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Effective Assignment Writing Guide: Social Studies

Writing assignment #3 is all about exploring, analyzing and defending a
position. You must respond to an issue focused question (often dealing with a
current event). Several brief responses from fictitious citizens will be provided
to serve as a prompt for you. Assignment #3 is worth 20% of the diploma
The following is an example of the format for written response #3
How should Canada respond to Arctic Sovereignty?
Write a letter to the editor in which you must:
Explore the issue of Arctic sovereignty
Analyze various points of view on the
Explain and defend your position on
the question
Support your point of view using your
understanding of Social Studies
Tips for completing the writing assignment:
 Exploring the issue of how to respond to a certain issue
~ What is the issue about?
~ What is the big picture issue?
~ How does this issue impact quality of life? Standard of
Analyzing various points of view on the issue
~ Carefully read the sources provided and use this to help
form your response; highlight relevant values and concerns
raised on the issue
~ DO NOT simply copy their words or ideas instead use
them to assist you in identifying the various points of view
on the issue
~ You can discuss all three points of view on the issue or
the two most extreme
~ Be sure to identify the values associated with the various
positions (the citizens often reflect various degrees of
individualism or collectivism)
Explaining and defending your position on the question
~ Clearly state your point of view on the issue using a
strong statement like
“I believe that …..”
~You can talk about what you like about certain points of
view and what you dislike about other points of view
Supporting your point of view using your understanding of Social Studies
~ this is where you should bring in examples from class
NOTE: “Exploration and analysis” are weighted the same as “defense of
position” so you must do both satisfactorily in order to pass writing assignment
Always proofread your responses and edit if necessary.