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01 Transport Safety and Security 2021 Hatem00

‫‪Transport Safety and Security‬‬
‫االمن و السالمة فى النقل‬
‫د‪ .‬حــاتم عبدالجـواد‬
Movement of goods and people from one
place to another
Modes of Transport
1- Road Transportation
2- Rail Transportation
3- Water Transportation
4- Air Transportation
5- Pipeline Transportation
Introduction - 1
• Transport has always been associated with the risk of death, injury
and the destruction of property.
• From the earliest days people have been thrown from horses and
fallen out of canoes.
• Travel on the rudimentary roads of two hundred years ago was
very hazardous, as was venturing out on the ocean without proper
navigational aids, or traveling on river steamboats that routinely
exploded and sank.
• The advent of mass transport simply turned private, localized, grief
into public spectacles in the form of shipwrecks, train crashes, and
aviation disasters.
• While it is tempting to think that the risks are much higher in our
technological world where we speed across the ground at 100 mph or
more, or defy gravity in an aluminum tube some five miles above the
surface, you would be wrong.
• The improvements continue. The risks in all modes of transport have
fallen by at least half since the 1950s. Yet the absolute level of harm is
still very high.
• Even in a technologically advanced economy such as the United States,
one in 6,000 of the population dies each year due to transport crashes
(note that safety professionals prefer the word “crash” to “accident”
because the latter suggests that occurrence is due to pure fate and
cannot be influenced by human decisions).
• The annual death toll of about 44,000 represents half of all accidental
fatal injuries when one includes workplace injuries but excludes
homicides and suicides.
What is Security?
• The term Security is broadly used to refer to the
protection of individuals, organizations,
and assets against external threats and criminal
activities that can be directed to such entities hence
rendering them inactive.
• It is important to note that security is highly focused
on the deliberate actions that are geared towards
inflicting harm to an individual, organization, or even
• Security: is protection against intended incidents.
Wanted incidents happen due to a result of deliberate
and planned act.
What is Safety?
• The term safety is used to refer to the condition of
being protected from the aspects that are likely
to cause harm.
• In addition, the term safety can be used to refer to
the state at which one has the control of the risk
causing aspects hence protecting himself or herself
against risk that is fully unintended.
• Safety: is protection against random incidents.
Random incidents are unwanted incidents that
happen as a result of one or more coincidences.
Difference Between Safety and Security
By Definition
External vs.
Deliberate and
against external
It is a Physical
against internal
It is a Emotional
Broad Coverage
Narrow Coverage
1- Definition Aspect
• One of the primary difference between the two terms is their
• Security refers to the protection of individuals, organizations,
and properties against external threats that are likely
to cause harm.
• It is clear that security is generally focused on ensuring that
external factors do not cause trouble or unwelcome situation to
the organization, individuals, and the properties within the
• On the other hand, safety is the feeling of being protected from
the factors that causes harm. It is also important to highlight
that an individual who controls the risk causing factors has the
feeling of being safe.
2- Emotional Aspect
• The second difference is that the feeling of being safe is an
emotional aspect while security has to do with physical
• An individual feels safe when he or she is embraced by the
loved ones which means that his or her emotional safety has
been taken care of.
• Similarly, young children have the sense of being safe when
they are close to their mother or father because he or she
provides for both emotional and physical aspect.
• On the other hand, the aspect of security comes with
physical aspects like tall walls that are protecting an
individual from external threats. In addition, an individual
has the sense of security if he or she has a physical weapon
like gun that can be used to deal with external threats.
3- External Versus Internal
• It is important to highlight that security is mostly an
external affair while safety is an internal aspect.
• People looking for security ensure that they are highly
protected against external factors that are likely to harm
• Security analyst and the forces mandated with ensuring
security secure the perimeter of the organization,
assets, or even an individual hence shielding against any
external threats.
• A person might have large security force but may be
feeling the absence of safety, especially if he or she does
not have peace with personal being.
4- Deliberate and Unintended
• The other notable difference between security and safety is that
security is the protection against deliberate threats while safety is
the aspect of being secure against unintended threats.
• People and properties are usually protected against deliberate
threats that are caused by criminals who have the intention to
sabotage the operations of the company, steal resources of the
organization, or harm an individual. This means that security is
geared towards the protection against criminal activities that are
perpetuated by criminals.
• On the other hand, the safety of a person is mostly installed so
that a person can be protected against unintended accidents. For
example, individuals are required to wear safety clothes in an
organization that deals with chemicals so that they can be
protected against the accidents.
5- Coverage:
• The broadness at which each term covers seems to be
significantly different. Security is a major affair that
covers a wide area and goes even further to be an
international aspect.
• Countries ensure the safety of their citizens by instilling
security measures at the borders and at their airspace.
• One of the major roles of the government is to provide
sufficient security, especially against external threats.
• Safety does not cover wide coverage and usually involves
the premises of a house, company, and institution.
• It is also essential to highlight that there can be not
safety if security is not guaranteed.