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Element Baby Book Project: Science 8 Final Exam

Baby Book
Science 8
20-21 Final Exam Project
– In this project, you will adopt an element from the Periodic Table.
– As the proud new parent of your element, you will create an electronic baby
book through Power Point to remember each stage of your element’s life.
– This will count as your final exam grade. Take note of the required details so you
do not miss out on points.
Important Information
Due Date:
– Monday, 5-10-2021
– No one is allowed to use the example in this presentation.
– The baby book must be completed as a Power point or Google slide.
– You should 4-5 slides.
– Select your element baby and submit his/her name to me by Friday, Apr. 23.
There will not be any duplicates.
– Use your notes, text, the internet and any other sources you can find, excluding
– During the process remember to include:
o Color
o Neatness
o Check spelling and grammar
o Avoid too much dead space on slides
o Be creative
Cover page
– Name of element
– Picture of the element (in everyday use)
– Description of what the element is used for
– Your name
– Science 8: class period
– Decorative cover
Birth Certificate
– Name (name of the element)
– Nickname (symbol)
– Birth Date (date element was discovered)
– Birth Weight (atomic mass)
– Birth Height (atomic number)
– Race (type of element: metal, non-metal, metalloid)
– Doctor (discoverer)
– Gender (state of matter at room temperature)
– Place of birth (Country of discovery)
– Personality (boiling & melting point)
– Signature of Parent (THAT’S YOU!)
– Make it look professional (border and seal of approval are required)
Birth Certificate Examples
Various Styles
Overall Look
Baby Picture
– Create a picture of a baby ( make sure your baby also has a
– The baby needs to have a drawing of your element’s atomic
structure on his/her outfit.
– Be sure to label your element and list its protons, neutrons
& electrons in the correct amounts.
Family Tree
– Create a family tree to place the following
 Family name (name of the group it belongs to: alkali
metals, halogens, etc.)
 Brothers and sisters (names of the group members)
*Please see the next slide for the grading rubric.
Grading Rubric
Covers topic in-depth
with details and
examples. Subject
knowledge is excellent.
Student presents
Content is logically
There is no sequence of
information in logical organized for the most information, just a series
sequence which
part, but audience could of facts.
audience can follow, but have some difficulty
overall organization of following presentation.
topics is basic.
The presentation was a
concise summary of the
topic with all questions
Comprehensive and
complete coverage of
The presentation was a
good summary of the
topic. Most important
information covered;
little irrelevant
The presentation was
informative but several
elements went
unanswered. Much of
the information
irrelevant; coverage of
some major points.
Student used visuals to
reinforce presentation
and make excelllent use
of font, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to enhance
Visuals related to text
and presentation.
Student makes good use
of font, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to enhance
the presentation.
Student occassionally Student used little to no
used visuals that rarely visuals and/or use of
supported text and
font, color, graphics,
presentation. Student effects etc. distract from
makes use of font, color, the presentation content.
graphics, effects, etc.
but occassionally these
detract from the
presentation content.
No misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Three or fewer
misspellings and/or
grammatical errors.
Four misspellings and/or More than 4 errors in
grammatical errors.
spelling or grammar.
The presentation was a
brief look at the topic
but many questions were
left unanswered.
Majority of information
irrelevant and significant
points left out.