NOTES ON MEASUREMENT HUMIDITY : Humidity P C A Kam risk static sparks drying of mucosa heat loss (vapourisation) Standard for O.T. > 55% Absolute : H2O per vol gas (mg/L) Relative : H2O content Saturated content at heat To Hygrometer 1) cool a metal tube and measure To at which dew forms = DEW POINT Absolute humidity 2) Hair length α humidity Wet & dry thermometer : Tables given relative humidity Mass Spectometer : accurate, rapid response very expensive. HUMIDITY MEASUREMENT (i) Hair Hygrometer Humidity hair Hair length (ii) Wet & Dry Hygrometer T = T2– T1 T1 T2 α RH used in meteorology H2 O (iii) wet dry Regnault’s Hygrometer Dew Point : Temp at which ambient when air is fully saturated RH = Air SVP at dew pt. SVP at ambient temp Ether (iv) Transducer : R or C (v) Mass Spectrometer (vi) UV Light Absorption : s with temperature absorption with H2O vapour. MEASUREMENT OF GAS FLOWS (a) Constant Pressure (or variable orifice) flowmeter eg. Flowmeter on Boyle’s machine Low flow = flow between wall and bobbin is Laminar High flow = flow between wall and bobbin is turbulent R L Accuracy + 5% Errors : Vertical + Static Electricity Leaks Back pressure effect Coxeter (b) Heidbrink VARIABLE PRESSURE (Constant Orifice) MEASUREMENT OF GAS FLOW Pneumotachograph (Fleish) (rapid response constant orifice flowmeter) heating coil, prevents water condensation x x x Longitudinal fine bore tubes to ensure laminar flow F α P2 - P1 x x P1 x P2 Mesh Type P α V2 P WRIGHT’S SPIROMETER Accuracy + 2% Affected CO2 water vapour OXIMETRY • • • Measures infrared & red absorbance Determines Hb saturation Transmitted light +I e-kcl ORDINARY OXIMETRY a) Absorbance oximetry Haemolysed sample placed in light path 805 mm absorbance gives total Hb 640 mm absorbance composed to above and SaO2 calculated b) Reflectance oximeter Now developed with can be left indwelling in Pulm. Art. Catheter to give constant SVO2 Absorbance Coefficient isobestic Point Hb O2 Hb 650 805 wave length (um) Pulse Oximetry Now readily available due to ; 1) Easily available monochromatic LEDs 2) Microprocessor technology. Light Source LEDs - Red 940 um - Infra Red 660 um Background • Probe cycles Red, I.R. OFF during “OFF detector gives ambient light which is subtracted moment to moment. • Cycles at multiple of mains AC to effects of flickering [at multiple of O R mains supply] Sources of error 1. Abnormal Hb: Hb CO : Also measured as HBO2 ! Met – Hb : weights reading towards 85 Met Hb HbO2 HbCO 660 800 Hb 940 2) BO2. Shifted O2 dissociation curv: will cause any given SaO2 to be associated with a different 3) Dyes and Pigments Methylene Blue : Absorbes at 660 um Limitations 1) Need adequate Pulse To BP V/C alters SaO2 Ineffective Cardiopulmonary bypass 2) Synthetic fingernails 3) movement artifact, eg. shivering 4) dirt 5) Abnormal Hbs 6) I.V. Dyes 7) Diathermy 8) Ambient light 9) Uncalibratable 10) Cost Probe reliability Acuracy Depends on instrument - Usually > 2% for 70-100 sat% Up to 20% for < 70% Ear probe more accurate. PULSE OXIMETER 1. 