Image cryptography using RSA Algorithm Sandipan Roy1, Charmie Rajan2, Darshan Savaliya3 Roll – 107118084, Roll – 107118026, 3 Roll – 107118090, 1 2 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NIT Tiruchirappalli Abstract- This paper mainly focuses on how it is vital for absolute protection in today's world as it is a problematic issue to maintain the privacy of images. Encryption Decryption becomes crucial to enhance confidentiality during communication or data transmission. Moreover, with the changing times, the most successful and effective methodology to hide information securely by which the sender and recipient hold the key to deciphering data would be through this method. Concerning image security, encryption plays a significant role in the security of any form of data. Cryptography is one such method of securing information with the help of codes that only those concerned can access codes. With the help of a secret key that the recipient would use to decrypt the encoded message, this protects private and sensitive data from unauthorized access, theft, or alterations. Encryption and decryption algorithm's security depends on the algorithm, while the internal structure of the rigor of mathematics also depends on critical confidentiality. RSA promotes cybersecurity by being a public-key cryptosystem used to secure sensitive data while being sent over an untrusted network with its cryptographic algorithm. Apart from ensuring the information to be secure, it also provides authentication, secret sub-storage, system security, digital signature, along with other facilities. This paper explores the RSA Algorithm implementation on an image to encrypt and decrypt using two keys, private and public (where one of the keys can be given to anyone). Image encryption being a sub-branch of image processing, this paper focuses on decrypting images using the public-key encryption scheme, RSA. I. INTRODUCTION In the 21st century, the world revolves around data. The amount of data that is generated each day is mind-boggling. According to Forbes, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated each day at our current pace, but that pace is only accelerating with the Internet of Things' growth (IoT). Over the last two years alone, 90 percent of the world's data was generated [1]. With such a massive amount of data available at our fingertips, we're accumulating to the data stockpile every time we look forward to our search engines for answers. In the past few years, memory devices reduced size; the internet has been ever- 1 evolving, communication networks have been faster with the introduction of 5G, cloud services have gained momentum. Social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Tinder have boomed in the pandemic situation. Given below are a few statistics regarding data and information – • It is expected that data will hit 175 zettabytes by 2025 worldwide, representing a 61% CAGR [2]. Data centers will hold 51% of the data, and 49% will be present in the public cloud. Out of this data, 90 ZB will be from IoT devices in 2025. • In 2018, unstructured data was growing faster than other business data, as reported by 71% of enterprises [3]. • By 2025, 80% of data will be unstructured [4]. In addition to business documents, audio, photos, and video are added new content such as social media, IoT, streaming, and geodata. • There will be 4.8 billion internet users by 2022, up from 3.4 billion in 2017 [5]. Figure 1. Data in A Day, Image Source: Raconteur Thus, vast amounts of information are transferred and communicated every minute and exposed to data theft and data manipulation threats. The transfer of sensitive pictorial data such as signatures, identity proofs such as driving license, passport and Adhaar card, private pictures have increased exponentially in the Covid lockdown. Often, we find news 2 of such data leaks, which creates panic in common people. A few days ago, there was an alleged data breach in Mobikwik, which led to the 3.5 million people's private information available on the dark web [6], including their Adhaar photographs, KYC, and signatures. In another such incident, a hacker group named "Shiny Hunters" leaked 1.9 million user records of photo editing application Pixlr [7], putting many private pictures at risk. Therefore, it is necessary to have proper infrastructure and support to ensure information remains private and reaches only those allowed to access them. Fig 2. CIA Triad Fig 3. Parkesian Hexad Hence, cybersecurity and information security have been essential domains of the present time. According to Cisco, Information security, often known as InfoSec, refers to the processes and tools designed and deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, disruption, destruction, and inspection [8]. One of the most popular and oldest security models is the CIA model [9], as depicted in figure 2. The complexity of threats led to the evolution of the CIA triad into the Parkesian Hexad, shown in figure 3. The Parkerian Hexad is an expression of a group of components in addition to the CIA triad to create a more complete, comprehensive, and