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Prometheus Unbound Worksheet

Reading Questions for Excerpt of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s “Prometheus Unbound”
1. The term “Indian Caucasus” was mostly used for a place known as
_______INDIA______________ which is located in modern day _____GEORGIA,
AZERBAIJAN, and ARMENIA______________.
2. In Greek mythology, who is Panthea? How is her inclusion significant to the reading of the
poem? To the novel?
- Panthera is the genus of the owlet moth family
- Panthera is depicted as loving and protective of her sisters and shows great compassion for
Prometheus during his punishment and shows great compassion for Prometheus during his
3. In Greek mythology, who is Ione? How is her inclusion significant to the reading of the poem?
To the novel?
- Ione is the name of a sea nymph one of the Nereids
- Her inclusion is significant to the reading of the poem because she is a passionate nature spirit
4. What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?
- Free verse
5. Who is the speaker of the poem?
- The author is the speaker
6. What are five lines that stood out to you?
The orbèd world! If then my words had power,
Though I am changed so that aught evil wish
Is dead within; although no memory be
Of what is hate, let them not lose it now!
What was that curse? for ye all heard me speak.
7. What is the setting of the poem and how does the imagery of the setting impact the read?
- It’s a mythological setting in the Indian Caucus
8. What is the tone of the poem?
- Somber
9. How do you think this poem connects to Frankenstein?
- I think it relates to Frankenstein based on the themes of taking accountability for your actions