P&D2: Matériels didactiques N. PÉREZ 2010 ATELIER: Phase d’analyse et d’élaboration des objectifs ÉQUIPE CRÉATIVE Sofía Gutiérrez Katherin Funeme Alejandra Gil Tania Araque ANALYSE : Phase descriptive et argumentative pour la création du matériel I. IDENTITÉ Langue : ______Anglais_________ Niveau : _______B1__________ Possible sujet : Le corp humaine. Public cible (décrivez-le) : Ce matériel didactique sera utilisé pour les étudiants d’anglais de niveau pré-intermédiaire de la Carrière des langues modernes dont l’âge moyen est entre 17 à 21 ans. II. BESOINS OU PROBLÉMATIQUES Est-ce que le public cible aurait vraiment besoin de ce matériel ? Pourquoi ? Discutez les 5 arguments existants pour comprendre les besoins et/ou les problématiques que vous identifiez et qui méritent d’être considérés pour la création d’un nouveau matériel. # Besoin Problématique Argument Les étudiants ont besoin d’apprendre le vocabulaire à propos du 1 corps. X Puisque les étudiants n’ont pas assez de vocabulaire, ils ont un 2 lexique plus basique. X 3 Les élèves ont du mal à conjuguer les verbes au participe passé X X 4 X X Les étudiants n’e savent pas quand utiliser ce temps. III. OBJECTIFS PÉDAGOGIQUES Rédigez au moins 3 objectifs pédagogiques selon les catégories suivantes : Objectif(s) de Compétence Renforcer la structure grammaticale des temps à travers du nouveau vocabulaire concernant le corps. Objectif(s) de Capacité Objectif(s) de Performance Connaitre et comprendre le vocabulaire sur la corp humaine afin d’utiliser le présent parfait. Appliquer le vocabulaire en structurant de phrases Utiliser les temps grammaticaux et le vocabulaire en la construction des phrases pour l’intégrer à la vie quotidienne. IV. INVENTAIRE - DEVIS Listez les supports pédagogiques que le public cible utilise souvent (à gauche), les matériels déjà existants qui pourraient être (très) similaires à votre projet de création (au milieu) et les ressources dont vous disposez pour la création de votre matériel (à droite). Complétez le tableau d’inventaire avec 3 exemples de chaque catégorie (minimum). Supports quotidiens Matériels semblables Ressources disponibles New language leader Jeu des serpents et des échelles. Matériaux recyclables Plateformes virtuelles comme linguee et wordreference. Loterie Cartes colorées et mousseux. Dictionnaire de Cambridge Devine qui Marqueurs V. ATTENTES & CONTRAINTES Expliquez quelles sont vos attentes avec le design et le développement de votre matériel et quelles sont les possibles contraintes qu’il faudrait prendre en considération pour aboutir à la phase suivante. Rédigez un seul paragraphe logique, organisé et cohérent. La conception de ce matériel nous permettra de mettre en pratique nos connaissances liées à la méthodologie et à la planification, augmentant notre expérience comme concepteurs. Etant donné les lacunes lexicales concernant le vocabulaire de la santé et le corps humain, nous espérons approfondit cet aspect avec ce matériel. Parce que le jeu se concentre non seulement sur le vocabulaire mais aussi sur le présent parfait son utilisation pourrait être étendue et non limitée à une seule session. Signatures de l’Équipe Créative : Date : ________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ _____________________________ _______________________________ P&D2: Matériels didactiques N. PÉREZ 2010 Phase de création ÉQUIPE CRÉATIVE Sofía Gutiérrez, Alejandra Gil, Tania Araque, Katherin Funeme Fiche descriptive du matériel créé IDENTITÉ I. Titre ou Nom du matériel : BODY SCAN Langue : Anglais Niveau : B1 Sujet /Thématique abordée : Le corps humain et la santé Public cible (décrivez-le) : Ce matériel didactique sera utilisé pour les étudiants d’anglais de niveau pré-intermédiaire de la carrière de langues modernes dont l’âge moyen est entre 17 à 21 ans. II. OBJECTIFS PÉDAGOGIQUES Rédigez au moins 1 objectif pédagogique dans chaque catégorie : Objectif(s) de Compétence Objectif(s) de Capacité -Renforcer la structure grammaticale des temps à travers du nouveau vocabulaire concernant le corps et la santé. -Connaitre et comprendre le vocabulaire sur la corp humaine et la santé afin d’utiliser le présent parfait. -Appliquer le vocabulaire en structurant de phrases -Utiliser les temps grammaticaux et le vocabulaire en la construction des phrases Objectif(s) de Performance pour l’intégrer à la vie quotidienne. COMPOSANTES DU MATÉRIEL III. Décrivez les composantes de votre matériel ou de tout votre « Kit ». Ajoutez des photos, le lien au PDF du matériel ou le lien à une petite vidéo explicative (youtube?). Imaginez que vous présentez vos avancements à une personne qui ne connaît pas du tout votre matériel (prof. Leonardo Varela, par exemple). Soyez précis et employez des illustrations pour explique le fonctionnement de votre matériel ! Ce kit sera composé de deux plateaux avec un total de 40 boîtes illustrant les différentes catégories de jeux, le chemin à parcourir et quelques autres modalités qui seront expliquées ci-dessous : CHARADES- En agissant ou en utilisant des mots apparentés, le joueur doit faire deviner à son camarade le concept qui lui correspond. Le temps sera limité par un sablier. GUESS THE WORD- En lisant une définition donnée par le jeu, le joueur devra découvrir quel est le concept proposé. PLACE THE ORGANS- L'étudiant se voit attribuer le nom d'une partie du corps à placer sur un gabarit du corps humain à l'aide d'un petit morceau de pâte à modeler. TRUE/FALSE- Le joueur doit dire si l’affirmation assignée est vraie ou fausse. Si elle est fausse, il faut justifier pourquoi. ORGANIZE THE SENTENCES- Le joueur recevra une phrase en désordre à mettre dans le bon ordre. Le temps sera limité par un sablier. CREATE A SENTENCE- L'élève recevra un concept pour créer une phrase avec-il. Il faut qu’il utilise le présent parfait. MEANING OF THE IDIOM- Le joueur recevra une expression idiomatique à expliquer. Il doit démontrer sa compréhension de cela au moyen d’un exemple ou d’une définition claire. CORRECT THE SENTENCE - L'élève recevra une phrase incorrecte (temps de verbe, accord entre verbe et sujet, mauvaise conjugaison) afin qu'il puisse le corriger. DRAW THE CONCEPT - L'étudiant devra dessiner le concept qui lui correspondra et son camarade devra deviner de quoi il s'agit. Le temps sera limité par un sablier. Pour cette activité, le joueur utilisera le tableau de ‘Pictionary’. VIRUS- Pour que le joueur applique ce qu'il a appris, il aura 3 minutes pour créer une histoire ou une bande dessinée dans laquelle il utilise les concepts trouvés sur les cartes qu'il a gagnées. ANTIVIRUS- Un joker qui permet au joueur de prendre la carte qu'il souhaite du tableau. DÉ- Cela indiquera au joueur combien de boîtes il doit avancer JETONS- illustrent le chemin que chaque joueur prend sur le plateau. SABLIER- Utilisé pour chronométrer différentes activités PLANCHE À DESSIN- Outil qui permet au joueur d'illustrer un concept et de l’enseigner à ses camarades ROULETTE- pièce qui permet au joueur de savoir quel numéro de question doit être répondue ou quel défi doit être relevé PÂTE À MODELER- outil qui sera utilisé pour illustrer dans quelle partie du corps le concept correspondant est trouvé MODÈLE DU CORPS HUMAIN - figure sur laquelle le joueur localisera les parties du corps avec plastiline Pour s'assurer que les réponses sont correctes, les joueurs pourront utiliser la mini-encyclopédie où ils trouveront des pilules de vocabulaire, des explications grammaticales et les corrections de certains exercices. HOW TO PLAY 1. Students must make groups of 4 people and form couples. 2. Once the groups are conformed, we will give them two game boards per each group and pawns and a die. 3.One of the members of a couple must roll the die and then move the roulete according to the number that appears on it. 4.When the game pieces are in the box, the player will have to visualize the color to identify the category of the activity. The catergories are guess the word, draw the concept, true or false, place the organs, charades, organize the sentences, create a sentence, meaning of the Idiom and correct the sentence. Then, the player must use the roulette and according to the number, the question must be answered. 