Uploaded by Thomas Konrad

EAT PiE: Treatment Planning System Evaluation Software

Konrad T, Odreitz-Stark S
LKH Univ. Klinikum Graz, Dept. of Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
Neither our treatment planning system (TPS) nor our water phantom related software is capable of comparing measured and
calculated data by means of dose difference or gamma index. Microsoft Excel is an option, but for a large amount of data analysis can
become quite cumbersome. Using Python 3.4, we created a software which is able to read profile data (percentage depth dose (PDD)
and profiles) from Varian Eclipse 11 and 13, Philips Pinnacle 9.8 and the PTW Freiburg Mephisto water phantom software. Those
curves can be scaled and compared among each other by means of dose difference and gamma index, respectively.
Methods and Materials
• Program created in Python 3.4 and Qt4
 Free of charge, open source and easy to learn
 for 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems
 Matlab-like syntax and functionality using NumPy and SciPy extensions
 easy and free-of-charge exe- and setup-file creation
 Steadily growing community, also for radiation therapy
• Possible EAT input files:
 Eclipse dose profile export files in txt-format from version 11 and 13 as well as w2cad-configuration files
 Pinnacle planar dose files using a specific beam geometry from (at least) version 9.8 in asc-format
 Mephisto mcc-files from at least versions 1.8 and 3.2
• Output-pdf contains local or global gamma index value and a plot of dose difference or gamma value
 Good agreement between Eclipse calculated data and measured data using 1mm/1% and 2mm/2% local gamma criteria (Fig. 1)
Good agreement between Eclipse calculated data and Pinnacle calculated data using 1mm/1% and 2mm/2% local gamma criteria (Fig. 2)
Possibilty to compare different algorithms (e.g. AAA and Acuros XB) in a water phantom or from real patient calculations (Fig. 3)
Possibility to compare different detector types (Fig. 4)
Fig. 1: Printout for 1mm/1% local gamma index and dose difference plot for a
10x10cm² treatment field with SSD 100 and 100 MU comparing Eclipse
calculation and dose scaled measured data from Varian Vital Beam™ Linac
Fig. 2: Comparison of calculated PDDs for a 10x10cm² treatment field with
100 MU and SSD100 from Eclipse AAA 11 (blue) and Pinnacle (red) with
2mm/2% local gamma plot for Varian Clinac® iX
Fig. 3: Printout for a comparison of a lung SBRT real patient plan calculated with
AAA (blue) and Acuros XB (red) with 2mm/2% local gamma plot
Fig. 4: Measurement of a 10x10cm² field with a PTW M60008P Diode (blue)
compared to a PTW M31016 PinPoint chamber (red) using 1mm/1% global
gamma index with dose difference plot and 2mm/2% local gamma index
and gamma plot
Eclipse Analysis Tool with Pinnacle Extension can help in evaluating and commissioning a TPS, new algorithms or new versions of an
existing system or can be a useful tool in plan comparisons among different treatment planning systems or different algorithms in one
planning system. Even measurements with different types of detectors can be compared using the gamma index method and dose
difference analysis.
For setup-file mail to: thomas.konrad@klinikum-graz.at or stefan.odreitz@klinikum-graz.at