BASIC ELECTRONICS BASIC ELECTRONICS CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION As the name suggests semiconductor materials (SMCMs) have properties between those of insulators and conductors. In other words they behave as insulators or conductors under certain conditions. Semiconductor properties are displayed by the elements of Group IV of the Periodic Table and some compounds. The most commonly used SMCMs are Silicon (Si – atomic number of 14), Germanium (Ge – atomic number 32) and Gallium Arsenate (GaAs). GaAs combines an element from Group III and element of Group V of the Periodic Table. Atoms of the same element could arrange themselves in different ways. The SMCMs that are used in electronic semiconductor devices must have regular, repetitive structure called lattice or crystal structure. In such structures the SMCMs atoms are bonded by covalent bonds. Each atom needs four additional electrons to complete the outmost shell. In covalent bonding this as achieved by each atom sharing its electrons with four neighbour atoms. 1.1 Intrinsic Semiconductor An intrinsic semiconductor is a pure semiconductor, formed by only one type of atoms. The simplified structure for a Si (or Ge) crystal is shown in Figure 1.1. Si (or Ge) core atom Covalent bond Valence electron Figure 1.1 This is a typical structure of a SMCM when no external (like thermal) energy is applied to the material. All valence electrons are in covalent bonds, therefore there are no free charged particles, and the material is an insulator. It needs to be noted that the negative charge is equal to the positive, therefore the material is electrically neutral. Regardless of the fact that there is no external energy, the electrons in the atoms posses certain amount of energy which increases with their distance from the nucleus. The energy is measured in Joules, but as it is very small a more convenient unit of electron-volt (eV) is introduced, where 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 J. CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 1 BASIC ELECTRONICS When external energy (usually in form of heat) is applied to the material the energy level of the electrons increases and some valence electrons leave covalent bonds and become ‘free’ moving at random within the crystal (Figure 1.2). As a result, a covalent bond is broken and a charge carrier (or current carrier) is produced. Si (or Ge) core atom Covalent bond Free electron Hole Figure 1.2 The place where an electron vacated a covalent bond has the property of attracting an electron in order to restore the bond. Small amount of energy (much less that is needed to produce a free electron) is needed in addition to the electrical force of attraction, for an electron to brake from a neighbour covalent bond and fill the vacancy. However, another vacancy is created with the same property. It can be observed that a vacancy has the following properties: - It attracts an electron; therefore it has the equivalent to an electron positive charge. - It ‘moves’ in random within the crystal. The above properties satisfy the definition for a current carrier. Such current carriers in SMCMs are called holes. Thus in intrinsic semiconductors, unlike in conductors, there are two types of current carriers – electrons which carry negative charge and holes which carry equal positive charge. The charge on an electron is equal to 1.602 x 10-19 C. At any given temperature, above 0o K, the number of free electrons is equal to the number of holes because when a free electron is produced a hole is produced, or ni p i , Where ni and pi are the electron and hole concentrations respectively. It needs to be noted that the movement of holes is actually a movement of valence electrons in opposite direction. The minimum amount of energy needed to create a free electron is different for different materials. For Si it is of minimum of 1.1 eV above the valence electron energy, for Ge it is of 0.67 eV. The values are approximate and decrease with increase in the temperature. The process of creating a free electron and a hole is called generation of an electron - hole pair. In their motion within the crystal electrons collide with the atoms of the crystal and lose energy. Such electron is ‘captured’ by a hole and both disappear as current carriers. The process is called recombination of current carriers. At any temperature above 0o K the two processes take place simultaneously. CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 2 BASIC ELECTRONICS It is found that the increase in the current carrier concentration with the temperature is exponential. Small increases in temperature lead to substantial increase in the concentration, which makes the conductivity of intrinsic semiconductors difficult to control, as the conductivity is directly proportional to the number of current carriers in a unit volume. If an external voltage source is applied to the material, electrons and holes move in opposite directions, thus producing what is known as a drift current. Another type of current associated with SMCMs is the diffusion current. It is produced when concentration gradient exists in the material for some reason. Concentration gradient means that there is a higher concentration of current carriers in some part of the material compared to the rest. Electrons and holes move in the same direction from the place of higher concentration to the place of lower concentration. Diffusion current ceases when the distribution of current carriers within the material becomes even. 1.2 Extrinsic Semiconductor Intrinsic SMCMs have limited practical applications in fabricating devices for reasons stated above. In practice they serve as a base for obtaining extrinsic semiconductors that are employed in electronic semiconductor devices. Extrinsic means impure, of SMCMs with impurities added to the intrinsic material. There are two types extrinsic semiconductors namely N-type and P-type. 1.2.1 N-type Semiconductor An N-type semiconductor is obtained by introducing atoms of element of valence V to the intrinsic semiconductor so that an impurity atom replaces a Si (or Ge) atom. Such impurities are called donors. The most common donor atoms for Si are the phosphorus (P) atoms. (Figure 1.3). The phosphorus atom forms covalent bonds with the four neighbour Si atoms. The fifth electron however is not bonded and therefore lightly attached to its parent atom. A small amount of energy (approximately 0.04 eV) is needed for this electron and become free within the crystal. The properties and characteristics for N-type semiconductors can be summarized as follows: At 0o K there are no current carriers in the material. It is an insulator. - When a free electron from a donor atom is produced, no hole is produced. - A donor atom, which has lost an electron, becomes a positive ion. Such ion is not a current carrier. - The material is electrically neutral at any temperature. - The electrons in an N-type semiconductor are called majority current carriers. Their concentration is denoted as nn. - The concentration of free electrons is almost constant over a wide temperature range (up to approximately 150o C for Si and 80o C for Ge) and equal to the number of donors in the material. - Further increase in temperature leads to generation of electron-hole