Uploaded by Marcela Rendón Muñoz

English Practice Activities for Daily Life

Activities to practice English during the weekend and in
the daily life:
1. Remember English is a lifestyle, then every single moment you have for practicing
English is a good moment, you should practice everyday at least for 30 minutes.
Then I recommend you to practice the following activities in your daily life
a. Use Instagram for learning English: Follow accounts of people who speaks English,
read the comments and try to reply some of those comments. Sometimes, we
understand what we are reading but we don’t know how to reply. Then check on a
comment and try to give feedback on it in English will help you to build confidence.
b. Set your phone and email in English: Your phone is the object that you watch the
most during the day, then why not to set it in English?, at the beggining it will be a
little bit confusing, but some days latter you will be habituated to it and everyday
will be easier.
c. Set your calendar in English: try to organize all of your meetings and events in a
calendar in English, you can try google calendar, remember to change the language
to English and write all of the events and meetings in English.
d. Write a diary in English: Don’t get me wrong, it is not about to comeback to the
adolecense jijiji, but at night, just before sleeping you can practice writing with a
diary, maybe writing what you did during the day, how you felt, meditating about
how grateful you are about something, or simply planning the next day.
e. Make a voice shopping list: Record in your cellphone the different things you should
buy during the week in a voice note in English.
f. Watch at least one video in Youtube per week not about learning English but about
a topic you like: For example, if you like beauty, try to watch a video in English about
this topic.
g. Listen to music in English: Try to learn a song in English per week. Choose one song,
download the lyrics, and try to learn this song playing it as much times as you can,
until you can sing it.
Marcela Rendón