5. Next, they should read the question and answer correctly. If the answer is correct, the person will win a card that contains a part of the body with the organs and will have to continue. 6. The player must take into account that if he falls into the antivirus box, the person will gain an additional card to complement the body, but if he falls into the virus box, he must create a story. CAUTION : The person should use present perfect all the time. It is necessary to reinforce vocabulary doing a good manage of time. Guess the word (Cabeza) Charades (torso) 1. Chin 1. Hip 2. Taste Buds 2. Waist 3. Jaw 3. Rib 4. Eardrum 4. Elbow Place the organs (Cabeza) True or false 1. Head 1. Back 2. Brain 2. Foot 3. Tongue 3. Lung 4. Nose Draw the concept (Cabeza) Organize the sentences 1. Cheekbones 1. Kidneys 2. Neck 2. Vein 3. Pupil 3. Fingertip Create a sentence Meaning of the idiom 1. Liver 1. Muscle 2. Spine 2. Shoulder 3. Appendix 3. Thigh Antivirus Correct the sentences 1. Larynx 2. Belly 3. Uvula 4. Pancreas 1.Skeleton 2. Bladder 3. Buttocks GAME’S CATEGORIES BOARD #1 CHARADES (TORZO) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Nervous tic Sneeze Vein Job of child bearing Itching Dehydration Throwing up Myopia Fainting Ambulance TRUE/FALSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Palliative care is the medical treatment of a patient with a life-threatening illness. A hypochondriac is a person prone to getting sick easily due to low defenses. A pathology is used to refer to the study of the body organ and its functioning. Having a fever might be beneficial for our health. Having sexual intercourse for the first has no risk of pregnancy. Narcolepsy refers to being addicted to narcotics. A phobia is an anxiety disorder caused by fearing something. Homeopathy is a medicinal practice that embraces a natural approach to treatments. A miscarriage is a process where a pregnant woman decides to abort. Alopecia is a condition that causes hair to fall out in small patches. ORGANIZE THE SENTENCES 1. Discovered/Ignacio Semmelweis/ Backbone/ The/ Been/ By /Has/ Surgical processes/Of/ The/Asepsis. 2. The/cure/Have/Their/Coronavirus/Has/Done/Discovered/Although/Best/Scientists/Yet/Bee n/Not. 3. Deaths/AIDS/Although/Has/Decreased/The(x2)/Contagions//Number(x2)/Of(x2)/Due to/Has/At all/ Changed/ Not. 4. She/For/Has/Years/Studied/Four/Nursing. 5. Young/ Increased/The/Years/People/With/Has/Population/Of//Obesity/The/Over. 6. A/Been/With/Inspiration/Helen Keller/Great/Disabilities/Has/Many/For/People. 7. Been/Key/Poor/Identified/And/Factor/Hygiene/Of/Has/As/Development/A/In/Diseases/The /Infections. 8. Ignorance/In/Mental/Been/Perpetuated/Different/Illnesses/Mental/Unfortunately/Concernin g/Has/Nations. 9. Been/Acupuncture/Most/The/Has/One/Alternative/Been/Used/In/Treatments/Of/Medicine. 10. Cause/Falling/Of/People/In/The(x2)/Nervous/Is/System/People/Love. GUESS THE WORD CLUES ● Organ located in the middle of the face. It is formed by cartilage and bones, and covered by mucous membranes. ● Using cotton swabs in the ear affects a specific area inside the ear that is known as a membrane. ● Men usually grow hair in that area of the face, it is also where the jowl is formed. ● Men usually grow hair in that area of the face, it is also where the jowl is formed. ● This part describes the two joins near the front of your ears. ● Produces insulin. ● Part of the human body found between the hip and the knee ● Upper part of the trachea that contains the vocal cords CREATE A SENTENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vaccines Allergies Abortion Pills Epidural Health insurance Medical treatments Heart stroke Salt intake Dietary restrictions MEANING OF THE IDIOM 1. Foot in mouth 2. Off the top of my head 3. Head over heels 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Keep an eye on something Learn by heart Let one’s hair down My lips are sealed Makes my blood boil Thick in the head Being all ears CORRECT THE SENTENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sarah is a midwife since 2005. The news confirms that he has broken his leg, ruining as a consequence the entire season. The whole volleyball team be puking due to food poisoning. Wallace has went to chemotherapies for 6 years. That doctor treats all the members of my family for years. My uncle and his wife has a doctor appointment tonight. He is vaccinated since he was a baby. For decades, HIV were considered one of the most deadly and terrifying illnesses in the world. 