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Dentistry Exam Prep: Questions & Answers

Angina/MI how to differentiate =onset
Increase caries= root
Differentiate root caries= soft
Recent studies prove periodontal disease related with=oral cancer
Lingual inclination of lower buccal with buccal inclination of upper lingual when?=non-working
When we split procedures make it multiple is this unbundling?
when the insurance decide to pay for crown not for endo is this bundling
Positive Nikoliski sign but there was no pemphigus or pemphigoid...all weird options i picked
hyper sensitivity reaction
Pt on anticoagulants with no more details...u want to do simple implant an ok INR would be
Pt is alcoholic and u want do surgery. What to check? Cbc..pt time. Something likes fat. Or
glucose level
Diabetic in day of procedure. Liquids with half dose of insulin?
Best prognosis? 3 walls
Best furcation II? GTR
Healing after perio flap surgery? I picked long junctional epi..othe option was by formation of
new bone, ligaments and ct
Root amputation best prognosis: coranally and the roots are diverge...coronally and the roots
are converge...after my brain got freeze and start not differentiating between diverge and
converge i ended up with converge
Pt came 3 days after ext with 6mm antrum communication....i chosed cose with gold foil stent
...there was flaps
firs 24 hours free gingival graft get from host
attached gingiva thickest in lateral maxilla thins lower first premolar T
most congenital missing was 2premolar lower
Arterial lower most to have 2 canals? i choosed T
Study between two groups’ boys and girls? Chi square
Null hypothis question? Group A not equal to B
New invention drug experiments? Random clinical try
most associated with vital tooth i picked middle palatal cyst
Man molars get space by? i picked apposition of posterior ramous
Surgical guidance for implant for what? I picked to lead for location of implant. Others where to
know the length of the implant
U put palatal splint why? I picked to avoid contamination with fluid...other was to protect bone
and ct from trauma
Tooth gets its color from? Enamel, dentin, cementum? i picked dentin
u make bulk PFM why? bec the opaque dentin layer was thick so u fix the color? i picked this
other was the dentin porcelain layer was thin
minimal accepted crown root ratio 1:1
best crown for posterior...zirconium
phenothiazine =extrapyramidal
Why u prefer zirconium in posterior? long longevity
Anterior cross-bite in child with central only what to do? Refer to ortho or fix it immediately? i
picked immediately
pt with gold inlay come after 3 hours with shooting pain why? galvanic shock or
hyperocclusion....i don’t remember which one i ended up with but i think galvanic
45 yrs with bilateral post cross bite how to fix? i picked surgery
ortho tooth with vertical bone resorption what to expect...i chosed less force...less time
Collimation? i picked to restrict the x-ray beam
What is illegal for dentist? i picked to prescribe schedule 2 for back pain not wine, not sexual
relation not advertise with price
not ADA code ...i picked advertisement
what is not in concent...i picked price
distance when to discuss price with pat i pick 3-6 feets...there was 8-11 feets
pt have pain in one side of face this pain worse when moving his face what is most probably? i
picked unilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis...other was sinus but the said when move the head
not lay down or bent
Can mump be bilateral?
pt come with swelling upper lip happen bec yesterday had treatment why? i pick haemangioma
Tooth with lingual anatomy cause calculus to stick? i pick upper central
Why not to take color while put rubber dam? i pick rubber dam make tooth look lighter
How to diagnose vertical roots fracture? 1-ray 2- visual 3- use the probe and look for pocket...i
pick this as we look for deep drop in the area of fracture
DMF...Filled tooth is with most? White
u broke the ridge what to do? i pick u put lingual bar and make sure its stable
What protection for root caries? Home stannous fluoride or home neutral sodium fluoride? I pot
What fluoride does? I put decrease enamel solubility
How saliva help in reminerlization/demineralization? Options like saliva has calcium, other saliva
has ions, I picked the option says saliva is there 24/7 and it help in demineralization/remineralization
What adhesive do? All options about removing smear layer i put it don’t remove
All improve crown retention except? I put decrease convergence of preparation. Other option
was shoulder All around
Elastic for posterior molar? Put on lingual upper and buccal lower
Upper central intruded 6mm what to do? I put leave it
Sealant close fissures by? I put micromechanical
Sealant....stop caries if there is small in deep fissure or fossae i put true
If animal were feeding through stomach feed what happen? Caries reduce
Type to allergic II reaction? I closed RH blood transfer from mother to baby
In asthma attack? Put pt on upright position
What first thing to do after u gives shock to pt with cardiac arrest? I put check pulse
Pterygomandibular raphe...i pick junction of buccinators and superior constrictor
Ian block only tongue numb no lips? Re do the block
U give 1 carpule of lido to kid and he start being super active and agitated why? I pick
intravenous administration. Others were allergic to lido..allergic to epi
What to make sure to do in pedo anesthesia? I pick aspirate and administer slowly
What make intracranial anesthesia work? Pressure anesthesia
Dentist was nice and professional with pt then after appt he become mad on his assistant for
dropping instruments? I pick dissociation
Dentist ddnt do treatment on pt..didn’t contact him...i put neglecting
Xerostomis dont do..i pick teeth attrition
Refuge pt don’t speak English has severe pain and she believes bad spirits behind this. What is
the most concern of the dentist will be? Language? Consent form from her daughter? Her
believe? Or removing the pain? I picked removing the pain
Refuge pt dont speak English but her daughter does. What best to do? Ask daughter to
translate? Ask office manager to translate? Call healthcare interpreting phone service? I picked
the phone service since they should be professional and know the terminology
What is not obligated by HIPPA? I pick dentist send bi-annual report to DHSS
What annual screening mandated for all healthcare workers? I pit TB test
What bacteria in pocket? I picked spirochetes
What primary disinfectant should do? I picked kill tb
X-ray of head when u see it its typical picture of moon surface with two or three empty circles.
