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FBA Report Template with Guiding Questions

FBA Report Template with Guiding Questions
An FBA was conducted to determine the environmental factors that contribute to STUDENT’s problem
behaviors. The information will be used to develop teaching strategies to reduce the occurrence of
problem behaviors and increase the occurrence of appropriate replacement behaviors.
Date Completed:
Completed by: contact teacher
Methods of data collection: Teacher/parent/student interviews, classroom observations
When does the student feel most confident? During perferred activities, athletics, math
What does the student respond well to? Positive
What are the student’s favorite activities, time of school day, people at school?
Does the student have any academic strengths?
Is the student very social, personable, friendly, well-liked
Data Collection:
Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) goal percentage, trend line, am/pm
Behavior Incident Reports/Office Disciplinary Referrals
Crisis Response Team data: Date, time, setting/environment, behavior, consequence
Student behavior logs
A-B-C Charting
1. Description of problem behaviors: (​Target Behavior #1, Target Behavior #2, etc.)
What is one behavior that, if changed, would have the greatest impact on the student and/or
What does the behavior look like, sound like? Give examples. “For instance…”
How often does the behavior occur? (e.g. “Three times per day, One time per week”)
How long does the behavior last?
How disruptive is the behavior? E.g. mild, moderate, severe, scale from 1 to 5
Is there another behavior that is also important to address?
If I walked into your classroom and the student was engaged in the behavior, what would I see?
What is your second greatest behavior of concern
2. A description of the events, times and situations that predict the occurrence and nonoccurrence of
What class(es) does the target behavior occur?
What time(s) of day does the target behavior occur?
Does the target behavior occur during special events?
Does the target behavior occur during group or individual times?
Does the target behavior occur with certain people?
3. A description of the antecedents, consequences and other reinforcers that maintain the target behavior:
What is the student doing?
What is being asked of the student?
Where is the student?
What is immediately preceding the behavior?
o What sets off the behavior?
o What makes the behavior happen?
o Who else is involved?
● What is happening after the behavior occurs?
● What reinforcers (either deliberately or inadvertently) encourage the behavior?
4. Possible functions of behavior:
Why do you think the target behavior is occurring?
What is motivating the student to exhibit the target behavior?
Does the student seem to be trying to gain peer or staff attention?
Does the student seem to be trying to escape or avoid anything?
Does the student appear to be sensitive to sensory input or seeking sensory input?
Does the student seem to be trying to obtain an object?
5. Possible positive alternative behaviors:
What is the replacement behavior(s)? (desired behavior)
How will the student develop the desired behavior?
What are ways to change the context to make the problem behavior unnecessary?
What are ways to prevent the behavior?
What can be done to increase expected behaviors or to teach a replacement behavior?
What should happen when a problem behavior occurs?
What should happen when desired or replacement behavior occurs?
Summary of Hypothesis:
“When ​<antecedent(s)>​ occurs, STUDENT engages in ​<target behavior>​ in order to ​<function(s)>​.
This leads to ​<consequence(s)>​. STUDENT needs to learn ​<recommended skills>​ in order to
<replacement behavior>​.”
FBA Parent Interview Question Options
What are some strengths that you recognize in your child? (E.g. academic, social, behavioral,
emotional, functional, hobbies, athletics, etc.)
What are your main concerns for your child?
Has your child experienced any significant physical illness? (Seizure, hospitalization, head
injury, etc.)
Does your child have a current physical or mental health diagnosis?
Does your child take any prescription medication?
Did you ever notice that your child’s development seemed different from other children? If so,
when and for what reason(s)?
Do you have concerns about your child’s activity level or attention span?
Is your child easily distracted by the environment or not aware of the environment? If so,
explain or give examples.
Does your child have difficulty maintaining focus/sustaining effort? If so, explain or give
Does your child interact appropriately with peers and do peers seek him/her out to play with?
Do you currently have any concerns about your child’s social skills?
Does your child have ​more​ ​difficulty making and keeping friends when compared to other
children of your child’s same age?
What types of activities does your child enjoy participating in?
Does your child demonstrate any significantly challenging behaviors that interfere with his or her
functioning? (E.g. aggressive, impulsive, high anxiety, yelling, name-calling, swearing, kicking,
throwing objects, etc.)
When does the behavior occur?
How often does the behavior occur? Is there a pattern? (specific times, days, subjects, tasks,
with whom)
How long does the behavior last?
On a scale of 1-5 (five being high), how much of a concern is this behavior?
When happens just before they occur? (what will guarantee that the behaviors will occur)
What other conditions or circumstances predict the behaviors? (medical condition/diagnosis,
medication, fatigue, environmental factors)
Where do the problem behaviors occur?
When/where is your child ​least​ likely to have difficulty with the behavior? When/where does
your child function best?
What one thing you could do to most likely make the behavior occur?
How would the behavior be affected, if at all, if you…
Asked your child to perform a difficult task
Interrupted a fun activity
Unexpectedly changed a routine or schedule?
Demanded a request?
Did not pay attention to your child for several minutes?
What typically happens immediately after your child engages in the behavior?
Potential reinforcers
List your child’s favorites for each area
Toys and objects:
Activities at home:
Activities in the community:
What do you and others around your child do? How does your child react?
Are there any disciplinary techniques that help improve the situation?
Are there any disciplinary techniquest you have tried that actually made the behavior worse?
What have you found to be the most satisfactory ways of helping your child?
Does your child seem to be gaining or avoiding anything as a result of the behavior?
How do you or other caregivers typically react when the behavior occurs?
Are there any consistent supports provided?
Are there any consistent consequences used?
What is your child’s reaction to consequences?
What works best to change the problem behaviors?
What have you tried in order to stop or decrease this behavior?
Why do you think the problem behaviors occur?
How long have these behaviors been a concern?
What behaviors would you rather see in your child?
Is there any other information that might be helpful to share?
The Competing Pathways Behavior Model
Emphasizes concept that a replacement behavior and problem behavior cannot co-exist.
Avoids the caveat of developing a BIP that does not, in fact, extinguish the target behavior.
Builds understanding and communicates the support plan through a visual layout.
Develops common understanding for those responsible for implementing plan
Vital to understand the “why” of the behavior
Behavior Support Team (BST): Problem Solve Protocol
Team Members Present:
Intervention Area: (underline)​
Current Modifications/Interventions/Direct Behavior Rating (DBR) Focus:
Briefly define the core issue prompting intervention:
List Antecedents
List Behaviors
List Consequences
Determine Function(s) of Behavior(s) (i.e. SEAT):
Create Hypothesis:
“When ​<antecedent(s)>​ occurs, STUDENT engages in ​<target behavior>​ in order to ​<function(s)>​.
This leads to ​<consequence(s)>​. STUDENT needs to learn ​<recommended skills>​ in order to
<replacement behavior>​.”
Prevent-Teach-Reinforce-Follow up Meeting Date: