See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: An overall comparison between natural gas spark ignition and compression ignition engines for a ro-pax propulsion plant: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Maritime... Chapter · June 2016 DOI: 10.1201/b21890-95 CITATIONS READS 0 303 3 authors: Ugo Campora Michele Laviola Università degli Studi di Genova Università degli Studi di Genova 34 PUBLICATIONS 311 CITATIONS 13 PUBLICATIONS 82 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Raphael Zaccone Università degli Studi di Genova 23 PUBLICATIONS 124 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Autonomous Ship View project Ship energy efficiency. Design & Operation. View project All content following this page was uploaded by Michele Laviola on 15 May 2019. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. SEE PROFILE An overall comparison between natural gas spark ignition and compression ignition engines for a ro-pax propulsion plant U. Campora Department of Mechanical, Energy, Management and Transportation Engineering, University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, Genoa, Italy M. Laviola & R. Zaccone Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineering and Naval Architecture University of Genoa, Polytechnic School, Genoa, Italy ABSTRACT: The paper presents a study concerning the repowering of an existing ro-pax operating across the Strait of Messina (Italy). Considering the short ferry routes (about 4 km) and the ship operating profile (24 hours/day of continuative operation), two different solutions are considered and compared for the substitution of the original four stroke diesel engines: traditional diesel engines (DE) and natural gas (NG) fueled marine engines. This second alternative is considered due to the better performance in terms of pollutant emissions and efficiency, if compared to DE of the same power and rotational speed, as verified by the authors in a recent paper. The different engines fuel types require different solutions for the fuel storage and handling that involve significant differences in the engine room layout, vessel structures, general arrangements, load capacity and ship stability. In the paper, all these subjects are analyzed for the considered propulsion power solutions, including also other important aspects as fuel, machinery and maintenance costs. 1 INTRODUCTION The here presented study is motivated by the intention of the Caronte & Tourist S.p.a. shipping line to evaluate the repowering of an existing bidirectional ro-pax vessel, named Enotria (length 96 meters), built in the 2002 and employed in the Strait of Messina (Italy), in order to reduce the pollutant emissions and the fuel costs, increase the ship velocity and, if possible, increase the vessel load capacity. Starting from an authors’ recent paper (Benvenuto et al. 2016), regarding a detailed comparison between two recently marketed Rolls-Royce (RR) diesel and natural gas four-stroke marine engines, in the present study both solutions have been considered to replace the originally adopted engines (four four-stoke diesel ones delivering 735 kW at 2100 rpm each. The increasing use of four-stroke dual-fuel or NG engines mainly in alternative to the conventional DE for ropax vessels applications (Smart 1991, ATENA 2014,2015, Di Natale 2014, Livanos et al. 2012) is due to the limitations in fuels sulphur content and engines nitrogen oxide emissions brought by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) meeting (MEPC 2008). Sulphur oxide (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions are subject to more strict limits in the Emission Control Ar-eas (ECA), actually located in the European North Sea, Baltic Sea and English Channel. ECA limits are however suitable to a future extension to others water areas, as visualized in Figure 1 (Pedersen 2015). Figure 1. Existing and possible future world ECA areas. This fact has involved an increase of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) fueled fleet in the 2010-2014 period, and a further increase is expected as visualized in Figure 2 (WPCI). Possible applications are starting to look at, in addition to large commercial and passenger ships, also smaller working boats as tugs and fishing vessels (Altosole et al. 2014a). Moreover, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently introduced the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) to estimate the merchant ships carbon dioxide emission efficiency (MEPC 2009, 2013). An increase of LNG market is as well expected in the Mediterranean sea (as reported in Fig. 1) (Pedersen 2015) and in Italy in particular (Cazzulo 2015), as nine ports are going to be equipped by LNG storage and fueling ships devices in the next