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Technological Developments in History Worksheet

Science, Technology, and Society
2nd Semester A.Y. 2020-2021
Instructor: Addie Albano
Student number:
Technological developments in History
1. What do you believe the saying “Necessity is the mother of invention” means
today? (2pts)
2. Egyptian Civilization https://youtu.be/hO1tzmi1V5g
 Explain the role of the Nile river to the prosperity of Egyptian civilization.
 Similar to the Babylonians, Egyptians built mighty infrastructures such as
the pyramid, that speaks of their power as a nation. What scientific
advances do they possess that enabled them to build such? (5pts)
3. Greek Civilization https://youtu.be/6bDrYTXQLu8
The Athenean democracy allowed each city states in Greece to establish their
own form of ruling. Argue the pros and cons of this form of governance to the
political and cultural developmet of ancient Greece. (5pts)
4. Roman Civilzation https://youtu.be/GXoEpNjgKzg
Orginally for military transport, explain the influence of Roman construction of
roads to the success of the Roman civilization. (5pts)
5. Chinese Civilization https://youtu.be/kLStXl6CmS8
How did the Great Wall of China and Silk Road influence the success of Chinese
civilization? (5pts)