reliable security model. It aims to change how information security is understood and implemented. The six atomic elements of the Parkerian Hexad are confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, possession or control, and utility. It aims to fill in the gaps of the CIA model 3 to improve the security of today's information assets [10]. In order to generate such a hexad security model, data is encrypted using several cryptographic mechanisms. The word "Cryptography" is made of "crypt-" meaning "hidden" or "vault" and the suffix "-graphy" stands for "writing." In Cryptography, the techniques used to protect information are obtained from mathematical concepts and a set of rule-based calculations known as algorithms to convert messages in ways that make it hard to decode them. Cryptography can be broadly classified into three categories – • Symmetric Key Cryptography: It is an encryption system where the sender and receiver of the message use a single common key to encrypt and decrypt messages. Symmetric Key Systems are faster and more straightforward; however, exchanging the key in a secure fashion is challenging. The most popular symmetric-key cryptography system is Data Encryption System (DES). • Hash Functions: There is no usage of any key in this algorithm. A hash value with a fixed length is calculated as per the plain text, making it impossible for plain text contents to be recovered. Many operating systems use hash functions to encrypt passwords. Blockchain technology also uses hash functions to secure the blocks. • Asymmetric Key Cryptography: Under this system, a pair of keys is used to encrypt and decrypt information. A public key is used for encryption, and a private key is used for decryption. The public key and Private Key are different. Even if everyone knows the public key, the intended receiver can only decode it because he alone knows the private key. One of the popular algorithms is the RSA algorithm. The idea of RSA is based on the fact that it is difficult to factorize a large integer. The public key consists of two numbers, where one number is the multiplication of two large prime numbers. And private key is also derived from the same two prime numbers. Therefore, encryption strength lies in the key size, and if we double or triple the key size, the strength of encryption increases exponentially. RSA keys can be typically 1024 or 2048 bits long, but experts believe that 1024 bit keys could be broken in the near future. However, this feat has not been achieved yet. In this research work, we try to implement 4 the RSA algorithm to encrypt and decrypt any image. The encryption would take place in the sending end, wherever the receiving end would decrypt the image. Thus, the confidentiality and integrity of the image information would be maintained. II. LITERATURE REVIEW As mentioned in the previous section, the domain of cryptography has seen steep growth over the world. Data communication majorly depends on digital data communication, in which data security has the highest priority when using encryption algorithms for data to reach the intended users safely without being compromised. Some literature has demonstrated the various cryptographic techniques used in data communication, such as symmetric and asymmetric methods [11]. One such technique is implemented using the RSA algorithm and Least Significant Bit image steganography concept to securely propagate data [12]. The symmetric cryptographic technique of the Data Encryption System has been formulated and analysed in [13]. The sender and recipient share a private key between them, which must be distributed first before actual communications occur. The analysis shows how very complicated and difficult this is to do correctly. An improved graphical password authentication using the Two-fish Encryption and Visual Cryptography (TEVC) method has been proposed in [14]. The DNA-based encryption method is one of the recent techniques embedded into the cryptographic field. In order to get better security in message transfer, several DNA-based encryption schemes have been proposed [15-16]. Some of them used DNA computing, while others applied the biological property of DNA strands and DNA sequence after modification [17]. A DNA-based cryptographic algorithm with a strong key of 256 has been proposed in [18] along with a new method of round key selection to provide better security in the message. With the introduction of blockchain technology, hash cryptography mechanisms have become a trending research topic. A hash function is a versatile one-way cryptographic algorithm that maps an input of any size to a unique output of a fixed length of bits [19]. The most well-known hash algorithms are MD4, MD5, SHA, JH, Skein, Grøstl, Blake, Hamsi, Fugue, Crush, Whirlpool, and Tav. A deep analysis of the various types of hash algorithms and the possible attacks has been studied in [20]. Popular algorithms such as SHA-256 and MD4 functions have also been analysed [21-22]. The RSA algorithm has been widely used in many different applications of cryptography. In [23], a complete and practical