Uploaded by Tianyu Chen

Renewable Energy Quiz: Intro to Energy & Course Policies

Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduc on to Energy (14 points)
Due Sep 10 at 11:59pm
Points 14
Questions 14
Available until Sep 10 at 11:59pm
Time Limit 180 Minutes
Instruc ons
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: We allow 3 hours on the quizzes so you can watch the lecture as you are taking the quiz if
you want. You are also welcome to watch the lecture first and then follow up with the quiz.
This quiz was locked Sep 10 at 11:59pm.
A empt History
Attempt 1
10 minutes
13 out of 14
Score for this quiz: 13 out of 14
Submitted Sep 6 at 6:58pm
This attempt took 10 minutes.
Question 1
1 / 1 pts
How many points is the final exam worth?
50% of the grade
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
Plagiarism is hopefully not a new term or concept for you. (Not giving credit
to original authors is plagiarizing and it is wrong!! In addition, you must write
in your own words and not use the work of others word for word.) If you do
not understand plagiarism, the difference between quoting and
paraphrasing, or how to properly cite quotes or paraphrases, figure it
out now!! Here is a good teaching document for learning how to
paraphrase properly. (https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/619/1/)
If you are caught plagiarizing, you will likely be given a zero for your
submission and the incident will be reported to the Office for Student
Conduct and Academic Integrity (https://oscai.umn.edu/) .
By Clicking "Yes" below you signify that you understand what plagiarism is
and the consequences of plagiarizing in this course (ie getting a zero on the
Yes, I understand what plagiarism is and the consequences of plagiarizing in
this course.
No. I do not understand plagiarism now but I will learn it as I know there are
consequences if I plagiarize.
Question 3
1 / 1 pts
What is the course email address?
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
You will receive the best response when you email bbe2201@umn.edu
1 / 1 pts
Question 4
From the Syllabus.
Reflection or Forum Assignments have specific due dates. If you turn them in
late you will:
not receive any credit.
have one point deducted per each day late.
THIS IS IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER!! We take off one point per
each day late on forums and reflections. That means, if you forget
about a forum ­ do it the next day for nearly all the points!!
0 / 1 pts
Question 5
The due dates for assignments like the quizzes, final exam, final paper, and
DSARI project can be found where?
On the home page
(https://umn.instructure.com/courses/16285) for this
orrect Answer
At the top of each lesson, OR in the Syllabus link, scrolling down to the bottom
under Course Summary.
You Answered
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
Due dates are provided within the syllabus document.
Due dates are given at the top of each lesson, and in the left Syllabus
link down the page in Course Summary.
Question 6
1 / 1 pts
At the top of the course webpage we shared our thoughts on the importance
of citing your work properly
properly) . In the document we provided an example of a high profile person
that plagiarized their PhD thesis (amazingly blatant plagiarism). What was
the name of this person?
NOTE: You should also look at the syllabus regarding what we expect in your
writing assignments.
Joe Biden
Vladimir Putin
Monica Crowley
Melania Trump
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
All of the people below have had problems with plagiarism. Don't be
like them!
Monica Crowley was Trump's Deputy National Security Advisor for
Strategic Communication and Speech Writing until resigning
based on this plagiarism problem.
Question 7
1 / 1 pts
From the Syllabus
Late quizzes receive a score of _______________.
25% off for every day late.
50% off for every day late.
0 points. No late quizzes are accepted.
Sorry. No late quizzes accepted. I wish we could do something
different but moodle is not set up for late quizzes. After this first week
we will have all the lessons open at least 2 weeks before the due date
which gives you plenty of time to work ahead and get things done ­
just in case you get sick or if there is a death in the family.
Question 8
1 / 1 pts
Match the following:
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
What day is the final paper
Dec 7, 2017
What day is the final exam
Dec 20, 2017
What day is the DSARI (Do
Something and Report It)
Project due? (Note: not the
Peer Review of DSARI)
Nov 7, 2017
Other Incorrect Match Options:
Sept 20, 2017
IMPORTANT: You will be reminded of due dates on the big
assignments. It is YOUR responsibility to keep up on the lesson
assignment due dates. Note the due dates are in the Canvas
Calendar and you can also link this calendar to your personal
calendar so there are no excuses for not knowing due dates. We
suggest keeping at least one lesson ahead just in case you forget or
get sick or something. It is also a good idea to put the big due dates in
your personal calendar!
Question 9
1 / 1 pts
From the lecture "Introduction to Energy" what is the total world energy use
(Btu is a standard measure of energy. Quadrillion is a prefix meaning x1015
(It goes million (106, billion 109, trillion 1012 quadrillion 1015) Exojuoles is
another measurement with 1 quadrillion Btu = 1.05 Exojoules)
about 100 quadrillion Btu's
about 4 billion gallons of gasoline equivalent per day
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
about 100 million gallons of gasoline equivalent per day
about 500 quadrillion Btu's
About 500 quadrillion Btu's per year of total energy is consumed in the
world, with about 100 quadrillion Btu's by the US. A quadrillion is a
really big number (1000 trillion) so I like to think of it as something we
are a little more familiar with. 500 quadrillion Btu's per year is the
equivalent of consuming 11 billion gallons of gasoline per day.
Question 10
1 / 1 pts
Approximately what percent of the world population does not have access to
Question 11
1 / 1 pts
The First Law of Thermodynamics is that ____________________________.
heat is conserved.
energy is lost in any energy conversion process
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
energy is conserved.
While it is true that energy is not lost, useful energy is lost in all
energy conversion processes, typically in the form of heat. Energy
going to a standard light bulb results in about 5% of the energy
converted to light and about 95% converted to heat that we dont' need
(at least in the summer time).
Question 12
1 / 1 pts
The Btu (British Thermal Unit) is a unit of measurement for energy in a
similar way that the inch is a unit of measurement for length.
How is a Btu defined?
The amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 ounce of water, 1
degree Fahrenheit
The amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 10 pounds of water,
10 degrees Fahrenheit
The amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water, 1
degree Fahrenheit
The amount of energy it takes to lower the temperature of 10 pounds of water,
1 degree Fahrenheit
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
So a Btu is not very much energy. It is about the same energy as what
is produced when a match burns from start to finish.
Note: one cup of water weighs one pound.
Question 13
1 / 1 pts
Which of the following are potential reasons for moving away from fossil
Check all that apply.
Human Health: Fossil fuels are bad for human health.
Geographic Distribution: There are some places that don't have good grid
access that could benefit from local renewable energy. This especially true in
developing countries.
National Security: We need renewable energy sources so we don't have to
rely on other countries.
Environmental Impact: Fossil fuels are bad for the environment and contribute
to climate change.
Lesson 1 Quiz 1: Introduction to Energy (14 points): BBE 2201, 001 Renewable Energy and the Environment (Fall 2017)
Often we focus on just one of the reasons to move to renewable
energy. We get stuck in a pattern of "environment" or "finite supply",
but there are many good reasons to be using renewable energy. Note
that finite supply is a concern because our ability to extract existing
reserves is based on the economics of the technology.
Question 14
1 / 1 pts
Prior to 1900, the primary source of energy was initially
Initially, wood was the most used energy source, then in the 1880s
coal as an energy source began to be used to generate electricity for
homes and businesses.
If you have any comments or questions on this quiz or lesson send a note to
bbe2201@umn.edu (mailto:bbe2201@umn.edu) .
Quiz Score: 13 out of 14