years. The use of DE or NG engines changes the conception of on board fuel storage and handling, including installations’ security, particularly in the case of NG engines, in comparison with the ferry original DE engines. In the paper, a comparison between the two considered solutions is carried out, taking into account the arrangement of the fuel tanks, the engine efficiency and room layout, the emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutant substances, the ship displacement and load capacity. Also the main economic aspects (fuel, machinery and maintenance costs) are taken in consideration in the comparison. The original propulsion scheme and propeller typology is unchanged. Results are reported in tables, graphs and ship general plans. Figure 3. Actual Enotria ferry longitudinal view (a) and deck load plant view (b) with 22 trailers. Table 1. Actual Enotria ferry main dimensions and equipment features. ______________________________________________ ACTUAL MAIN SHIP FEATURES ______________________________________________ Overall length [m] 97 Maximum beam [m] 18 Design draught [m] 4 Dead Weight [tons] 2000 Main engines power [kW] 4x735 Main electric generator [kW] 3x160 Emergency electric gen. [kW] 1x80 Maximum speed [knots] 13.5 Accommodation: persons 300 Accommodation: cars 108 Accommodation: trailers 22 ______________________________________________ As shown in Figure 3, the actual ferry configuration is characterized by a single garage/open deck. As the central area of the main deck/garage, between frames -20.5 and +20.5, is covered by a superstructure houses, loading operations take place through two doors ramps hinged at the ship’s extremities, next to which two small superstructures (manoeuvring decks), are used to open and close the ramps and for docking and mooring operations. The ship has a full time (h-24) continuative operation. The crew working time is arranged into tree turns, each shift lasts 8 hours. Trips last about 35 minutes, with about 15 minutes stop between, for roll on/roll off operations. Figure 2. Increase world LNG-fueled fleet type in 2010-2014 and foreseeable increase in 2018. 2 ORIGINAL RO-PAX CHARACTERISTICS The considered Enotria ferry is a bidirectional ro-pax vessel, able to the transport of passengers, cars, vehicles and trailers, operating on the Strait of Messina (Italy) and owned by Caronte & Tourist S.p.a. The Figure 3 shows a longitudinal view of the ship, while the Table 1 reports the ferry main dimensions and features. features. 3 ACTUAL AND NEW PROPULSION ENGINE COMPARISON As mentioned in the introduction, Enotria ferry originally adopted four four-stroke diesel engines (MAN D2042LE408) have been replaced by the more efficient four-stroke marine RR “Bergen” C series engines (Rolls-Royce 2012), available both in the compression-ignition (DE) and spark-ignition (NG) version in different powers: 2000÷3000 kW the DE, 1620÷2430 the NG, both at maximum continuous rating (MCR) load conditions. The C25:33L6P DE and C26:33L8PG NG RR “Bergen” engines considered in (Benvenuto et al. 2016) are characterized respectively by a delivered power of 2000 kW and 2160 kW, both at 1000 rpm, therefore both are suitable to replace the original ferry engines. Tab. 2 shows the original Enotria ferry MAN DE characteristics compared to the RR DE and NG possible alternative engines which are both more efficient (particularly the NG one), with respect to the actually adopted MAN engines. Figure 4a shows the RR DE constant efficiency map, provided by the manufacturer (Rolls-Royce Marine. 2015), referred to the entire engine load field (area bounded from the dashed red lines in figure, normalized by referring to the RR NG engine MCR data). Engine parameters ____________ Actual engine Renewed engines _____________ MAN D2842 C25:33L6P C26:33L8PG ______________________________________________ Length [mm] 1491 4036 4796 Height [mm] 1105 3195 3195 Width [mm] 1230 1775 1748 Dry weight [kg] 1790x4 19650x2 20700x2 Cylinders number 12V 6L 8L Bore [mm] 128 250 260 Stroke [mm] 142 330 330 Fuel type MDO HFO/MDO NG Brake power [kW] 735 2000 2160 B.m.e.p. [bar] 19.1 24.7 18.5 Speed [rpm] 2100 1000 1000 Efficiency [%] 42.4 45.5 47.4 _____________________________________________ 120 normalized power [%] 110 DE engine manufacturer constant eff. lines cpp propeller curve 100 1.01 1 effD = 1.02 90 80 13.5 knots power limt power limt 70 60 50 14.0 knots 1 0.99 0.98 0.94 0.92 40 30 simulation code (including in cylinder calculations and the supercharger group), developed by the authors (Benvenuto et al. 2016) and validated, with good agreement, with reference data provided by the engine manufacturer, for different engine running load conditions and speeds (the validation errors are generally less to 2%, with a maximum value lower to 4.3% (Benvenuto et al. 2016). The numerical model of the engine is developed in Simulink® environment, by using the simulation approach successfully adopted for other recent marine applications (Altosole et al. 2012a; Altosole et al. 2013; Altosole et al. 2014b). This kind of simulation analysis allows to predict engine performance for emissions evaluation (Altosole et al. 2012b) and control design purposes (Altosole et al. 2014c). normalized power [%] Table 2. MAN and selected Rolls-Royce “Bergen” series engines main dimension and design (MCR) performance. ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ 0.83 20 0.71 10 130 NG vs DE differential efficiency 120 effM > effD ; effM = effD ; effM < effD) ( 110 NG power limit line 14.4 knots 14.0 knots 100 DE power limit line 90 13.5 knots NG cpp curve 1.5 80 DE cpp curve Diffeff = 1.7 1 70 2 60 0.5 50 0.2 40 30 0.0 20 -0.2 -0.4 10 -0.8 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 normalized speed [%] 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 (a) normalized speed [%] normalized power [%] 100 90 NG engine constant efficiency lines cpp propeller curve 14.4 knots eff. = 1 0.99 14.0 knots 80 13.5 knots 0.97 70 0.95 60 0.93 50 40 0.89 power limt 0.84 0.76 30 0.67 0.55 20 10 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 normalized speed [%] (b) Figure 4. Experimental diesel engine (a) and calculated natural gas (b) “Bergen” efficiency maps with Enotria ferry propeller curve and working points for 14.4 (NG only), 14 and 13.5 knots vessel speeds The Figure 4b shows the RR NG engine efficiency map, determined by a fully thermodynamic engine normalized power [%] (a) 130 NG vs DE differential CO2 120 NG power limit line 110 14.4 knots DE power limit line 14.0 knots 100 NG cpp curve 13.5 knots 90 DE cpp curve -25.5 80 70 DiffCO2 = -25.5 60 50 40 -24 30 -22 20 -20 -17 10 -10 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 normalized speed [%] (b) Figure 5. Natural gas vs diesel engine percent map efficiency (a) and carbon dioxide emission comparison (b) with Enotria ferry propeller curve and working points for 14.4 (NG only), 14 and 13.5 knots vessel speeds A comparison between the here considered “Bergen” C25:33L6P DE and C26:33L8PG NG engines, regarding the global efficiency and the dioxide carbon emissions, in the respective working fields, is shown in Figure 5. In Figure 5a the two considered engines global efficiency difference (Diffeff) is shown, expressed in percentage and normalized by equation: Diff eff = η NG − η D 100 ηD (1) The power reported in the figure is normalized with respect to NG engine, while the efficiency difference is normalized by referring to diesel engine, and the engine speed is the same for both the engines. Finally, the efficiency parameters ηNG and ηD have been respectively obtained by simulation and from manufacturer data, and are both referred to the same engines load and speed. Figure 5b shows the comparison between the two examined “Bergen” engines in terms of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In the figure, the data regarding the carbon dioxide mass produced from the two engines is determined, for each working point, as function of the respective fuel mass consumption and fuel typology (NG and HFO), by the burned fuel mass to produced CO2 mass table reported in (MEPC 2012). The CO2 emissions comparison results, reported in Figure 5b, are presented in percentage normalized form with respect to DE CO2 emission, obtained, for each engines working conditions, by equation: Diff CO 2 = M CO 2 NG − M CO 2 D M CO 2 D 100 (2) In accordance with literature data (Livanos et al. 2012, Aymelek et al. 2015), the comparison results reported in the Figure 5b, shows about 25% less carbon dioxide emission for the NG engine, in comparison to the DE one, at MCR and in the great part of the engines load areas; for engines power less than about 30%, the NG carbon dioxide emission advantage progressively reduces. This fact is easily explained by the NG efficiency reduction as compared with the diesel one, as the delivered power decreases, as shown in Figure 5a. The data reported in Tab. 3, referred to engines running at normal condition rating, puts in evidence the greater advantage of the NG, vs the conventional liquid marine fuels (HFO and MGO), as regard of pollutant emissions without considering the methane slip phenomena. The NG emissions advantage will increase even more with future development of methane slip risk prevention (Aymelek et al. 2015). Table 3. Typical naval four-stroke natural gas engines emissions reduction vs two-stroke low speed DE (HFO) (Livanos et al. 2012) and vs four-stroke (MDO) (Aymelek et al. 2015), both at normal condition rating load