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PE Curriculum: Athletics Progression

Progression in PE – all Strands
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
Strand: Athletics
Strand: Athletics
Strand: Athletics
Strand: Athletics
Strand unit
Strand unit
Strand unit
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
Walking, jogging or running
over distance
• walk or jog in a noncompetitive setting for periods
extending from 30 seconds to
90 seconds PSSI Lesson 1 P2
running with a partner,
moving into space following a
• sprint distances of 10 to 20 m
Leeson 1 P4 & Lesson 4 P3
• practise reaction sprints
Leeson 2 P3 & Lesson 4 P4
• practise the standing start L.1
• participate in a pair relay
using a beanbag L3 P.4
• participate in team relays, in
small groups, using various
means of travelling L4 P.3
running, hopping, skipping
Hurdling Lesson5/6 P.4
• run over flat markers
running over lines
The child should be enabled
Walking, jogging or running
over distance
• walk or jog in a noncompetitive setting for periods
extending from 30 seconds to
two minutes PSSI Lesson 4 P.2
making letters, numbers and
patterns on the ground while
• sprint distances of 20 to 30 m
with the emphasis on sustained
effort throughout the sprint
• practise reaction sprints L2 P.2
• practise standing start L1 P.3
• participate in a pair relay
using a beanbag, developing
simple technique L1 P.4
passing with right hand and
receiving with left hand L2 P.4
• participate in team relays or
shuttle relays in small groups,
using various means of
The child should be enabled
Walking, jogging or running
over distance
• walk, jog or run in a noncompetitive setting for periods
extending from 30 seconds to 3
minutes PSSI Lesson 1 P.2
running with a friend or group
• sprint distances of 30 to 60 m,
developing good acceleration
and finishing technique
• practise reaction sprints L3 P.3
• practise the standing start
• participate in a pair relay
using a beanbag, developing
simple technique
passing with right hand and
receiving with left hand
• practise baton change-over
technique while stationary,
with a partner, developing into
practice with a team of 4 L1 P.2
• practise baton change-over
technique while moving
The child should be enabled
Jogging or running over
• jog or run in a noncompetitive setting for periods
extending from 30 seconds to 5
minutes PSSI Lesson 1 P.2 & L4 P.2
running with a partner or
group and crossing low
obstacles, varying the pace of
the run
• sprint distances of 50–70 m,
developing good acceleration
and finishing technique L.1 P.2
• practise reaction sprints
• practise the standing start
• practise shuttle sprints (repeat
sprints) over a distance of 30 m
• practise baton change-over
technique while moving in
teams of four L1 P.3
• participate in a relay in a
straight line using a baton, with
four children per team
Progression in PE – all Strands
• run over flat markers evenly
• run over low hurdles, i.e. less
than 20 cm high
• run over low hurdles, evenly
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
hopping, bouncing, skipping
• run over evenly spaced low
hurdles (30 cm high
• practise the technique of
identifying the lead leg.
slowly, with a partner,
developing into practice with a
team of four
• practise the standard relay
(i.e. four children per team,
using a baton) in a straight line
• participate in a standard relay
(i.e. four children per team,
using a baton) on an oval track,
each child running a distance of
50 m approximately L1 P.4
• participate in team relays in
small groups L4 P.4
shuttle relays, circle (Parlauf)
Hurdling L3 P.3 & L5/6 P.4
• run a distance of 40–60 m
over evenly spaced hurdles
(40–50 cm high approximately)
• practise the technique of
developing efficient use of the
lead leg and trail leg
running three strides between
each hurdle
• run a distance of 150 m
approximately over unevenly
spaced hurdles (30 cm high
PSSI Lesson 4 P.3
PSSI Lesson 2 P.4
• participate in team relays or
shuttle relays in small groups,
using various means of
running, skipping, hopping,
Hurdling Lesson4 P.3
• run a distance of 20 to 40 m
over evenly spaced hurdles
(30–40 cm high approximately)
• practise the technique of
developing the lead leg and
running three strides between
Have you identified walking
and running routes around
your school?