2 LED (a) Red 660mm (b) Infra red 940mm LED Switch on + off @ several hundred times per sec. 2. Photocell SENSOR detects transmitted light 3. PAUSE with both diodes off allows microprocessor & photocell to compensate for effects of ambient light. ac Arterial Absorption of light by tissues has 2 components 4. ac component = arterial component dc Non pulsatile arterial dc component = all non pulsatile component Venous and capillary blood 5. Tissue The pulse oximeter determines the ac component of each wavelength and divides it by its dc component. ac660 dc660 ac940 dc 940 R = at λ 660 = reduced Hb absorption > HbO2 absorption λ 940 HbO2 absorption > Hb absorption reduced. NOTE : pulse oximeter does not rely on absorption at isobestic pt. (805nm) [ absorption HHb = HbO2] Measurement of Arterial Blood Gases pH - Principle : pH sensitive Glass - Glass is a lattice of O + silicon with metallic cations within the lattice. - A pH – gradient across the glass causes a voltage gradient. ? H+ displaces metallic cations change - The glass-electrode is made by exposing one side of glass to the sample and the other side to standard : 0.1M HCL Glass must be - Thin enough - Sufficient conductivity - Clean (no protein poisoning ) - Kept at constant temp. - The glass electrode is placed in series with 2 standard half cells which generate a constant potential gradient. - Difference in sample pH measured voltage vs ~ 60 mV per pH unit. Schematic Diagram : Ag:AgCl HgCl 0.1M HCl Glass Sample Calomel Electrode In Practice : Electrode is a glass capillary Surrounded by HCl with Ag : AgCl electrode - whole apparatus in Water Jacket. Problems : Temp. Sensitive Electrode degrades with time pH range 0 - 9 Calibration: With 2 standard solutions Phosphate Buffers CO2 Content (Total CO2) = dissolved CO2 + combined CO2 (Carbonate, bicarbonate, carbomino) Measured by - adding acid to blood - Drives out CO2 - Measure CO2 with CO2 electrode before + after adding acid. - PcO2 is α total CO2 2. PO2 can measure - PO2 SO2 CO2 related by O2 dissociation curve (and O2 solubility) PO2 Oxygen Electrode = CLARK electrode - Blood sample (or gas) separated from electrode by gas-permeable plastic mem. - Constant voltage applied : 0.6V - 2H2O + O2 + 4 e40M- Current α PO2 ( [O2] gas ) Schematic Practice Platinum Wire Reference Anote Ag :AgCl Gas platinum wire Glass Rpd electrolyte Electrolyte s Solution Sample Constant Voltage Plastic membrane SAMPLE Gas Permeable 2HO + O2 + 4OH Plastic membrane Accuracy 2mmHg Response : 30-60 secs. Probs. Strict temp control aging of electrodes, freq. Calibration. SEVERINGHAUS CO2 ELECTRODE Based on reaction of CO2 + H2O CO2 + H2O H2 O H+ +HCO3- Hence CO2 tension is related to H+ ion concentration . Electrode HCO3 H+ Glass sensitive Mesh Membrane BLOOD CO2 MEASURING SYSTEMS RECORDER TRANSDUCER PROCESSOR AMPLIFIER DISPLAY ALARM Converts one form of energy into another Modifies signal Eg. Filters Also Integrate = /differential= Rate counting The whole system must have : 1. Frequ. Response 5-10 times natural frequency of signal 2. Amp. Linearity Across range of frequency of interest i.e. output and input. 3. Phase Linearity i.e. no phase distortion 4. Gain stability i.e. no drift over time 5. No Hysteresis Some systems have a different output for a rising vs. falling signal (eg. thermistors) 6. Zero stability 7. Signal : Noise ratio : Pref. > 10,000 8. High input Impedance : should be >> biological impedance of measured signals or loos signal amplitude. 9. Calibratable minimisation Input impedance maximal facilitations Signal signal input Output signal; * V signal WHEATSTONE BRIDGE x y - If all resistors equal then no potential difference x & y. - If one resistor varies with signal then can measure : a) Voltage x –y b) Current Flow x-y c) Measure variation in the paired resistor needed to rebalance the “bridge”. Used for : Thermistors - Pressure Transducer (strain gauge) Incorporating all and 4 elements into pressure Sensor such that 2 elements resistance while Other 2 