conditions. ______________________________________________ Marine engine Pollutant type NG FS engine NG FS engine difference [%] difference [%] ______________________________________________ Carbon dioxide (CO2) -25÷30 -25 Carbon monoxide (CO) -25 -Nitrogen oxide (NOx) -85 -85 Sulphur oxide (SO2) -100 - more 98 Particulate matter -99 more 90 _____________________________________________ 4 OLD AND RENEWED ENGINES ARRANGEMENT COMPARISON The NG ro-pax conversion project has been performed taking into account the main regulations in the marine industry related to this kind of ship: - Stability calculations are in compliance with the European directive 2009/45 / EC; - The structural calculation is in line with the RINA class requirements; - The estimate of the electric load for essential services board and for emergency conditions has been carried out with the support of RINA (PtC, Ch2, Sec3); - All the specific requirements for ship propelled by methane gas are in line with the IGF DRAFT code. The cryogenic conditions of the liquid natural gas stored on board require storage systems highly resistant to low temperatures and equipped with high degree of insulation technologies. The LNG is stored inside prefabricated vacuum-isolated type C cryogenic tanks, in redundant quantity as required by IGF draft code (2 tanks), placed at a distance of B/5 from the shipside and equipped by a vent mast positioned at 6 m height as required by IGF code. Figure 6. RR NG powered Enotria ferry longitudinal view and LNG tanks layout (above), (below) additional cargo inner deck plant view. The choice to place the NG tanks on the deck 4 (as shown in Fig. 6) has been supported by safety reasons. The possibility of arranging the tanks in a naturally ventilated open space and low exposed to shocks and collisions aims to increase the degree of safety. Furthermore, the released space where the HFO fuel tank were placed (in the inner bottom at the center area of the vessel, as shown in Fig. 7) it can now use be used to increase the payload. The new fuel tank arrangement is estimated to increase the original payload by 31 cars (Di Natale 2014) which find place in the inner deck, equipped by two ramps for roll on/roll off operations (Fig. 6). The bunkering station and the nitrogen cylinders used for inerting system refueling operations are also present on the deck 4. (b) Figure 8. Repowered Enotria ferry with RR DE (a) and NG (b) right engine rooms plants view (see Fig. 3), the respective left ones are speculars. It has not been possible to find a similar solution for the production of electrical energy in case of emergency state, so the emergency electrical load is provided by a traditional emergency diesel 120 kW fueled by MDO. The start of the gas engine is made possible by using compressed gas stored in pressurized cylinders. 5 PROPELLER, UPDATED MATCHING Figure 7. RR DE powered Enotria ferry longitudinal section with diesel tanks layout. The TCS (the set of the devices required for the safe storage of liquid gas and to re-gasification for feeding the engine) is directly integrated in each tank. The gas flows from the tanks to the engine via double walled steel pipes. The capacity of two NG tanks of 50 m3 each is estimated to guarantee one week of sailing as required by the shipowner. The ventilation of the engine is 30 times the volume per hour and the gas regulation valve is placed within 10 m from the engine. The estimated electrical load in normal navigation is 300 kW (Di Natale, 2014), however, no NG engines of this size are available on the market: for this reason, two shaft generators for each shaft line (as shown in Fig. 8) have been used to supply the electrical load, each one providing 150 kW; this solution allows the propulsion and electrical load to be fully produced by gas technology. A performance prediction of the propulsion system has been carried out in in order to compare the considered solutions. The hull hydrodynamic resistance Rt has been computed using Holtrop & Mennen method (Holtrop & Mennen 1978): results are shown in Figure 9. The original Enotria propulsors have been maintained: the two Voith Schneider Propellers (VSP), which principal data is summarized in Table 4, are arranged symmetrically with respect to amidships in accordance with the bidirectional layout of the ship. Table 4. Principal Voith Schneider Propeller data ______________________________________________ Propeller features ______________________________________________ Number of blade 5 Blade orbit diameter [m] 2.6 Blade length [m] 1.965 Blade density 0.242 _____________________________________________ The thrust (T) required to each propulsor is given by the following: T= (a) Rt 2(1 - t) (3) Where t is the thrust deduction factor. The power prediction can be solved by