Uploaded by Aasim Siddiqi

Pros & Cons of Waking Up Early: Speech Outline

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the pros and cons of waking up early in the morning at
the same time every day.
Thesis: There are pros and cons of waking up early everyday.
Attention getter: Today I am going to talk about the one thing that will make you night owls
want to punch me in the face. Yes, that one thing: Waking up early in the morning! People
always seek to find simple solutions to tackle multiple things at once. While it may not be
everyone, waking up early might prove to be the one thing that helps reach whatever you want
to reach. However, if your body needs more sleep, you should never let any small thing be a
priority over your health.
Thesis: Waking up early everyday can help you accomplish many things, but it can also be
harmful if you are not careful about how much sleep you are getting each night.
Credibility Statement: I have been practicing waking up early in the morning for over a year now
and have seen the highs and the lows of waking up early every day and staying up.
Preview: For the next three to four minutes, I would love to share some points about the
importance of waking up early every day.
A. Waking up early increases productivity during the day.
 Using your morning time that could have been used on getting more sleep, you can
instead use this time effectively to get ahead on reaching your goals.
 According to productivity coach and productivity blogger Ciara Conlon in her LifeHack
website article, This is Why Productive People Always Wake Up So Early, waking up early
gives you more time to strategically think about your day to get organized.
 Strategically thinking about how you can spend your day leads to spending the rest of
your day methodically productive in efforts to accomplish as many tasks as possible so
you can stay on top of everything.
B. Waking up early may cause chronic negative health effects.
 If being an early bird causes you to sacrifice majority of your sleep each night, it can lead
to devastating health effects.
 Stacy Sampson, a D.O. doctorate on the Healthline website details the effects of sleep
deprivation in her article, The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body, ranging from
memory issues and weight gain to accidents and risk for diabetes.
 It is critical to never gamble with the risks of sleep deprivation and try to catch up on
sleep so that you can function.
C. Waking up can promote a healthier diet.
 One thing that early birds have an advantage in is eating healthier throughout the day.
 According to the SleepAdvisor website, people who wake up early are more likely to eat
a breakfast meal compared to late risers who rush to out the door to wherever they
need to be. This can lead to late risers being more tempted to eat unhealthy things
when they get hungry.
 Breakfast being the most important meal of the day in this case holds true since it
suppresses unhealthy cravings when hungry.
D. Waking up early can negatively affect your judgement and performance in anything.
 While it is a productive choice to wake up early and complete as many things as possible
during the day, there is no point if waking up early causes you to miss sleep and produce
ineffective work.
 The Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, in their website, say that
missing sleep “exacts a toll on perception and judgment.”
 Sleep is what we need to be able to function properly. Sacrificing this just to get a
head start can prove to be contradictory as it impairs our performance.
Conclusion: In the end, there are pros and cons that come with waking up early. More than even listed
in this brief speech. The two ways people will view waking up early will be this: there is no point in more
sleep if it keeps you from accomplishing what I need to accomplish to sleep in a nice warm bed, under a
roof. And that there is no point in sacrificing sleep to wake up early if it impairs you from being
productive in an effective manner.
Final Summary: Everyone is different at the end of the day. Waking up early will work better for those
who have more flexible days where they can sleep at the same time every night versus those who have
unpredictable days that leave a random bedtime. Consider the pros and cons of waking up early to see if
you ever want to implore this habit.