9. People with Congenital insensitivity to pain is at great risk of death. 10. Have you ever hear of painkillers being considered drugs? DRAW THE CONCEPT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Chickenpox Fever Jaw Eyeball Mumps Having a cold Pregnancy Having lices Shivers Sore throat PLACE THE CONCEPT ON THE BODY We will give pieces of plasticine, and students will have to place it in the body according to the location that will represent a specific color. 1. Taste buds 6. Skull 2. Eardrum 7. Fangs 3. Liver 8. Eyelids 4. Cheekbones 9. Armpits 5. Wrist 10. Womb In the following charts, we can find the questions for each category already mentioned for board #1 CHARADES (TORZO) 1 CRAMPS 2. SNEEZE 3. VEIN 4. JOB OF CHILD BEARING 5. ITCHING 6. DEHYDRATION 7. THROWING UP 8. MYOPIA 9. FAINING 10. AMBULANCE True or false 1. Palliative care is the medical treatment of a patient with a lifethreatening illness. 2. A hypochondriac is a person prone to getting sick easily due to low defenses. 3. A pathology is used to refer to the study of the body organs and their functioning. 4. Having a fever might be beneficial for our health. 5. Having sexual intercourse for the first time has no risk of pregnancy. 6. Narcolepsy refers to being addicted to narcotics. 7. A phobia is an anxiety disorder caused by fearing something. 8. Homeopathy is a medicinal practice that embraces a natural approach to treatments. 9. A miscarriage is a process where a pregnant woman decides to abort. 10. Alopecia is a condition that causes hair to fall out in small patches. ORGANIZE THE SENTENCES 1. Discovered/Igna cio Semmelweis/ Backbone/ The/ Been/ By /Has/ Surgical processes/Of/ The/Asepsis. 6. A/Been/With/ Inspiration/Helen Keller/Great/ Disabilities/Has/ Many/For/People. 2.The/cure/Have/ Their/Coronavirus/ Has/Done/Discover ed/ Although/Best/ Scientists/Yet/ Been/Not. 7. Been/Key/Poor/ Identified/And/ Factor/Hygiene/ Of/Has/As/ Development/A/ In /Diseases/The/ Infections. 3. Deaths/AIDS/ Although/Has/ Decreased/The(x2)/ Contagions//Number(x 2)/ Of(x2)/Due to/Has/At all/ Changed/ Not. 4. She/For/Has/ Years/Studied/ Four/Nursing. 5. Young/ Increased/ The/Years/ People/With/ Has/Population / Of//Obesity/Th e/Over. 8. Ignorance/In/Ment al/ Been/Perpetuated/ Different/ Illnesses/ Mental/Unfortuna tely /Concerning/ Has/Nations. 9--Been/ Acupuncture/ Most/The/ Has/ One/ Alternative/ Been/Used/ In/Treatments/ Of/ Medicine. 10-Cause/Falling/ Of/People/In/ The(x2)/Nervo us/ Is/System/ People/Love. GUESS THE WORD CLUES 1.Organ located in the middle of the face. It is formed by cartilage and bones and covered by mucous membranes. 6. Produces insulin. 2. Using cotton swabs in the ear affects a specific area inside the ear that is known as a membrane. 3. Men usually grow hair in that area of the face, it is also where the Jowl is formed. 7. Part of the human body found between the hip and the knee 8.Upper part of the trachea that contains the vocal cords 4. Men usually grow hair in that area of the face, it is also where the jowl is formed. 5. This part describes the two joins near the front of your ears. CREATE A SENTENCE 1. Vaccines 2. Allergies 3. Abortion 6. Health Insurance 7. Medical treatments 8. Heart stroke MEANING OF THE IDIOM 4. Pills 5. Epidural 9. Salt intake 10. Dietary restrictions 1. Foot in 2. Off the top of my mouth head 6. Let one’s hair 7. My lips are down sealed 3. Head over heels 8. Makes my blood boil 4. Keep an eye 5. Learn by on something heart 9. Thick in the 10. Being head all ears CORRECT THE SENTENCES 1. Sarah is a midwife since 2005. 