Have you identified walking
and running routes around
your school?
Have you identified walking
and running routes around
your school?
Have you identified walking
and running routes around
your school?
Can your hall/play area be
organised in lanes to help the
Can your hall/play area be
organised in lanes to help the
Can your hall/play area be
organised in lanes to help the
Can your hall/play area be
organised in lanes to help the
Progression in PE – all Strands
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
smooth organisation of
athletics lessons? – especially
when sprinting
smooth organisation of
athletics lessons? – especially
when sprinting
smooth organisation of
athletics lessons? – especially
when sprinting
smooth organisation of
athletics lessons? – especially
when sprinting
Are the sprinting distances
clearly marked and visible to
the children?
Are the sprinting distances
clearly marked and visible to
the children?
Are the sprinting distances
clearly marked and visible to
the children?
Are the sprinting distances
clearly marked and visible to
the children?
Have you planned to include
every child in every activity?
Have you planned to include
every child in every activity?
Have you planned to include
every child in every activity?
Have you planned to include
every child in every activity?
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
• practise skipping activities
with and without ropes
• experiment with various ways
of jumping PSSI Lesson 1
jumping for height or distance
and exploring various ways of
taking off and landing. L2 P.4
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
• practise skipping activities
with and without ropes L1 P.2
• explore the various ways of
taking off from one foot and
landing on two feet
• practise the standing jump for
distance and height
• develop a short approach run
when taking off from one foot
taking three steps and jumping
for distance and height. L2 P.2
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
• explore skipping activities
individually and as part of a
group, with or without a rope
• explore the various ways of
jumping, to include taking off
from one foot or two feet and
landing on two feet
• practise the standing jump for
• develop a short approach run
when taking
off from one foot L3 P.3
taking three or five strides and
jumping for
• practise jumping for height
over an obstacle (40 cm high
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
• explore skipping activities
individually and as part of a
group, with or without a rope
• explore the various ways of
jumping, to include taking off
from one foot and landing on
two feet
• practise the standing jump for
• develop a short approach run
when taking off from one foot
taking three, five or seven
strides and jumping for
distance PSSI Lesson 4 P.3
• practise jumping for height
over an obstacle (50–60 cm
high approximately),
Progression in PE – all Strands
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
approximately), developing a
short approach run
experimenting with alternate
legs for take-off and using
basic technique (scissors
technique). PSSI Lesson 5/6 P.3
developing a short approach
run PSSI Lesson 4 P.2 & L5 P.5
using basic technique (scissors
How many ropes of
appropriate length will be
needed to develop skipping
How many ropes of
appropriate length will be
needed to develop skipping
How many ropes of
appropriate length will be
needed to develop skipping
How many ropes of
appropriate length will be
needed to develop skipping
For all jumping activities,
children will land on a
suitable mat
For all jumping activities,
children will land on a
suitable mat
For all jumping activities,
children will land on a
suitable mat
For all jumping activities,
children will land on a
suitable mat
Consider the possibility of
teaching the standing long
jump through station
Consider the possibility of
teaching the standing long
jump and jumping for height
as detailed through station
Consider the possibility of
teaching the standing long
jump and jumping for height
as detailed through station
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
• experiment with appropriate
objects and methods of
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
• experiment with appropriate
objects and methods of
Strand unit
Strand unit
The child should be enabled
The child should be enabled
• develop the over-arm (javelin) • develop the over-arm (javelin)
throw from a standing position, throw from a standing position,
Progression in PE – all Strands
throwing, aiming for height and
distance PSSI Lesson4 P.2
practising the under-arm
throw aiming a beanbag into a
hoop. L3 P3 -4
Athletics incorporates activities
that are also appropriate for
development in gymnastics and
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
throwing, aiming for height and
distance PSSI Lesson4 P.2
practising the under-arm
throw, over-arm throw.
