people A Correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. B This is where the first letter of a word is repeated in Imagery words that follow. For example, the cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice. C This is where strong pictures or ideas are created in the mind of the reader. Similes, metaphors and personification can all be used to achieve this - they all compare something 'real' with something 'imagined'. A This is a word that sounds like the noise it is describing. For example, splash, bang, pop, hiss. B The creation of mood in a text, such as sadness, Onomatopoeia gloom, celebration, joy, anxiety, dissatisfaction, regret or anger. C This is where a word or phrase is repeated to achieve a particular effect. A This is where a phrase establishes similarity between two things. Similes usually involve the words 'like' or 'as'- he is as quick as an arrow in flight, as white as snow, like a burning star. Repetition B Can be in speech form, delivered in front of other characters and having great thematic importance, or as a soliloquy where we see the character laying bare their soul and thinking aloud. C This is where a word or phrase is repeated to achieve a particular effect. A This is where strong pictures or ideas are created in the mind of the reader. Similes, metaphors and personification can all be used to achieve this - they all compare something 'real' with something 'imagined'. B This is where a phrase establishes similarity between Simile two things. Similes usually involve the words 'like' or 'as'- he is as quick as an arrow in flight, as white as snow, like a burning star. C Correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. A Correspondence of sound between words or the endings of words, especially when these are used at the ends of lines of poetry. B The creation of mood in a text, such as sadness, Rhyme gloom, celebration, joy, anxiety, dissatisfaction, regret or anger. C This is where the first letter of a word is repeated in words that follow. For example, the cold, crisp, crust of clean, clear ice. A Repetition of the ‘s’ sound. B This is where two words normally not associated are Oxymoron brought together. For example, cold heat, bitter sweet. C This is language that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow. A This is language used in speech with an informal meaning. For example, chill, out of this world, take a rain check Metaphor B This is a version of a language spoken by people in a particular geographical area. C This is where a word or phrase is used to imply figurative resemblance, not a literal or 'actual' one. For example, he flew into the room. A This is language that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow. B This can also be referred to as word choice or Personification register. It refers to an author's choice of language. Authors may use words commonly associated with a certain subject, experience or state of mind. C This is where a human quality is attributed to a thing or idea. For example, the moon calls me to her darkened world. A This is discordant combinations of sounds. For example, the clash, spew and slow pang of grinding waves against the quay. B Can be in speech form, delivered in front of other Monologue characters and having great thematic importance, or as a soliloquy where we see the character laying bare their soul and thinking aloud. C Objects, colours, sounds and places may work as symbols e.g., white usually symbolises innocence and purity A The creation of mood in a text, such as sadness, gloom, celebration, joy, anxiety, dissatisfaction, regret or anger. Tone B This is where strong pictures or ideas are created in the mind of the reader. Similes, metaphors and personification can all be used to achieve this - they all compare something 'real' with something 'imagined'. C This is a conversation between two or more people A This is where words or ideas are used humorously or sarcastically, to imply the opposite of what they mean. B This is where two words normally not associated are brought together. For example, cold heat, bitter sweet. Irony C A metaphor that is developed in great detail. The amount of detail can vary from that of a sentence or a paragraph, to encompassing an entire work. Takes a single metaphor and employs it at length, using various subjects, images, ideas and situations. A This is discordant combinations of sounds. For example, the clash, spew and slow pang of grinding waves against the quay. Pathos B Repetition of the ‘s’ sound. C This is language that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow. A This is a version of a language spoken by people in a particular geographical area. B Repetition of the ‘s’ sound. Sibilance C This can also be referred to as word choice or register. It refers to an author's choice of language. Authors may use words commonly associated with a certain subject, experience or state of mind. A This can also be referred to as word choice or register. It refers to an author's choice of language. Authors may use words commonly associated with a certain subject, experience or state of mind. Diction B This is language used in speech with an informal meaning. For example, chill, out of this world, take a rain check C This is where a word or phrase is used to imply figurative resemblance, not a literal or 'actual' one. For example, he flew into the room. A Objects, colours, sounds and places may work as symbols e.g., white usually symbolises innocence and purity B This is a version of a language spoken by people in a Symbolism particular geographical area. C This is where the same vowel sound is repeated but the consonants are different. For example, he passed her a sharp, dark glance, she shot a cool, foolish look across the room. A This is where a human quality is attributed to a thing or idea. For example, the moon calls me to her darkened world. Dialect B This is a version of a language spoken by people in a particular geographical area. C Objects, colours, sounds and places may work as symbols e.g., white usually symbolises innocence and purity A This is where two words normally not associated are brought together. For example, cold heat, bitter sweet. Colloquial Language B This is language that evokes feelings of pity or sorrow. C This is language used in speech with an informal meaning. For example, chill, out of this world, take a rain check A This is discordant combinations of sounds. For example, the clash, spew and slow pang of grinding waves against the quay. B A metaphor that is developed in great detail. The Extended Metaphor amount of detail can vary from that of a sentence or a paragraph, to encompassing an entire work. Takes a single metaphor and employs it at length, using various subjects, images, ideas and situations. C This can also be referred to as word choice or register. It refers to an author's choice of language. Authors may use words commonly associated with a certain subject, experience or state of mind.