RSA encrypt/decrypt solution based on the study of the 5 RSA public key algorithm has been implemented, whereas an improved file encryption technique using RSA algorithm has been researched in [24]. In this work, we try another RSA implementation for image encryption/decryption. Sadkhan, S. B. [25] pointed to the primary process and trends of the fields in cryptography from the time of Julius Cesar till the modern era, as well as mentioning the current status of the Arabic industrial and academic efforts in this field in the past that is related to the existing cryptographic and search for new evaluation methods for the security of information. Schneier [26] concluded that secrecy of security as a good thing is a myth and that it is not suitable for security to be secret, as security entirely relying on secrecy can be fragile. If that secrecy were lost, regaining it would be impossible. Schneier further expressed that cryptography based on short secret keys that can be easily transferred and changed must rely on a basic principle, which is for the cryptographic algorithms to be simultaneously strong and public in order to offer good security. The only reliable way to make more improvements in security is to embrace public scrutiny. III. ALGORITHM The proposed cryptography method for image encryption is using the RSA algorithm in its core. The algorithm can be broadly divided into 2 parts, namely pre-processing and encryption/decryption. The brief details about each task are as follows: 1. Pre-processing 1.1. Choose two different large random prime numbers, P and Q. 1.2. Calculate N such that 𝑵 = 𝑷 ∗ 𝑸. N is the modulus for both the public key as well as the private key. 1.3. Calculate the totient: 𝜱(𝒏) = (𝑷 − 𝟏) ∗ (𝑸 − 𝟏) 1.4. Choose an integer such that 𝟏 < 𝑬 < 𝜱(𝒏) and E is co-prime to 𝜱(𝒏). E is the public key exponent. 1.5. Calculate D to satisfy the congruence relation 𝑫 ∗ 𝑬 ≡ 𝟏(𝒎𝒐𝒅(𝜱(𝒏))). 2. Encryption/Decryption 2.1. Encryption: 6 The public key is made up of the modulus of N and E as an exponent. For example, assume a pixel value m(x,y) located at (x, y) in the original image. Now the encrypted value of the given pixel will be c(x,y) such that: 𝒄(𝒙,𝒚) = (𝒎(𝒙,𝒚) )𝑬 𝒎𝒐𝒅(𝑵) – Encryption key 2.2. Decryption: The private key is made up of the modulus of N and D (co-prime of E) as an exponent. For example, take a pixel value c(x,y) located at (x, y) in the encrypted image. Now the decrypted value of the given pixel will be m(x,y) such that: 𝒎(𝒙,𝒚) = (𝒄(𝒙,𝒚) )𝑫 𝒎𝒐𝒅(𝑵) – Decryption key The pre-processing part should be done at the client's side and generate two random prime numbers. These values should be kept hidden during the whole process. The client should also generate D, E, and N values from the two randomly generated prime numbers. D is a private key exponent and should be kept hidden on the client's side and has to be used to decrypt the images received from the server-side. E is a public key exponent and should be shared with the server to generate the encrypted images. N is a modulus for the keys, and it should also be shared along with the public key exponent. The given flow chart explains the whole process in brief. Figure 4. RSA Encryption/Decryption Procedure 7 IV. IMPLEMENTATION The discussed algorithm was implemented using Python programming language with the additional help of different python libraries. The python version used is: 3.6.9, and the open-source python libraries having the following specifications: Library Version OpenCV 4.3.0 NumPy 1.19.5 SymPy 1.7.1 With the help of sequential programming, the step was algorithm was implemented as it is. The pseudo-code for the same is shown here: 1. Import necessary modules 2. Import an image using OpenCV's imshow function 3. Define the range of prime numbers 4. Using SymPy's random prime number generator, generate two random prime numbers from the specified range and store them as P and Q 5. Calculate N using formula N = PQ 6. Calculate totient and store it in a variable 7. Specify the limits and generate E 8. Compute D using extended Euclidean algorithm 9. Encryption: Iterate over the image's pixel values and calculate the number using pow pre-build function with the help of an encryption key. 10. Store it in a list. 8 11. Decryption: Iterate over the list again and use the Decryption key to re-generate the original image V. RESULTS The algorithm was tested on different image resolutions with different sizes of prime numbers. The local system was used with the following specifications: HP EliteBook having an Intel i5 vPro processor with 4GB memory. The results were inferred using the time taken by the algorithm to encrypt and decrypt one image. The below table shows the time taken in seconds by the algorithm when given different image dimensions as an input with the four different prime number ranges. Each value was averaged over 100 iterations on each image. Rows: Image Dimension Columns: Encryption and decryption time (in seconds) with respect to the different prime number ranges. 