DISCOURSE ANALYSIS “HERMENEUTIKA” PRESENTED BY : Group 8 1. ENDANG DWI NDRIAWATI 2. ANDI NURHIKMAYANI.AB 3. NURPIDA 4. SISKA PRASASTI 5. NOVI INDAH SARI ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY ALAUDDIN ISLAMIC STATE UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2020 i PREFACE Thanking God, thanks to the mercy of Allah SWT, the compilers can complete this paper. This paper is structured to fulfill the task of making papers in the Discourse analysis. In compiling this paper, there were no obstacles that the constituents faced, but with enthusiasm and cooperation between the drafting team and assisted by all parties and finally the preparation of this paper was resolved. On this occasion the compilers expressed their gratitude to the lecturers who have helped direct and limit the preparation of paper material, as well as thanks to fellow students who helped provide information. The compilers are very aware that the preparation of this paper is very far from perfect, so that the constructive criticism and suggestions of the compilers hope that this paper will become a complete one. Also this paper is useful for constituents in particular and can benefit many people in particular. 2 CONTENTS PREFACE .............................................................................................................................2 CONTENTS........................................................................................................................ .3 A. Introduction .............................................................................................................4 B. Definition of Hermeneutics………………………………………………………..5 C. History of Heremeneutics………………………………………………………....5 D. Dimensions In Hermeneutics……………………………………………………...6 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………………10 3 A. INTRODUCTION Literary works are created not only to be read, but also to understand their meaning. From the author's point of view, literary works are created to be published and disseminated with the hope that the content and message of the literary work can be understood. From the reader's point of view, a literary work is to be read and examined in the hope that the content and message of the literary work can be enjoyed and understood. However, the horizons of authors and readers often encounter obstacles in understanding literary works. Although it cannot be enforced that the understanding of the author and the reader must be in understanding literary works. In the process of literary communication, as stated by Dicter Tanik in Segers (2000: 15), one layer of communication in understanding literary works is the author, the text, and the reader. In this case, the author and reader are the two poles of the literary communication process that is currently playing a role in dealing with literary works (literary texts). Literary text is a set of signs or symbols that are transmitted through a channel (poetry, prose, or drama) to the reader. The code chosen by the author must be known and partially known by the reader so that it allows the reader to recognize textual signs and relate meaning to the text material. Seagers (2000: 17) confirmed the difference between channel and code. Channels allow the reader to read literary text, whereas code allows the reader to interpret literary text. The purpose of the communication process is to understand the message. From Dicter Tamik's opinion it can be concluded that the purpose of the literary communication process is to read and interpret literary texts in the form of messages that contain messages. As it is known that the reading and interpretation of literary texts is very open to every reader. If the substance of meaning is only literature, it is full of possibilities in accordance with the nature and essence of multi-interpretative literature. Therefore, various theoretical ideas have been put forward by literary experts to assist readers in understanding literary works. Theoretical ideas that are used as approaches or methods of literary studies, such as expressive structuralism, mimetics, pragmatics, semiotics, and so on. Although it is not considered new, hermeneutics as an approach or method of studying literary texts is considered appropriate to assist readers in their efforts to study and interpret the meaning of a literary text. 4 B. Definition of Hermeneutics What is meant by hermeneutics? Etymologically, the word hermeneutic comes from the Greek hermeneutin which means to interpret the noun hermeneia, literally interpreted as interpretation (Sumaryono, 1999: 23). Hermeneutics in general can be defined as a theory or philosophy of meaning interpretation (Atho and Arif Fahruddin, 2002: 14). Hermeneutics is the study of understanding, especially text comprehension (Palmer, 2003: 8). Judging from its history, hermeneutics is associated with the god Hermes in Greek mythology. Hermeneutic association with Hermes, according to Amin Abdullah, is nothing but to describe the importance of the interpretation process in understanding a text (Saenong, 2002: xxi). In relation to the task of Hermes which carries a noble mission and message, namely as a mediation and process of bringing the message "to be understood", choosing three basic meaning forms and hermeneuum and hermeneia in their original usage, namely (1) expressing words (2) explaining, like explaining a situation, and (3) translating, as in foreign language transliteration (Palmer, 2003: 15) the three basic meaning forms can be interpreted as "to interpret" or interpretation. Palmer (2003: 16) asserts that interpretation can refer to three different problems, spoken pronunciation, rational explanation, and transliteration of other languages. But that different issue ultimately leads to understanding. Hermeneutics is consequently tied to two things, especially to ascertain the content and which of a word, sentence, text, and so on. Second, understand the instructions contained in symbolic forms (Bleicher, 2003: 5). Thus, hermeneutics is closely related to the activities of interpretation and understanding of meaning. C. History of Heremeneutics In the development of hermeneutics, experts have concluded six limitations or definitions that cover hermeneutics as a science of interpretation, namely (1) hermeneutics as a theory of interpretation of scripture or exegosis of the Bible; (2) hermeneutics as a philological methodology; (3) hermeneutics as a science of linguistic understanding; (4) hermeneutics as a basis or methodological foundation for the historical sciences - Palmer terms geisteswissenschaften, namely all disciplines that focus on understanding art, action, and human writing -; (5) hermeneutics as a recommendation for 5 design and existential understanding; and (6) hermeneutics as an interpretive system. (Palmer, 2003: 38-47, and Atho and Arif Fahruddin, 2002: 18-21). Hermeneutics are arranged in at least three very important units, namely (1) the presence of a sign, a news message which is often in the form of text, (2) there must be a group of recipients who are wondering or feel “foreign” to the message. (3) there is an intermediary or