using a beanbag, ball or foam
• develop a short approach run
(e.g. three strides) before
releasing the throwing
implement PSSI Lesson2 P.5
• begin to throw (put)a medium
-sized ball or primary shot from
a standing position L3 P.2
• begin to throw a quoit or
primary discus, practising the
grip, swing and release
using a beanbag, ball or foam
• develop a short, fast approach
run before releasing the
throwing implement
taking three, five or seven
strides and releasing the
implement PSSI Lesson1 P.4
• develop the shot put or throw
from a standing position, using
a medium-sized ball or primary
shot Lesson2 P.3
• develop a standing putting
technique with turn
• develop the discus throw
using a quoit or primary discus,
practising the grip, swing and
release techniques. Lesson3 P.2
Athletics incorporates activities
that are also appropriate for
development in gymnastics and
Have you planned to include
all children in all activities?
First explored Infants Lesson4 P.4
Athletics incorporates activities
that are also appropriate for
development in gymnastics and
3 stride approach & plant with bean bag in
Lesson 3 P.4
Have you planned to include
all children in all activities?
Have you planned to include
all children in all activities?
Athletics incorporates activities
that are also appropriate for
development in gymnastics and
Have you planned to include
all children in all activities?
Strand unit
Understanding and
appreciation of athletics
Strand unit
Understanding and
appreciation of athletics
Strand unit
Understanding and
appreciation of athletics
The child should be enabled
The child should be enabled
The child should be enabled
Strand unit
Understanding and appreciation
of athletics
The child should be enabled to
• develop a better understanding of
Progression in PE – all Strands
• talk about movement and ask
and answer questions about it
discussing how a beanbag can
be thrown to achieve greater
height PSSI Lesson3 P.3
• develop an understanding of
the basic rules of the individual
athletic events
standing start for sprinting
running in a straight line or a
lane without impeding others.
PSSI Lesson4 P.3
Music: skipping songs may be
linked with performing song
Physical Education Curriculum
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
• develop an understanding of
contrasting the pace of two
children, one sprinting, the
other running for one minute
• describe and discuss
movement and ask and answer
questions about it
discussing the effect of an
approach run on the distance
jumped PSSI Lesson2 P.2
• develop an understanding of
some of the basic rules of
athletics PSSI Lesson1 P.3
taking off without crossing a
marker in the long jump
• measure an achievement
measuring a partner’s
standing long jump.
• develop an understanding of
setting personal challenges
when running over distance by
measuring and recording the
distance run at intervals of 30
seconds to establish an even
• describe and discuss
movement and ask and answer
questions about it
discussing the effect of
running three strides between
each hurdle
• develop an understanding of
the rules of athletics
implementing a modified
change-over zone to introduce
the rule of baton change-over
• measure an achievement
comparing the length of a
standing long jump to a jump
with an approach run Lesson1 P.3
• analyse personal performance
and performance of a partner in
athletic activities
observing good technique
when hurdling.
speed, strength, control and coordination
practising varying pace over a
‘distance’ run
performing a controlled release
of throwing
implements to improve accuracy
and distance of throw
• describe and discuss movement
and ask and answer questions
about it
discussing the effect of
lengthening the approach run
before throwing or jumping
• develop an understanding of the
rules of athletics and apply them
in suitable competitive situations
implementing a ‘throwing line’,
beyond which the child may not
step when releasing the throwing
• measure an achievement
measuring a standing throw and
a throw taken using an approach
run and comparing the difference
• discuss personal performance
and performance of a partner in
athletic activities
advising a partner on ways of
throwing longer, sprinting faster,
jumping higher
• know about and participate in
local organisations and clubs
involved in the provision of
athletic activities and facilities
• begin to acquire an
Mathematics: Measures
Physical Education Curriculum
Mathematics: Measures
Physical Education Curriculum
Progression in PE – all Strands
1st and 2nd Class
3rd and 4th Class
5th and 6th Class
understanding of training to
prepare for performance in
selected track and field events
• become aware of athletic events
and athletes locally, nationally and
Is there a local athletic club?
What athletic events might
the children be interested in?
Are there local, national or
international athletes worth
profiling to develop an
interest in athletics in the
school? PSSI 1st& 2nd Lesson1 P.2