pairs. Holes in an N-type semiconductor are called minority current carriers, pn. - At very high temperatures the concentration of minority current carriers exceeds the concentration of minority current carriers many times and the material becomes an intrinsic. - The practical use of N-type SMCMs is limited to the certain temperature region where the conductivity is relatively constant and can be controlled. CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 3 BASIC ELECTRONICS Si (or Ge) core atom Free electron P Hole P Donor (phosphorus) atom Figure 1.3 1.2.2 P-Type Semiconductor The description for an N-type semiconductor is to a large extend is valid for a P-type semiconductor. To obtain a P-type semiconductor an element of valence III (as boron, B or aluminum, Al) is introduced to the material, so that an impurity atom replaces a Si (or Ge) atom in the crystal. Such impurities are called acceptors. The acceptor atom forms covalent bonds with three neighbour Si atoms. The fourth covalent bond is incomplete. A very small amount of energy (approximately 0.045 eV) is needed for an electron from a neighbour Si atom to move and complete the covalent bond. Thus a hole is created in the material and the acceptor atom becomes a negative ion. No free electron is produced. In a P-type semiconductor the holes are majority current carriers (pp), the electrons are the minority current carriers (pn). The practical use is also restricted to a certain temperature region. 1.3 PN Junction A PN junction is formed when in a crystal of semiconductor material both N-type and P-type areas are formed next to each other. The border between the two areas is called a PN Junction. Another way of illustrating a PN junction is to assume that a P-type and N-type semiconductors are brought into contact as shown in Figure 1.4. CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 4 BASIC ELECTRONICS P-side + + N-side + + Positive ion + + + + + Negative ion + + + + + + + + + + + + + Free electron + + + + + + + + + + + Hole + PN junction Figure1.4 It can be seen that in the P-side of the junction there are more holes than in the N-side of the junction. Similarly, there are more electrons in the N-side of the junction than in the P-side. As soon a contact is formed between the two parts two diffusion currents start flowing; one from electrons with direction from N- to P-side, and one from holes in opposite direction. The first to cross the border are the electrons from the N-side closest to the junction. Each electron moving from the N-side to the P-side leaves behind a positive impurity ion. A layer of such ions is formed on the N-side of the junction. At the P-side, the electrons recombine with holes closest to the junction. A layer of negative impurity ions is formed next to the junction. Vb P-side + Eint + N-side + + + + + positive ion + negative ion + + + + + + + + + + free electron + + + + + + + + + + + hole + Depletion layer Figure 1.5 Neutral areas CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 5 BASIC ELECTRONICS The layer of positive and negative ions give rise to an electric field, called internal electric field (Eint, Fig.1.5) and potential difference, called a barrier potential (Vb). The barrier potential prevents the further motion of majority current carriers across the junction and the diffusion currents cease. The barrier potential however, is not a barrier for the minority current carriers. As their concentration in both sides of the junction is the same, the net current from minority current carriers across the junction is zero. The layer formed by the positive and negative ions is called a depletion layer, as there are no current carriers in it. It could symmetrical or non-symmetrical depending on the doping levels of the N- and P-side. The resistance of the depletion layer is very high, of order of MΩs. The areas outside the depletion layer are called neutral areas. Their resistance is low, of order of Ωs. 1.3.1 Biasing PN Junction Applying external voltage to a PN junction is known as biasing. There are two ways to apply voltage to a PN junction: - The positive terminal is connected to the P-side of the junction, the negative terminal is connected to the N-side of the junction. It is known as reverse biased PN junction. - The positive terminal is connected to the N-side of the junction, the negative terminal is connected to the P-side of the junction. It is known as forward biased PN junction. Forward Biased PN Junction Forward-biased PN junction is illustrated in Figure 1.6. Vb P _ _ _ _ _ _ R + + + + + + N E Figure 1.6 As the resistance of the neutral areas is much smaller than the resistance of the depletion layer, the entire of the external voltage (potential difference) E drops on it. Thus there are two voltages across the junction acting in opposite direction. With increase in the external voltage from 0 V the resultant voltage drop across the junction decreases. More majority current carriers have enough energy to overcome the reduced potential barrier. As a result a drift current flows through the junction whose value increases exponentially. When the external voltage reaches the barrier potential value (0.7 V), the potential barrier disappears and large current flows through the junction limited only by the resistance of the neutral areas. Even very small further increases in the source voltage lead to large increase in the current. It practice a current-limiting resistor (R) should be connected between the source and the junction to prevent it from destruction. CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 6 BASIC ELECTRONICS The change in the barrier potential does not effect the movement of minority current carriers through the junction. Reverse Biased PN Junction When a PN junction is reverse biased, the external and the barrier voltage across the junction act in the same direction. The resultant potential barrier for the majority current carriers increases and the current is practically zero. The current from minority current carriers is however not affected as their concentration is constant at any given temperature (> 0o K). The current through a reverse biased PN junction is called leakage or saturation current (Is). It has much smaller value compared to the current in forward direction and is constant for a large range of voltages at certain temperature. 1.4 Review Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Explain the process of generation of electrons and holes in an intrincis semiconductor material using the simplified structures. Explain the term ‘recombination of current carriers’. Explain how majority current carriers are generated in: (a) An N-type semiconductor. (b) A P-type semiconductor. Explain the properties of an N-type semiconductor at temperature: (a) 0 oK. (b) 300 oK (c) 300 oC Discuss the conductivity of an intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor as a function of the temperature. Define the following currents associated with semiconductor materials: (a) Drift current (b) Diffusion current Give a definition for a PN junction and explain the formation of the depletion layer. Explain the behaviour of a PN junction when: (a) Forward biased. (b) Reverse biased. CHAPTER 1 SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIALS AND PN JUNCTION 7