courier between the two parties. D. Dimensions In Hermeneutics There are two major dimensions in hermeneutics, namely intentionalism hermeneutics and gadamerian hermeneutics. The two differ from each other in placing meaningful positions: in "production" or in "viewers". Mediation and the process of carrying the message "to be understood" associated with the god Hermes is contained in the three basic meaning forms of hermēneuien and hermēneia in their original usage. These three forms use the verb form of hermēneuein, namely: to say, to explain, and to translate or to interpret. There are at least six definitions of modern hermeneutics which also mark the history of the development of hermeneutics itself. Hermeneutics aims to explore the meaning contained in texts and symbols by endlessly digging up hidden or unknown meanings in a text. In principle, there is no difference between hermeneutics and interpretation. As an interpretation method, both of them seek to understand the text to find relevant meanings. Therefore, a text is not born in a cultural vacuum. Hermeneutics seeks to reveal the meaning pervading the text. In interpretation, what covers the text is reflected in the sabab alnuzul and sabab al-wurud. What distinguishes the two is theological basis. Therefore, interpretation is usually aligned with the practice of exegesis, whereas hermenutics refers to the objectives, principles and criteria of the practice. In other words, hermenutics is a theory of interpretation. Classical literary works generally contain language with a high degree of ambiguity. To know the meaning more deeply, interpretation of the language in the literary work is needed. Language when interpreted can occur multiple interpretations. According to Gadamer, this is because language never has a single meaning. Language 6 has always had multiple meanings, and that must be acknowledged and celebrated. Various meanings in language indicate the existence of something that is essential, permanent, and universal in the language itself. This means that language has something that is unique to itself, and is independent of the human mind. In language there is an understanding, and the task of hermeneutics is to understand this meaning, and open the possibility for new understandings. Classical literary texts can be studied using Gadamer's hermeneutic study to further examine their meaning by applying four concepts of understanding, namely bildung (to form), communist census, consideration, taste or taste. By interpreting the literary text, it is hoped that it will be equipped to understand and summarize everything that appears in history and all of time. The term understanding (Verstehen) in hermeneutics refers to the process of capturing meaning in language or, more broadly, what is the target of understanding are symbolic structures or texts. In everyday life we talk with other people and try to understand what message that person is conveying. Understanding is the process of capturing the meaning or meaning of the words spoken by the communicator. The object of understanding is nothing other than language, but language cannot be separated from the minds of its speakers. It should be added that humans do not think about the same things, even if they use the same words. Scheilermacher's strong reason for revealing interpretation as an art is seen as the process of entry and exit between thought and writing. A writer reveals what is on the mind and then vomits into writing. In the analogy, a process from within the human being is expressed outward. While the interpreter always puts the beginning outside the mental self of man, then tries to enter the human mental world. So it can be argued that the interpreter tries to reveal what is in the mental side of the writer's mind through the content of his writing. 7 Schleiermarcher asserts that the meaning of a word stated in a text can only be understood in its consistency with what surrounds it: specific things, certain atmosphere, color and nuance. Understanding is certainly different from knowing. Sometimes we know someone but don't understand that person. If you know someone from a glance, but understanding is a deeper process. Sometimes memorizing is only temporary, while to understand is long term. The term "hermeneutic circle" sticks closely to Schleiermacher's thought. According to him, a text is produced using a "word" or "language" which describes an event at a time. All understood language refers to symbolic grammar and vocabulary, but in terms of understanding, we can use various methods. Example: The language of poetry is certainly different from scientific language. Language tends to be more individual, while scientific and conversational language such as talking about weather, climate is less individual in nature. That way, a text cannot be separated from its circle of context. When it has been made into a written work, the text still leaves traces of the thoughts and feelings of the author (mens auctoris). In his book entitled The Rule of Metaphor (1969), Ricouer argues that hermeneutics encompasses many disciplines related to interpretation and understanding. Interpretation is the activity of distinguishing hidden meaning (sens cache) from discourse with sens apparent meaning. To achieve this goal, the initial step that must be taken by a hermeneutic expert in fulfilling his / her task is to compare the dual meaning of discourse and the function of different interpreters due to the use of different disciplines, such as semiotics, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, history of comparative religion and literary criticism. . Ricouer's Hermeneutics views that understanding or interpretation is not just an activity with respect to language, but also as an act of meaning and interpretation. Nobody reads a text with the intention of understanding its content who does not interpret and interpret it during the reading process. Text refers to something like(author, spatial context, time and history) so that the text is always open to interpretation. References like (ideological criticism, 8 deconstruction and play analogy) are limits to avoid arbitrariness in interpretation and discourse is free from the shackles of its narrow dialogical situation. Distance provides a hermeneutic principle that interpreting the text is not to find the objective meaning intended by the author, but allows various interpretations that have multiple meanings (polysemy). Through distance, we are not looking for something hidden behind the text, but are confronted by various open possibilities that exist in the text. Whereas appropriation is in line with the spirit of distancy that in interpreting the text, we take a distance from the author's intention so that the interpreter / reader is able to understand the text creatively. 9 REFERENCES http://sawerigading.kemdikbud.go.id/index.php/sawerigading/article/view/54 https://sites.google.com/site/indonesiasportscience21/home/filsafatat-olahraga/makalah-modelhermeneutika https://bagawanabiyasa.wordpress.com/2016/01/29/berkenalan-dengan-hermeneutika/ https://metateoricomm.wordpress.com/hermeneutika/ 10