6. My uncle and his wife has a doctor appointment tonight. 2. The news confirms that he has broken his leg, ruining as a consequence the entire season. 3.. The whole volleyball team be puking due to food poisoning. 7. He is vaccinated since he was a baby. 8. For decades, HIV were considered one of the most deadly and terrifying illnesses in the world. DRAW THE CONCEPT 4. Wallace has went to chemotherapies for 6 years. 5. That doctor treats all the members of my family for years. 9.. People with Congenital insensitivity to pain is at great risk of death. 10. Have you ever hear of painkillers being considered drugs? 1. CHICKENPOX 6.. HAVING A COLD 2.. FEVER 7.. PREGNANCY 3. JAW 8.. HAVING LICE 4. EYEBALL 9.. SHIVERS 5. MUMPS 10. SORE THROAT PLACE THE CONCEPT ON THE BODY 1. TASTE BUDS 2. EARDRUM 3. LIVER 4. CHEEKBONES 5. WRIST 6. SKULL 7. FANGS 8. EYELIDS 9. ARMPITS 10. WOMB BOARD #2 CHARADES (TORZO) 1. Surgery\Operation 2. Pass out 3. Vertebra 4. Stretcher 5. Surgical gloves 6. Medicine 7. Needle 8. Scalp 9. Hair follicle 10. Forearm TRUE/FALSE 1. Cancer is produced when cells start multiplying uncontrollably and they start becoming carcinogenic. 2. Hiccups are caused because you do not have diaphragm. 3. Having genetic heterochromia is a problem because people would become blind. 4. When a woman asks for an assisted abortion, she will not have potential fertility problems. 5. Viruses replicate an infection only if they are into cells of an organism. 6. Flu can be counteracted when people go outside without covering their mouth or chest. 7. An anti-inflammatory works for stop or reduce infections. 8. Masks are used only if there is an infected patient. 9. Mucus are secretions in ears that protect against foreign bacteria. 10. Cartilage is a tissue located only in ears. GUESS THE WORD CLUES People usually lie on a _______ when a doctor examines them. They are mucous substances that appear on the respiratory system when a person is constipated. Type of cancer that affects bone marrow and blood because of excessive proliferation of white blood cells or leukocytes. Illness caused by a sting, its symptoms are fever, shiver, body aches, convulsions, chills, bloody stools and mental confusion. It is a small duct used to insert or introduce or insert a fluid into human body. Chemical substance that produces temporary absence of sensitivity in surgery. It is a bacterial infection of the small intestine that causes a large amount of watery diarrhea. This part of the body helps to control the amount of light entering to the eyes, through the pupils, facilitating the focus of the objects. Joint between the shoulder blade and the sternum. They are 24 bones that protects the majority of the trunk. CREATE A SENTENCE 1. Pandemic 2. Lab coat 3. Virosis 4. Lab glasses 5. Surgical hammer 6. Bronchi 7. Nape 8. Skin 9. Melanin 10. Sprain MEANING OF THE IDIOM 1. Get a black eye 2. Nothing but skin and bones 3. Out of shape 4. Pale around the gills 5. Rub salt in (someone's) wound 6. Pull through 7. Under the weather 8. Check-up 9. Swallow the bitter pill 10. Under the knife CORRECT THE SENTENCES i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. In 1980 Enrique Aguirre Cabañas discover the cure against human papilloma virus. Loud noises would causes terrible damages in ears. She have got two rings, but she can’t use them because she is allergic to gold. When the women have more than two children at the same, they are called twins. Have you ever checked you oral health? He has create the vaccine against Hepatitis B. My mom was more important cosmetic surgeon. Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. ix. My cousin and my aunt have three postgraduate degrees, each one are related with psychoanalysis. x. One if my best favourite part of my body. DRAW THE CONCEPT 1. Retina 2. Lips 3. Forceps 4. Hair 5. Ears 6. Large intestine 7. Lungs 8. Knees 9. Hands 10. Teeth PLACE THE CONCEPT ON THE BODY 1. Diaphragm 2. Small intestine 3. Heart 4. Jaw 5. Toenails 6. Eye 7. Shinbone\Tibia 8. Elbows 9. Vocal cords 10. Hips In the following charts, we can find the questions for each category already mentioned for board #2 CHARADES (TORZO) 1. SURGERY / OPERATION 6. MEDICINE 2. PASS OUT 3. VERTEBRA 4. STRETCHER 5. SURGICAL GLOVES 7. NEEDLE 8. SCALP 9. HAIR FOLLICLE 10. FOREARM True or false 1. Cancer is produced when cells start multiplying uncontrollably and they start becoming carcinogenic. 