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Mentoring & Coaching in Education Handbook

SAGE Handbook of Mentoring and
Coaching in Education
Edited by Sarah Fletcher Independent Consultant and Carol A Mullen University
of North Carolina at Greensboro
This Handbook is a leading source of ideas and information. It covers national
and international research on schools, higher education, and disciplines within
and beyond education. The editors draw together contributions and present
evidence bases and alternative worldviews in which concepts are both untangled
and substantiated. Unique in its coverage, this handbook maps current knowledge and
understanding, values and skills underpinning educational mentoring and coaching for learning.
Contributors who are leading scholars and practitioners address issues of theory and practice in
school, higher education, and other educational contexts, and they set out practical applications of
coaching and mentoring for practitioners and researchers.
The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring and Coaching in Education is an essential reference for
practitioners, researchers, educators, and policymakers.
About the Editors / Notes on Contributors / Editorial Advisors / Introduction / PART ONE: OVERVIEWS OF
MENTORING AND COACHING / Carol A. Mullen Mentoring: An Overview / Sarah J. Fletcher Coaching: An
Overview / PART TWO: SKILLS, VALUES AND UNDERSTANDINGS / David Leat, Rachel Lofthouse, Carl
Towler Improving Coaching By and For School Teachers / Andrew J. Hobson Fostering face-to-face mentoring
and coaching / Sarah J. Fletcher Fostering the use of web-based technology in mentoring and coaching / Carol
A. Mullen and Dale H. Schunk Operationalizing Phases of Mentoring Relationships / PART THREE:
CULTURALLY BASED CONCEPTS / Geraldine Mooney Simmie and Joanne Moles Educating the Critically
Reflective Mentor / Andrew Hargreaves and Jane Skelton Politics and systems of coaching and mentoring
/ Tadashi Asada Mentoring: Apprenticeship or Co-enquiry? / Juanita Johnson-Bailey Effects of Race and
Racial Dynamics on Mentoring / Helga Dorner Mentoring Innovation through Online Communications in a Digital
Culture / Frances K. Kochan and Joseph T. Pascarelli Perspectives on Culture and Mentoring in the Global
Age / PART FOUR: SCHOOL CONTEXTS / Pete Sorensen Mentoring and coaching for school teachers' ITE
and induction / Philippa Cordingley and Natalia Buckler Mentoring and Coaching for Teachers' Continuing
Professional Development / Gary M. Crow A Critical-Constructivist Perspective on Mentoring and Coaching for
Leadership / Christopher Rhodes Mentoring and Coaching for Leadership Development in Schools / Paul
Watling and Mike Gasper Dialogical Mentoring and Coaching in Early Years Leadership / Joellen
Killion Coaching in the K-12 Context / Cathy Pomphrey and Suzanne Burley Using mentoring and coaching
for professional learning in UK secondary schools / Po-yuk Ko, Mun-ling Lo and John Chi-kin
Lee Multidimensional Understandings of School-Based Mentoring / Maureen Rajuan Mentoring Student
Teachers in Professional Development Schools in Israel / PART FIVE: ADULT AND HIGHER EDUCATION
CONTEXTS / Ken Young and Sandra Harris Mentoring Doctoral Students in Educational Leadership Programs
/ Janet Oti Mentoring and Coaching in Further Education / Catherine A. Hansman Empowerment in the FacultyStudent Mentoring Relationship / Jenepher Lennox Terrion Student Peer-Mentors as Navigational Resource in
Higher Education / PART SIX: INCLUSION / Hal Portner and Mary H. Portner Using Best Practices for
Teaching the Process of Coaching / Richard J. Reddick and Michelle D. Young Mentoring Graduate Students
of Color / Shelley Tracey The Role of Mentoring in Adult Literacy and Numeracy in Northern Ireland / Dannielle
Joy Davis, Kara Provost and Sonya Clark Peer Mentoring and Inclusion in Writing Groups / PART SEVEN:
RESEARCH ISSUES / Norbert Pachler and Ana Redondo E-mentoring and educational research capacity
development: a conceptual perspective / Sylvia Yee Fan Tang Knowledge Base of Mentoring and Mentor
Preparation / Susan Groundwater-Smith Mentoring teacher inquiry: Lessons in Lesson Study / Jean
Rath Research Mentoring In HE
March 2012 · 568 pages
Hardback (978-0-85702-753-5) Price £95.00
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