several methods (Figari & Altosole 2007), however, proper attention has to be paid to the definition of the main VSP performance coefficients, slightly different in comparison with traditional propellers. The VSP open water diagrams provide the non-dimensional thrust (Ks) and torque (KD) coefficients as well as the consequent open water efficiency, respectively defined as follows: KS = T 0.5 ρDLu 2 (4) KD = 4Q ρDLu 2 (5) Figure 10 shows the propeller power absorption curves in function of the fast reduction gear shaft speed, at different pitches, represented on the engine load diagram, as well as the pitch – revolution speed combined law, which has been chosen in order to ensure a reasonable margin from the limit line at low engine loads, and to reach the maximum speed at 95% of MCR and nominal speed, as suggested by the engine manufacturers. Bergen C26:33L8PG (METHANE) EFFICIENCY C26:33L8PG engine constant eff. lines 100 eff. = 1 0.99 90 (6) The above defined coefficients are provided in function of the advance coefficient (λ): λ= VA nD π (7) NORM. POWER [%] 80 K ηO = S λ KD 0.97 70 0.95 60 0.93 50 0.89 40 0.76 20 0.67 0.55 10 0 45 In order to eliminate the dependency from the propeller revolution speed (which is unknown at design stage), the following auxiliary variable is used: K= KS λ2 = T 0.5 ρDLV A (8) 2 This allows, for the design condition, to choose the speed and pitch that maximize the efficiency of the propeller, and thus to compute the proper reduction factor i = 11.56. Once this last is fixed, the performance prediction is carried out at different pitch values (60% to 100% of design pitch). 0.84 30 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 NORM. SPEED [%] Figure 10. Propeller power absorption curves at different pitch values and combined law. In Table 4 is reported a comparison, regarding the main parameters, between the actual and the two versions of the repowered Enotria ferry. In the repowered versions, the ship overall length, maximum beam and the design draught parameters are the same of the actual Enotria configuration, also reported in Table 1. Table 5. Actual and repowered Enotria ferry main parameters comparison. __________________________________________ Main ship features Actual engine _____________ Proposal engines ____________ MAN D2842 C25:33L6P C26:33L8PG ______________________________________________ Hull Resistance 250 Dead weight [tons] Main engine power [kW] Main electric generator [kW] Shaft electric generator [kW] Emergency generator [kW] Ship maximum speed [knots] Ship design speed [knots] Accomodation: persons Accomodation: cars Accomodation: cars + trailers Resistance [kN] 200 150 100 2207 2 x 2000 -2 x 150 1 x 120 14 13.5 300 103 22 + 0 2233 2 x 2160 -2 x 150 1 x 120 14.4 14 300 134 22+34 __________________________________________ 50 0 2200 4 x 735 3 x 160 -1 x 80 13.5 13 300 108 22 + 0 0 5 10 15 Speed [kn] Figure 9. Predicted hydrodynamic resistance vs, speed curve (Holtrop & Mennen 1978). Table 5 shows a comparison, between the two considered alternative propulsion plants (RR DE or NG engines), in terms of main components efficiency, fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emission, for two different ship speeds (13.5 and 14 knots). The slight deadweight difference between the two engines version of the repowered ferry (see Tab. 5) is Table 6. Repowered Enotria ferry main parameters comparison at 14 knots. ______________________________________________ Main ship features C25:33L6P C26:33L8PG ______________________________________________ Hull resistance [kN] 229 229 Engines efficiency [%] 45.6 47.0 Propellers efficiency [%] 63.0 63.0 Normal seagoing fuel cons. [kg/h] 351.5 298 Carbon dioxide emission [kg/h] 1099 819.5 _____________________________________________ Table 7. Repowered Enotria ferry main parameters comparison at 13.5 knots. ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Main ship features C25:33L6P C26:33L8PG ______________________________________________ Hull resistance [kN] 211 211 Engines efficiency [%] 46 46.8 Propellers efficiency [%] 62.0 62.0 Normal seagoing fuel cons. [kg/h] 312 247 Carbon dioxide emission [kg/h] 983 679 _____________________________________________ The same engines working points considered in Tables 6 and 7 are represented, in the Figures 4-5.The data reported in Tables 6 and 7 shows unequivocally the smaller NG engine fuel consumption and CO2 emissions as compared to the DE one. This fact is due to the NG engine better efficiency and, mainly, to the NG greater lower heating values and less molecular carbon percentage in comparison with to DE fuels. 