12. 6. Flu can be counteracted when people go outside without covering their mouth or chest 2. Hiccups are caused because you do not have diaphragm. 7. An antiinflammatory works for stop or reduce infections. 3. Having genetic heterochromia is a problem because people would become blind 8. Masks are used only is there is an infected patient. 4. When a woman asks for an assisted abortion, she will not have potential fertility problems. 11. 9. Mucus are secretions in ears that protect against foreign bacteria. 5. Viruses replicate an infection only if they are into cells of an organism. 10. Cartilage is a tissue located only in ears. ORGANIZE THE SENTENCES 1) Has/ The/By/1928/ Alexander/ First/Been/ Antibiotic/Fleming/ Discovered/ in. 2) Discovered/against/ group/ the/2009/ swiss/H1N1/ The/ the/ Pharmaceutical/ Has/Cure/in. 6. By/Coutered/Yellow /Carlos Juan/Antidote/Disc overed/The/Finlay/T o/Fever/Was. 7. Tuberculosis/Calme tte/The/Discovered /Against/Albert/Cur e. 3) Rabies/Antidote/Fo unded/Chemist/Pas teur/1885/The/Agai nst/Was/By/The/Lo uis/1885. 4. To/Great/Jonas/ Salk/Remedy/Poly omyelitis/With/M edicine,/Contrib utions/The/Again st/Edward/Disco vered. 5. Manuel/Cure/Afte r/Patarroyo/The/M alaria/6/Developed/ Years/Against/Inve stigations,/Of/Doc tor/Elkin. 8) Jacinto Convit/Leprosy/197 3/Venezuelan/Devel oped/In/Treatment/ The/The/García/Ag ainst. 9) James Watson/The/Heli x/And/Francis Crick/Model/Do uble/Produced/D NA 10) Xrays/1895/The/Disc overed/Wilhelm Conrad Röntge/In. 4. Illness caused by a sting, its symptoms are fever, shiver, body aches, convulsions, chills, bloody stools and mental confusion. 5. It is a small duct used to insert or introduce or insert a fluid into human body. 9. Joint between the shoulder blade and the sternum. 10. They are 24 bones that protects most of the trunk. GUESS THE WORD CLUES 1. People usually lie on a _______ when a doctor examines them. 6. Chemical substance that produces temporary absence of sensitivity in surgery. 2. They are mucous substances that appear on the respiratory system when a person is constipated. 7. It is a bacterial infection of the small intestine that causes a large amount of watery diarrhea. 3. Type of cancer that affects bone marrow and blood because of excessive proliferation of white blood cells or leukocytes. 8. This part of the body helps to control the amount of light entering to the eyes, through the pupils, facilitating the focus of the objects. CREATE A SENTENCE 1. PANDEMIC 6. BRONCHI 5. SURGICAL HAMMER 2. LAB COAT 3. VIROSIS 4. LAB GLASSES 7. NAPE 8. SKIN 9. MELANIN 10. SPRAIN 4) PALE 5) RUB SALT IN AREOUND THE (SOMEONE’S) GILLS WOUND MEANING OF THE IDIOM 1) GET A BLACK EYE 6) PULL THROUGH 2) NOTHING BUT SKIN AND BONES 7) UNDER THE WEATHER 3) OUT OF SHAPE 9) SHALLOW 8) CHECK-UP THE BITTER PILL 10) UNDER THE KNIFE CORRECT THE SENTENCES 1 In 1980 Enrique Aguirre Cabañas discover the cure against human papilloma virus. 6. He have create the vaccine against Hepatitis B. 2. Loud noises would causes terrible damages in ears. 7. My mom was more important cosmetic surgeon 3. She have got two rings, but she can’t use them because she is allergic to gold. 8. Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. 4. When women have more than two children at the same, they are called twins. 5. Have you ever checked you oral health? 9. My cousin and my aunt has three postgraduate degrees, each one is related with psychoanalysis. 10. One if my best favourite part of my body. 4. HAIR 5. EARS DRAW THE CONCEPT 1. RETINA 6. LARGE INTESTINE 2. LIPS 7. LUNGS 3. FORCEPS 8. KNEES 9. HANDS 10. TEETH PLACE THE CONCEPT ON THE BODY A. DIAPHGRAM F. EYE B. SMALL INTESTINE G. SHINBONE / TIBIA C. HEART D. JAW E. TOENAILS H. ELBOWS I. VOCAL CORDS J. HIPS