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DNA to Proteins: Genetics Presentation

Chapter 8
From DNA to Proteins
● In the middle of the 1900’s Scientists were
asking questions about genes
● What is a gene made of?
● How do genes work?
● How do genes determine characteristics of
● At the time most scientists believed that
proteins had to be the molecules that made up
Frederick Griffith - 1928
● Was trying to develop a vaccination for the
pneumococcus bacteria.
● He was working with two strains of bacteria.
● Rough - bacteria had a appearance in culture,
non-virulent (doesn't kill)
● Smooth - bacteria had a smooth appearance in
culture, virulent (kills)
● Griffith reasoned that some chemical factor
that could change harmless bacteria into
disease-causing bacteria was transferred from
the heat-killed cells of the S strain into the live
cells of the _ R strain.
● Griffith called the process of one type of
bacteria changing permanently into another
Oswald Avery 1944
● Oswald Aery set out to determine which
molecule in the heat killed bacteria was most
important for transformation. He treated the
mixture with enzymes that destroyed a
protein, lipids, carbohydrates, and RNA but
transformation still occurred.
● When repeated and the mixture was
destroyed, transformation did not occur. He
discovered that DNA stores and transmits
genetic info from one generation to the next.
● Avery’s conclusion was not widely accepted;
scientists continued to question whether the
transforming material was DNA or proteins
DNA as hereditary material
● The Genetic Material is DNA – Alfred Hershy
and Martha chase 1952.
● Hershey and Chase worked with viruses that
bacteria called bacteriophages
● Through a series of experiments, they were
able to show that DNA, not protein, is the
hereditary molecule.
DNA Structure
● Hershey & Chase’s experiment insured
confidence in scientists that DNA was the
genetic material, but they questioned how
nucleotides came together to form DNA and
how DNA could communicate information.
● Nucleotide's basic structure was determined
by P.A. Levine in the 1920’s.
● Consist of a five-carbon sugar a phosphate
group, and a nitrogenous base
● DNA –sugar (deoxyribose), phosphate group,
and nitrogenous base (Adenine Guanine
Cytosine and Thymine)
● RNA –sugar (ribose), phosphate group, and a
nitrogenous base (Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine,
or _____ Uracil).
Structure of DNA
● Double stranded helix
● Structure of DNA was determined in 1953 by
Watson and Crick
repeating units composed of:
● Deoxyribose sugar
● Phosphate group
● Nitrogen base
Adenine pairs with Thymine
Cytosine pairs with Guanine
● Deoxyribose sugar and phosphate group on
sides of ladder.
● Weak hydrogen bonds hold nitrogen bases
together on a rung
● Sequence of nucleotides determines genotype
of organism.
Erwin Chargaff
● Chargaff's rules showed that A = T_ and G = C
so there was complementary base pairing of a
purine with a pyrimidine
DNA Orientation
● On the top rail, the strand is said to be
oriented 5 to 3
● The strand on the bottom runs in the opposite
direction and is oriented 3 to 5
The orientation of the two strands is called
Nitrogenous Bases
Two types:
● Purines (2 rings)
● Pyrimidines (one ring)
● Purines- Adenine and Guanine
● Pyrimidines - Thymine and Cytosine
Practice Pairing…
12.2 DNA Replication
DNA Replication
● The process of a cell duplicating its DNA before
a cell divide.
● DNA polymerase is the principal enzyme
involved in DNA replication It joins individual
nucleotides to produce a new strand of DNA
DNA Replication
● Enzyme (DNA helicase) breaks hydrogen bonds
that hold the nucleotides together by the
nitrogen bases. DNA unzips.
● Free nucleotides pair with exposed nucleotides
on both strands.
● Sugars and phosphates of adjacent nucleotides
forming adjacent strands.
● Each of 2 double stranded DNA molecules
spiral forming a helix.
From DNA to Protein …
Genes and Proteins
● DNA determines your genes your amino acid
sequence, and your protein production.
3 Types of RNA
● Messenger RNA (mRNA): brings _________
from DNA in nucleus to the cytoplasm.
● Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): attach to mRNA using
its information to assemble the amino acids in
● Transfer RNA (tRNA): transfers amino acids to
the ribosome to be assembled into protein
● Process of _________ making a single stranded
_______ in the nucleus.
The Genetic Code
20 different amino acids and 4 different nitrogen
bases code for all the gazillion proteins.
● Each set of 3 nitrogen bases forms a triplet
called a codon There are 64 different codons.
● AUG is the start codon.
● UAA, UGA, UAG are the stop codons.
60 other codons code for the 20 different amino
Translation from mRNA to protein
● mRNA codon of AUG attaches to __________.
_ tRNA anticodon of UAC attaches to AUG
● Second codon of mRNA GCA attaches to tRNA
anticodon of CGU.
● Amino acids on the other side of tRNA are
joined by peptide bonds.
● Process continues until UAA the stop codon is
read, and the protein is then complete.
Genetic Changes ...
Mutation: A Change in DNA
● Simple error
radiation can produce
mutations (changes in DNA).
● In reproductive cells (eggs or sperm),
mutations may be harmful or they may
produce a useful adaptation.
● In body
cells, mutations may or may not
cause harm. If mutation affects cell division,
cancer results.
Two types of gene mutations:
● Point mutation - change in a single nitrogen
base pair in DNA, resulting in the change of
one amino acid of a protein.
● single mutation - one nitrogen base is added or
deleted, resulting in a drastic change in the
amino acid sequence. Usually more Harmful
than point mutations.
Chromosomal Mutations
● Nondisjunction - organism has one more or
one less chromosome than it should.
● Piece of chromosome could break away and
become lost, or it could rejoin upside down.
Causes of Mutations
● Mutagens - agent that causes change in DNA.
1. Radiation - x-rays, cosmic, ultraviolet
and nuclear often cause deletions and
2. Chemicals - asbestos (used in insulation)
and formaldehyde (used as preservative)
usually cause _________________.
Repairing DNA
● Often occurs naturally by the enzymes of the
organism. However, if the exposure to the
mutagen is very high, the chance for repair is