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A Christmas Carol Exam: Writing Strategies

Writing Strategies Fall Semester Final Exam
Name: __________________________
Class: ________
Date: _________
Directions: Please read and answer the following questions based on the classic Charles Dickens’ story,
A Christmas Carol.
1. List at least two things that prove the setting of the story: 1800s in England.
2. Who is Marley? What is Marley's relationship to Scrooge?
3. What is Marley's purpose in the story?
4. Using complete sentences, carefully describe the appearances of each spirit.
The Ghost of Christmas Past:
The Ghost of Christmas Present:
The Ghost of Christmas Future:
5. The spirit of Christmas Present and Scrooge visit Bob Cratchit's home. Using complete
sentences and specific details, describe the home, the children, and the dinner.
Cratchit’s Home:
Cratchit’s Children:
The Dinner:
6. Why is the spirit of “Christmas Future” unrecognizable to Scrooge?
7. Explain why the visions of the future would convince Scrooge to change his life.
8. Predict what Scrooge's future life will be like after his strange night of time travelling.
Answer Key:
1. Answers will vary. Students may write: the appearance of the streets/houses; no
electricity; no cars – horse-drawn carriages, the clothing, etc.
2. The ghost of Christmas Past – Scrooge’s crooked business partner.
3. To show Scrooge what may happen to him if he continues to be a miserable person.
4. Answers will vary. Students may write:
a. The Ghost of Christmas Past – gray, ragged, chains, his old friend.
b. The Ghost of Christmas Present – bright, candle-like, vibrant, lively.
c. The Ghost of Christmas Future – deathly, black, mysterious.
5. Answers will vary. Students may write:
a. Cratchit’s home: simple, bare, plain furniture.
b. Cratchit’s children: happy, warm, loving, grateful, respectful.
c. The dinner: goose, but Cratchit’s wife would rather have turkey.
6. He is Death, himself.
7. He is afraid of what the afterlife holds for him if he doesn’t change his mean, uncaring
8. Answers will vary. Students may write: Scrooge changes his life and becomes more kind
to others. Scrooge becomes more charitable and shares his wealth with those who are
less fortunate.