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EYP Vocabulary: Key Terms & Definitions

EYP Vocabulary
Below you will find some essential words and the moments of the session in which you are most
likely to find them.
General information:
Topic allocation  The topic in which you have placed based on your likes from the Topic
Allocation form. It’s the problem you will be working on.
Committee  The group of people working on the same issue as you. Between 8-10 people who
will be working as a team.
Team building  Is the day in which you will get to know your teammates, who have chosen the
same topic as you have. You will be playing games to learn about them.
Committee work  The day in which you will work on your topic, finding problems and solutions.
Coffee Break  Moments to relax and have a snack in between work.
Energizer  Little games designed to pump you up and get your energy going.
General assembly (GA)  The ceremony where all problems and solutions are exposed and
debated about.
People and roles:
Delegates  the students attending the session to learn and enjoy the experience
Chairpersons (chairs)  People in chrge of guiding delegtes through their topic. They represent the
Organizers (orgas)  People in charge of the logistics nd the flow of the session.
Jury Members (jury)  People evluting the performance of delegtes. They mke the selection
Media Team Members  People who record the events nd crete social medi content to follow.
Board Representatives  People representing the high chrges of EYP Spin.
President (presi)  Head of the session. Is there to rule over the GA procedures.
Vice-presidents (VPs)  Helpers to the president who are there to assure the flow of the GA.
Officials  Everyone who is not a delegate who has taken part in the making of the session.
Committee work:
Introductory clauses (ICs)  Minor problems within the topic of the committee.
Operative clauses (OCs)  Solutions to the problems proposed.
Resolution  The union of all ICs and OCs form all committees of the session.
Defence Speech  A speech to show strength on a committee’s resolution prior to attack.
Position Speech (Position/Attack)  A speech to attack or defend the
Response to the attack speech  The proposing committees’ defence towards any possible
Open round of debate  The moment where individual and smaller points of the resolution are
made going back and forth.
Sum-up speech  A speech to sum up all the points made in GA regarding a proposing committee.
Proposing committee  The committee who is being debated about in certain moment.