10-100 100-1000 1000-10000 10000-100000 Image Dimension Encryption Time Decryption Time Encryption Time Decryption Time Encryption Time Decryption Time Encryption Time Decryption Time 40x40 0.0157 0.0114 0.0218 0.0176 0.0305 0.0236 0.0457 0.0433 80x80 0.0650 0.0454 0.0853 0.0720 0.1073 0.0895 0..1792 0.1677 160x160 0.2579 0.1806 0.3306 0.2856 0.4146 0.3647 0.6971 0.6394 320x320 1.0076 0.7151 1.3354 1.1587 1.6370 1.4946 2.8183 2.6618 640x640 4.0078 2.8440 5.3516 4.6324 6.5330 5.8290 11.0811 10.6071 An example of an encrypted image and the decrypted image is shown below. The overall information of an original image is rarely inferred from the encrypted image alone. 9 Original Image Encrypted Image Decrypted Image Figure 5. Results of RSA Encryption/Decryption VI. CONCLUSION In today's modern era, the confidentiality and security of images and data have become more crucial with increased unsecured channels and communication necessity. Thus, it prompts to create and evolve existing cryptosystems. Image encryption is increasingly becoming an irresistible area of study in the domains of information security. Considerably, encrypting a text is quite different from that of an image due to its features. Conventional procedures and methodologies cannot be used to operate image encryption due to its complexity. Initially, multiple encryption methodologies were based on chaotic systems that were introduced to secure digital images from cyber-attacks that offer limited security. Among the existing algorithms, very few provide computational hardness, making it challenging to find the original message. The RSA algorithm used to encrypt increases security during the transmission of data and image files. With this paper, image encryption has been explored and implemented with the RSA encryption algorithm with the help of the Python programming language (3.6.9) and its open-source libraries. The image encryption algorithm introduced a secure and efficient process with less computation. Therefore, this approach of encrypting and decrypting images with the RSA algorithm makes it immune to any attacks in its transmission under information technology. The analysis consisted of two parts of pre-processing and encryption/decryption. The preprocessing part calculates a private key exponent D that is hidden on the client's side that satisfies congruence relation and the encryption/decryption involves the computation of the public and private key. In this paper, multiple image resolutions were tested with different prime numbers. Varying dimensions of images and the time taken in seconds to encrypt and decrypt were tabulated, 10 and it was observed that the encryption and decryption time was observed to be increasing with an increase in the image dimensions with respect to their prime numbers. VII. FUTURE SCOPE A methodology capable of faster encryption/decryption suited for real-time Internet encryption and transmission process could be experimented based on Rubik's cube's principle to permute image pixels. Improvised image encryption based on Rubik cube's principle where the original image is encrypted and with two secret keys, XOR operator could be applied to rows and columns of this encrypted images. In the case of a grayscale image, DES and Blowfish cryptosystems algorithms could be experimented upon. Blowfish is an algorithm that iterates the encryption function sixteen times, including a complex initialisation phase before the encryption begins, with promising actual encryption of data to be highly efficient on larger microprocessors. On the other hand, the data encryption standard being one of the early symmetric encryption algorithms might make it insecure for applications but boosts the advancement of cryptographic techniques. Apart from Python, Image encryption with RSA Algorithm could be implemented with MATLAB to apply upon grey and coloured images. This would result in two algorithms for encryption and decryption, which could be applied over the cipher and plain image after analysing them in the matrices form. Applying this cryptosystem over images with increasing number of primes would be a modified RSA cryptosystem based on the number of used prime numbers aiming towards better security. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are incredibly thankful to our professor, Dr. Balaji Ganesh, and colleagues at the Computer Applications department, who have encouraged us to make this paper an unforgettable experience in scientific research. REFERENCES [1] PC Reviews, "90% of the Big Data We Generate is an Unstructured Mess." [2] IDC, "Data Age 2025". 11 [3] 451 Research, "Addressing the Role of Unstructured Data Storage". with Object [4] IDC, as quoted by Data Management Solutions Review, "80 Percent of Your Data Will be Unstructured in Five Years". [5] Cisco, as quoted by Network World, "Cisco Predicts Nearly 5ZB of IP Traffic Per Year by 2022". [6] "Mobikwik Data Breach: 3.5M Users Personal Data on Sale on Darknet" - [7] "Hacker leaks 1.9 million user records of photo editing app Pixlr" - [8] "What is Information Security?" information-security-infosec.html - [9] Y. Bhaiji (2008), Chapter1: Overview of Network Security[online]. 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