6 FINANCIAL EVALUATION OF LNG RETROFITTING SOLUTION The ferry annual machinery, fuel and maintenance costs, for each proposed engines typologies, are determined considering that the ship has a full time (h24) continuative operation; crew working time is arranged into tree turns, each shift lasts 8 hours. Each trip between the Messina strait lasts about 35 minutes, at whose end the vessel stops for about 15 minutes, for an annual total of 8000 hours/year (these data are provided by the shipowner’s company). For the fuel, a MDO price of 676 €/tons and LNG price of 477 €/tons (+ 10% to consider the LNG price of transport from port to port), are considered in accordance with (Bunker Index 2016), referred to December 15, 2015. The machinery costs (i.e.: engines, propellers, fuel tanks and LNG gasification system, electric generators, maintenance) are provided by the respective manufacturers. The total ferry annual machinery costs are presented in Figure 11 (ten years of amortization are considered for the machinery costs), both for NG and DE engines and for two different ferry speed (13.5 and 14 knots). percent neglected as the same hull resistance is considered. The comparison does not include the actual Enotria propulsion plant configuration due to information lacks. 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 LNG 13.5 kn Diesel 13.5 LNG 14 kn Diesel 14 kn kn Capital cost Fuel costs Maintenance costs Figure 11. Repowered ferry (NG and DE engines) annual machinery, fuel and maintenance costs comparison for two different ship speed (CAPEX and OPEX (Livanos et al. 2012)). The data reported in figure, presented in percent, are normalized by referring to 14 knots speed with diesel engines. It is important to observe that these two different vessel speeds do not permit an increase of the trip/day, but only an increase of the ferry stop time in port in the case of the 14 knots speed. The annual costs data reported in Figure 11 show clearly the less costs of the NG engines solution: this is due to the less NG cost referred to MDO, despite an about 70% greater NG engines cost referred to DE ones. The propulsion plants maintenance costs are substantially the same for both the engines types. Finally, Figure 11 shows the economic convenience of a ship speed of 13.5 knots in comparison to 14 knots, mainly because of the less hull resistance, as reported in Tables 6-7. 7 CONCLUSIONS A study concerning the repowering of an existing bidirectional ro-pax ferry is presented in the paper. The substitution of the original engines with two new engine options is considered: a four-stroke natural gas fueled engine and a traditional four-stroke diesel one, both commercialized by the same manufacturer (Roll-Royce Marine) and belonging to the same engine series (named “Bergen”). Both engines, characterized by very similar design power, are also object of a detailed comparison, as reported in (Altosole et al. unpubl.). The actual ferry propellers and main electric generators are as well substituted by new different typology ones in the here proposed new vessel propulsion plant configurations. The here proposed ferry repowering and propulsion plant reconfiguration presents the following advantages, by referring to the actual ship propulsion plant layout: • A potentially increased ship cruise speed, due the greater power of the new engines; • An about 30% ferry load capacity increase (cars only), in the case of adopting NG engines; • A fuel consumption reduction for each trip (at equal cruise speed), due the greater efficiency of the new engines, in particular the NG ones; • A minor reduction of the pollutant emissions with the new DE engines, as well as a significant reduction in the case of NG; • An annual costs reduction, due to the less fuel consumption of the new DE engine, and a relevant annual costs reduction in the case of NG one, due to further fuel consumption reduction and natural gas lower price, if compared to the DE. This considerations lead to the conclusion that, in authors’ opinion, the repowering of the considered ferry is convenient especially if the currently adopted engines are substitute with the NG ones. This solution, despite the greater machinery cost as referring to the new DE engines, implies a load capacity increase, a greater reduction of the pollutant emissions and a consistent annual fuel costs reduction (due to the high amount of annual working hours, that allow to recover in a short time the major NG plant cost). At last, the expected increase (in the next future) of the LNG infrastructures in the Italian and in the Mediterranean Sea ports makes the use of the NG a particularly interesting alternative to the conventional DE fuels also in this sea area. AKNOWLEDGMENTS A particular grateful is expressed to Mister Andrea Cerutti and engineer Irene Zanin of Rolls-Royce Italy, for you precious collaboration. 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