Border is fine? I picked osteoporosis
Osteoradio necrosis pt with pain what to do? Endo and crenectomy
Pt with red bleeding gingiva and with something in the extremities ...no picture just description i
picked acute leukemia. I don’t remember if the age was young but mostly it was young
Less hair? Hypothyroidism
They asked me about the eyes are not in the same direction what is this? No diplopia in options
How to see vertical resporption and diagnose heavy caries for endo ? Options where cbct,
occlusal, pano and mesial shift x ray? I picked mesial shift
What used to diagnose perio bone level? I pick pano…options where bitewing, periodical’s, cbct
Eagle syndrome..pano with calcified stylo
Mixed dentition help dentist to? I pick know the dental age
One big central Mesiodistally with two pulp chambers is an example of? Fusion
Diastema closure is an example of? External something and i put intraoral something (the
something is like splint. Or approached don’t remember the word)
Posterior landmark of upper denture landmark is? I put palatal vault
Most reason to replace anterior composite? I put color change
Major connector? Rigidity and stability
Premolar is moral and under it is a white radiopaque big circle? I pick idiopathic osteosclerosis
Cyst around canine? AOT
Implant platform is? 2-4 apical to adjacent gingival margin tooth ...all other options where apical
97- Implant 3-4 from adjacent cej
98- Cavernous sinus thrombosis? Swelling in canine fossa region
99- 3rd molar disappeared? Take x ray to locate options where open from canine fossa and do the
100MTA stimulate? Calcium
101Neuroparaxia...dint say temporary or motor. Just pick the option say cut in axon but not
in neurostium
102What big nerve effect on nerve order? I said no change other were increase, decrease
103Drug A is more effective than B what means? I pick drug A can cause stronger effect
104Diagram of three drugs asking which one is more effective I just pick the drug with the
hire line in the diagram
105Color stability=TEGDMA
106Pt class three skeletal what decrease with age? ANB
107Impression not for fixed prosthesis=irreversible hydrocolloid
108Effect polymerization=eugenol
109Cleft palate does not cause? Change in teeth shape
110You saw a pt a year ago he was taking nitroglycerine for angina once per week when he
do exercise. Today you saw him with a permanent patch of nitroglycerine that he take daily 3-4
times…what is his ASA I pick 4
111Dry mouth=anticholinergic
112Overhanged filling=wedge
1133 months baby=no Fluoride supplement
114At birth teeth calcification= the only option with permanent first molar said: permanent
first molar and all primary teeth
115Ectodermal displace= oligodoncia
116Agenesis= canine
117Sialosis= sublingual it was wrong it should be submandibular
118How to make tooth looks narrower? I pick to bring the lines together and the embrasure
look shallower
119Least one to get NO2 in the clinic? Patient
120Effect of radiation on the body which molecule? H2O
121Distal rest? To resist vertical force
122Not present in class V=incisal wall
123Tooth was discolored Q what to expect this tooth had before? Trauma
124Serial extraction=CD5
125Tooth painful on hot relieved by cold=irreversible pulpitis
126Longer treatment plan less compliance of patient? Both true
127Periodontal disease due to intrinsic causes. Intrinsic or systemic factors play role in
progress of disease. First false second true
128Picture of probe 7 mm pocket depth +2 recession total=9
129Secondary occlusal trauma
131Chronic pericapical periodontics= sinus tract
132Airspace in pano right side
133Zygomatic bone in pano left side
134One pano with crest in the middle of centrals I put nose curve
135Two upper and lower no horizontal overlap / reduce buccal to avoid cheack bite
136Increase VOD and decrease intercuspal = patient denture has no retention, chewing
while talking
Day 2
1-Kryer elivator...ext lower molars roots
2-Tooth#3 has filling it’s not big normal one, tooth is asymptomatic, pt dont complain, u checked and its
non-vital what to do? No treatment
3-Pt live in Fluoridated area. His teeth are all clean like manikin teeth. The question what preventive
treatment on his lower molar? Options sealant, varnish, composite, no treatment...i pick no tx
4-Pt has 9 teeth upper arch all of them are good. Pt ask to extract them all...what is the least u should do?