elements them achieve sensitivity. TEMPERATURE Definition : Measure of the Thermal Energy of a substance. Heat flow; from a substance of higher temp to one of a lower temp. Scales : Kelvin : The triple point of water is defined as 273.16 Kelvin (unit “degrees Kelvin”) Zero Kelvin is absolute zero, no thermal energy Celcius : Temp (K) = Temp © - 273.15 Heat : Measurement of kinetic energy of molecules. Importance of To in the body Oral = 36.7oC, SD 0.2 Core To vs Shell To Core 36 – 37.5oC Shell much more variable eg. 32-35oC Average Body To : 0.66 x Core To + 0.34 x Average skin To eg. = 35oC Balance between production + loss of Heat. Production ~ 50 w/m2 ~ 100W in 70kg man With physical activity Assimilation of food BMR Fever Shivering x 2 Heat Production Loss Radiation 40% Convection 30% Skin evaporation 20% 8% latent heat of vaporisation Respiration 10% 2% heating of inspired gas Body fluids 1% Not conduction Radiation Mostly infrared If surrounding objects are cold By surrounding sources of radiant heat By heat reflective blankets Connection by trapping layer of clothing, blankets Depends on Surface Area Insulation fat clothing Surface Evap. Perspiration rate Heat less if air humidity (p press gradient) ELECTRICAL THERMOMETERS (A) Resistance Thermometers Platinum Wire T α Disadv. R R (linear) Not sensitive αRαT wire Battery T (B) Thermistor oxide of metal R To R exponentially with Temp. Adv : small - rapid change - accessible to remote location Disadv : Drift in calibration (C) Thermocouple (Seebeck Effect) Reference Junction Copper Constantan Junction Potential mV Measuring junction Temp TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT SITE : Rectum Oesophagus = = Tympanic Memb. Nasopharynx Skin Axilla Core ( ~ 0.5oC > oral) Upper 1-2o < Core (resp. gasses) Mid x heart 0.5oC < core usu ~ 25cm pas larynx ~ brain temp. Easily displaced ~ trauma As above ( risk trauma) Affected by blood flow to skin Muscle temp (eg. M H) best measured in axilla. Thermometer : a) Liquid expansion Hg or Alcohol i) Bulb of liquid ii) Fine capillary iii) Scale Advantage : Cheap Accurate Reliable Disadvantage : Fragile Slow response No remark reading Toxic Hg (with recurrent Exposure) Or Bourdon Gauge Type Scale Criteel tube Alcohol filled Sensing element b) Bimetalic Strip Robust cheap bonded metals with differing coefficient of expansion Inaccurate c) Thermocouple Junction of 2 different metals P. Diff (α To) Seebeck effect Metal 1 eg Cu V Metal 2 eg. Constantin Ref Temp (eg.Ice) Measured Temp Adv. Large linear range can be v small Disadv. Small output 40μv Need v sensitive measurement o (Reverse process can be used for creating a T difference by applying current protector destroying tissue lesions). Infra-Red (eg. tympanic membrane sensors) GAS & VAPOUR ANALYSIS A. Chemical Methods CO2 : Haldane device - CO2 absorbed by KOK solution - Vol (or P) gives amount of CO2 in sample - Accurate O.1% • N2O also absorbed by KOH O2 : B. Solutions which absorb O2 also absorb CO2 2 chamber device : removes CO2 first. Physical Methods Physical Properties of Gases : Density Viscosity Thermal Conductivity Refractive Index Velosity of Sound Magnetic susceptibility. Density : Wallers chloroform balance Chloroform x 5 density Chloroform % density Buoyancy of bulb. 1000ml gas filled bulb Thermal Conductivity Cooling of a heated thermometer is compared to a reference gas eg. with wheatstone Bridge. Sample Heating current v Used for He CO2 Reference 2. a) SPECIFIC Physical Properties of gasses Electromagnetic