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omen and peace British Muslim women hold virtal interfaith event celebrating international womens day (1) (1)

Women and peace: British Muslim women hold virtal interfaith event celebrating
international womens day.
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association of Putney Heath, hosted an interfaith
event on 8th March, through zoom. The virtual event saw around 45 women from all
walks of life come together to discuss and learn the importance of women establishing
peace in society.
The event was represented by women of different faiths and a wide range of
professional and academic backgrounds. With five different speakers, the event was a
huge success.
The evening began with the recitation of Chapter 33 verse 36 of Holy Quran, in which
Allah speaks of how both believing Men and Women will be given a great reward.
Guests were introduced to different humanitarian efforts by the Ahmadiyya Muslium
Women's organisation UK locally, regionally and nationally.
The floor was then handed to the speakers. The speakers included: Fleur Anderson the
Labour MP for Puntey Roehampton and Southfields. Followed by Dolores Read, the
Chair of the Women's federation for world peace in South London, took over.
We then had the pleasure of hearing Pippa Maslin, the London assembly candidate for
Merton and Wandsworth, Green party Sara Nairn, an educational psychologist and
member of the green party. The last speaker was Reem Shraiky, who is a translator
writer and life devotee of the Ahmadiyya Muslium community.
Dolores spoke about the importance of women in keeping social order and creating a
peaceful society. She spoke about how peace starts at home, and thus women's role as
mothers is crucial in creating peace.
Reem spoke about the importance that Islam has placed on womens education, by
touching on the low status of women in Arabia, at the time of the Holy Prophet SAW,
and the importance the Holy Prophet SAW placed on education of both men and
The event ended by Safiyya Salam, the vice president of the women auxiliary
Ahmadiyya Muslium women association UK. She thanked everyone for coming and
ended the session with a silent prayer.
It was a highly successful event and a warm atmosphere was created by both speakers
and attendees. The event was a testimony to the fact that 'women can do it themselves'
By the Grace of Allah attendees had a lot of positive feedback after the event.
One comment of the attendees was: “Thank you very much for inviting me! I have
learned a lot and I was very surprised to learn what Islam things about women's
education. This all was very new to me and I am delighted to have been invited.”
Another attendee said “Thank you again for inviting me! One little prayer of a person
can change so much. I am so glad we prayed together at the end. This was an amazing
experience and I am glad I joined.”
All guests of the event were given coffee vouchers as a gesture of appreciation for
attending the event.