Complete denture? I choose this
5-If u did what he asked for what code of ethics u break? Veracity and autonomy
6-The patient asking for full extraction is related (don’t remember the exact word but means is under
which right as the pt think) to which code of ethics? Autonomy and beneficence
7-Pt with poor oral hygiene 100% plaque...has diabetes controlled...asked me what the contraindication
for putting implants is? I picked plaque
8-Pt with missing 14-15...there is opposing...and missing 30 and there is opposing...the question which
improve the occlusion? One option is to put partial 2 units 14-15 and implant 30
9-ADHD pt
Q he start becoming overacting and aggressive during the procedure...talk to his parents privately about
what is wrong...talk to the assistant about this issue...cancel appt..talk to the child directly to know what
bothers him? I picked D
10-What make his gum looks like this? What i saw was red, dry, little bit like hyperplasia...I picked his
11-Does his medication do? Xerostomia
12-Class II Kennedy
13-Fulcrum class II
Pt 16 years with pano he has retained uper right 1st primary molar and 1st-2nd left molars ...no
permanent premolars clinically or in xray..his upper teeth from canine to canine are all scattered in distal
directions and spacing ..diastema...his teeth, gum are healthy
14-when to do frenectomy? I pick before closing the diastema
15-what to ask the pt? Caries history, systemic conditions, family missing teeth history...C
16-what angles classification? The picture shows the canines both sides and both were class III
17- What is the pt profile! I pick strait because. The centrals where in class one relationship with lowers
normal over jet -over bite in cephalometric x ray
It was the upper canines inclined and spaced distally due to missing teeth
18- Why the primary teeth still there? I put ankylosed
19-Don’t remember the question but they want to pick which medication is not good for the pt
Tynolol 3
Acetaminophen +hydrocodone
I picked ibuprofen since i believe all other 3 are related
20-Asthmatic pt become anxious what to do? I put nitros oxide
22-Pt become getting stress and anxiety what preoperative med? 2 gm valium
Other was Prozac (we are not physicians)
23-Pt with 9-8 want the incisal edge to be esthetics... the #9 is perfect the #8 has a very small chip in the
incisal edge like the size of the probe tip..all options where over treatment and include #9 i pick correct #8
with a bur
24- Is lingual artery entering the mandibular canal? Yes
25-Class II furcation? GTR
26-Tooth 2 no opposing tooth was in x ray looks super erupted..q. Does it need re arrangements for
occlusion if we put lower implant? I pick yes
27-Pt need upper denture there is a big elevation not painful pt even didn’t know it’s there what is this? I
pick exostosis
28-What best to diagnose? I pick incisional biopsy
29-U extracts a tooth and under u hyperplastic vascularized ct what is this? Granulated tissue
30-U extract tissue found radicular lesion encircled by epithelial tissue? Cyst
31-Small pink spot under the lower incisor? Parylis, fistula, Fordyce granule fibroma? I pick fibroma
Pt with #8 very slightly prepped facially and no cover. It’s the only tooth has edge to edge with lower
central...2 questions
32-what was the restoration? Veneer
33-why it fails? Occlusion
34- pt move to sit upright and he became dizzy what to do? Give oxygen, give glucose, take vital, sit in
semi-supine position? D
35-why the pt had these symptoms? Prosthetic hypotension
36- Diabetic pt unconscious? Administer glucose
37-line within cervical area of molar? External oblique ridge
38- Treatment sequence for bad perio pt with problems perio – ortho - prostho
39- Treatment sequence for pt with primary retained teeth with spacing and need...Extraction-orthoprostho
40- Deep caries? Remove infected, leave affected if two close
41-Class 5 lower premolar what filling?
42-What is the difficulty? Isolation
43-Pt drink energy drinks 3-5 times a day. While he was walking to clinic he was drinking also? What is
his mouth PH once he sits on your chair? 5.6 - 6.5 - 7.5 - 8? I pick 5.6
44-Who build Dentin Bridge? Calcium hydroxide
45- Ferule effect? Prevent root fracture
46-Tooth 7 with big post
47-Tooth 8 with short post
48-Tooth 8 with surgical retreatment
49-What surgical guide don’t decide?
Number of implants
Location of implants
50-Bridge bulbous
51-Extraction done before the picture show irregular tissue and l...i pick loss of buccal cortical bone
during the previous extract
52-Which tooth need endo retreat? #7
53-Which bridge to cover? All options were for missing teeth except 1
54-Pt on smoke session what not to give? Smokeless tobacco
55-Internal resorption primary
56-What is not count if u decide to extract this primary? Furcation involvement (because tooth has disto
56- Anxiety pt preoperative med? 2 gm valium
57-lithium...For bipolar
58- Lateral tooth picture with mamelons..Question what are these? Normal development
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