Radiation Emission (EMR) All gasses emit EMR when excited Used for measuring N2 eg. N2 washout for VD anatomic Gas passed through charge of 1500-2000V emitted light measured (filtered for N2 wavelength) Advantages : Rapid Response Disadvantage : expensive > $20,000 b) Absorption of EMR i) Infra-red : Any gas with > 2 atoms absorbs infrared ( gas will heat as absorbs and this can be used as the sensor i.e. To) Absorbance at specific wavelengths concentration of gas Problems. N2O and CO have absorbance peaks close to CO2 N2O : Peak 3.9 μm CO2 : Peak 4.3 μm. N2O in circuit 6% measured CO2 Some machines (a) analyse at N2O peak as well to give - correction to PcO2 - absolute PN2O (as an added bon vs_ (b) Calibrate continuously using reference cell USE : PcO2 Accurate 0.1% Response time .1 sec (xpt long. If sample drawn up long tubing ii) Need last response to give a waveform. Halothane , Etc. absorb in U.V. spectrum 0.2% accuracy for halothane 0-5% CAPNOGRAPH Infra-red CO2 analyser based on Beer-Lambert Law. REFERENCE CHAMBER Known CO2 detector Light Source Filter CO2 ζ peak = 4.3μm Sample Chamber O2 Sapphire glass windows Rotating Wheel “CHOPPER” alternately allows light from each beam to reach detector Detector : heat Asthenometer etc. 2 Types : Side line Main line Errors : Other gases that may interfere Asymetric molecules : O2, N2O, H2O. May be corrected by:(a) Use additional wavelength to measure N2O independently (b) “Collison broadening” ETCO2 monitoring - Expensive fragile detector 1. Main Stream : - Bulky, heavy sensor at end of ETT - dead space - Optimal CO2 Wave form - No gas withdrawn from circuit. Infra-red light across the gas stream through sapphire window Light interrupted by wheel Empty not used Chamber with N2 only (reference) Chamber with CO2 of Sat C3 2. Side Stream : CO2 / N2O - Multiple gas analysis Min. Equi. At ETT Gas sip off containment. Infra-red absorbption Some units require setting of N2O separably and then attempts to allow to overlap . O2 Pressure gradient derived from diamagnetic prop of O2 Sample Reference Pressure T’ducer Magnetic Field Volatile Anaesth Infra-red : all measured at 3.3 μm Different gain set to allow for different agent USES OF GAS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES Method O2 CO2 N2 O / / ? V/A Chemical Halothane Physical Density (Waller’s Chloroform balance) / Thermal conductivity / Refractive Index / Solubility Silicon Rubber D crystal / / Magnetic Susceptibility / EMR Emission EMR Absorption I.R U.V / / / / Mass Spectrometry / / ? / / / Raman Scatter Spectrometry / O&H O2 MEASUREMENT (PARAMAGNETIC ANALYSER) O2 - electrons in outer orbit unpaired Paramagnetic i.e. attracted to magnetic field. N2O - diamagnetic and repelled from a magnetic field N O2 attracted to magnetic field Reflector mirror Dumb-bell N2 N2 Suspensory Filament Light Source S O2 MEASUREMENT (FUEL CELL) only used for gas samples. Imp. Feature : No battery in system because cell produces a voltage Electrolyte KOH GOLD CATHODE (mesh) LEAD ANODE Membrane Pb + 20H- PbO + H2O + 2e O2 + 4e- + 2 H2O 4oH Disadvantage : N2O reacts with P6 to produce N2 Hence sorter life-span. damage & O2 MEASUREMENT – CLARK ELECTRODE (POLAROGRAPHIC ELECTRODE) May be used in gases or in blood (if electrode is protected by a plastic membrane) Current α O2 0.6mV applied e- (electrons) Ag/AgCl Anode platinum _ CATHODE Electrolyte Eg. KCl Plastic membrane If used for blood 4αΊ½ + O2 + 2H2O 4OH NB Battery attached to circuit to apply the O.6V potential difference.