Extended Course Syllabus Course Undergraduate Core Course Title: Ethics in Business BCO 121 Course Dates Spring 2016 Professor: Daniela Schilcher Reference Text: Business & Society. A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility and Ethics. Thorne, Ferrel and Ferrel. Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to ethical thinking in business. Globalisation, corporate scandals and the financial crisis have created a need for shared ethical standards. Increased sensitivity and awareness will enable the future professionals to contribute to a more sustainable economic interaction. In this course we will explore the presence and the significance ethical issues in business and in professional interaction. The student will learn to recognize moral aspects in a broader context and to identify inconsistencies and consequences of presumptions and attitudes. The course assumes no prior formal philosophical education. It will provide the student with the ability to critically evaluate arguments and to develop personal moral principles. It will introduce the students to different ethical theories. In parallel we will work on current cases in business ethics. Course Requirement Students are expected to carefully read the provided texts, complete all assignments and tests. They are expected to participate in discussions, present cases and topics. Students must at all times conduct themselves in accordance with EU’s high ethical standards and adhere to the policies and regulations detailed in the students’ pack. Unjustified absence of more than 2 sessions will result in automatic failure of the course. Course Outcomes - The ability to identify ethical aspect of a situation The ability to debate moral issues Understanding of major positions in moral philosophy and their practical significance Insight into current ethical issues in the world economy The ability to understand the framework, identify dilemmas and solve them Clarity concerning personal values Course Grading Assignments Midterm Exam Final Exam 40% 30% 30% Grading follows the criteria set out in the students pack. Assignments encompass one group presentation and one group debate about a preassigned topic (grading: 20% each). Focus is put on critical thinking. Midterm and final exams: multiple choice tests covering theory. In case hand in dates are given, failure to respect them will result in percentage deduction (up to 20%) for work handed in one week after the hand in date. After that date the work will not be graded. Midterm Exam: Session 6 Final Exam: Session 13 Course Program TOPIC 1: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND BUSINESS ETHICS TOPIC 2: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF STAKEHOLDER RELATIONSHIP TOPIC 3: LEGAL, REGULATORY AND POLITICAL ISSUES TOPIC 4: BUSINESS ETHICS AND ETHICAL DECISION MAKING (ETHICAL ISSUES IN BUSINESS, HONESTY AND FAIRNESS, DISCRIMINATION, CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS, FRAUDS, DISCRIMI NATION, ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE) TOPIC 5: STRATEGIC APPROACH TO IMPROVING ETHICAL BEHAVIOR (CODES OF CONDUCT, SYSTEMS TO MONITOR AND ENFORCE ETHICAL BEHAVIOR, WHISTLE-BLOWING, THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP) MID-TERM EXAM TOPIC 6: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE (DEFINITION OF CORP. GOVERNANCE, ACCOUNTABILIY, QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF BOARDS OF DIRECTORS, RISK MANAGEMENT, EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION) TOPIC 7: CONSUMER AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS (CONSUMER STAKEHOLDERS, RESPONSIBILITIES TO CONSUMERS, COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDERS, RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE COMMUNITY, ECONOMIC, LEGAL, ETHICAL AND PHILANTHROPIC ISSUES RELATED TO THE COMMUNITY) TOPIC 8: EMPLOYEE RELATIONS (EMPLOYEE STAKEHOLDERS, RESPONSIBILITIES TO EMPLOYEES, ECONOMIC, LEGAL, ETHICAL AND PHILANTHROPIC ISSUES RELATED TO EMPLOYEES, STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION OF RESPONSIBILITIES TO EMPLOYEES) TOPIC 9: ENVIRONMENTAL & TECHNOLOGICAL ISSUES (GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AND ETHICS, GREEN MARKETING, CYBERCRIME, PRIVACY ISSUES, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY) TOPIC 11: RECAP / CONNECTING THE TOPICS FINAL EXAM