BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS Tutorial 1 BASIC META STATIC ANALYSIS Table of Contents 1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................. 2 1.1.1. Prerequisites ............................................................................................... 2 1.1.2. Problem Description .................................................................................... 2 1.1.3. Data Files .................................................................................................... 2 1.2. Post Processing Procedure ........................................................................ 3 1.2.1. Read Model Geometry and Results ............................................................ 3 1.2.2. Handling of entities display. ........................................................................ 5 1.2.3. Set Undeform states ................................................................................... 7 1.2.4. Fringe (contour) plots and options .............................................................. 8 1.2.5. Fringebar (color bar) options ..................................................................... 10 1.2.6. Range options ........................................................................................... 12 1.2.7. Identification of results .............................................................................. 14 1.2.8. Statistics.................................................................................................... 16 1.2.9. Annotations ............................................................................................... 18 1.2.10. Append Results - Scalar and Vector results simultaneously ................... 22 1.2.11. Report ..................................................................................................... 23 1.2.12. Model Report .......................................................................................... 26 1.3. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 27 BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 1 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.1. Introduction This tutorial provides an entry overview of basic post-processing steps that could be followed within ETA to conduct a standard Static analysis. Not all ETA capabilities and features are exhausted within this tutorial. The steps described in this tutorial include: Load the model geometry and results Identify different items of the model Fringe (contour) plots and options Fringebar options Range options Identification of results Statistics Annotations Appending results Scalar and Vector plots simultaneously Report 1.1.1. Prerequisites It is recommended for users who have never used ETA before to read the Chapter 2 of ETA Users Guide. 1.1.2. Problem Description The model used for this tutorial is shown in the picture. It consists of two plates connected along one of their edge defining an angle of 90° and two stripes of bar elements to support the two plates. Seven different loadcases (subcases) have been solved. The first three are pure Torsion, Tension and Bending respectively and the last 4 are combinations of the first 3. 1.1.3. Data Files The files required for this tutorial are /tutorials/mETA_tutorials/01-BASIC_STATIC/2_plates_bars.nas /tutorials/mETA_tutorials/01-BASIC_STATIC/2_plates_bars.op2 BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 2 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.2. Post Processing Procedure 1.2.1. Read Model Geometry and Results Start ETA. From the Read Results > Geometry tab, first make sure that the File Format option menu is switched to either Auto detect or Nastran. 1. Invoke the File Manager. 1 2. Navigate and select one of the files: 2 2_plates_bars.nas 2_plates_bars.op2 3 Tips: The model’s geometry can be read either from the input file (NASTRAN Bulk data) or the .op2 file. However loading geometry from the input file (NASTRAN Bulk data) provides extra information for the loads of each subcase. 3. Press Open to read in the model. The model is read and it should appear as it is shown in the image on the left. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 3 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1. Switch the Read Results card to the Results tab. The corresponding .op2 file is automatically selected and all available subcases are identified in the States tab and selected by default. 1 Tips: You may deselect from the list the subcases that you do not want to load. For this example, load all subcases. 2. Switch to the Deformation tab. By default, the Displacements, Translational components are selected for loading. Tips: In case other nodal vector data (such as SPC forces, velocities, etc) should be loaded as Deformation results, this can be set here through the two option menus. 2 3. Select from the Read Options > Deformation Scale Factor menu, at the bottom of the Deformation tab, to the Auto calculate option. Tips: Using this option, ETA will calculate and assign, upon loading, an appropriate Scale Factor for the visualization of deformations (which is necessary in this case since this is a static analysis). In such cases, it is recommended to use the Auto calculate. 3 4 3 BETA CAE Systems S.A. 4. Switch to the Scalar tab. 5. 4 menus appear. The first one holds all available types of results (stresses, strains, etc). The second menu includes all available types / components for the results type that is selected in the first menu. Switch this second menu to Von Mises option. The third menu includes all available options for the location of results related to section thickness direction of shell elements. Switch this menu to the Top and Bottom option to load results on both sides of shells. The fourth menu includes all available options regarding the location of results within the element (Centroid, Integration Points, Corner). Switch this menu to Corner option. Tutorial 1 - 4 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1 1. Press Read, at the bottom of the Read Results card, to load the selected Deformation and Scalar results for the selected subcases. 1.2.2. Handling of entities display. 1. Press F12 key to open the Set Visible Entities card. Press All button so as to enable the visualisation of boundary conditions which are not by default visible. 1 SPCs are clearly visible. FORCEs are visible but their scaling need to be adjusted. PLOADs are hidden by the base plate. SPCs PLOADs Forces 1. Activate the Wire drawing style. 1 2. Press the Set Transparency button and then select the horizontal plate. 2 3 BETA CAE Systems S.A. The PLOADs can be clearly seen. These PLOADs are related to the Bending loadcase. 3. Right click on the Set Transparency button. The percentage changes to 0%. Select the same Pid to become non-transparent again. Tutorial 1 - 5 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1. From the Tools pull-down menu open the Settings window and set a new Load Scale factor within the Windows Settings>General tab (the default is 1). Here a value 0.1 is applied. All loads are now scaled and the Forces are clearly displayed. These Forces are related to the Torsion and the Tension loadcases. 1 Tips: The length of the arrows representing the loads, is relative to the load value. Torsion Tension 2 Provided that you have loaded geometry from the input file, the loads and the boundary conditions are grouped in ETA according to the subcase they correspond to. 2. Open the Boundaries list 3 BETA CAE Systems S.A. 3. Select everything, and then the Hide option from the context menu to hide all boundaries. Tutorial 1 - 6 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 4. Select for and apply an Show on the SUBCASE_2 to view the model with the Tension forces. 4 The model with the Tension forces. Tips: Hide boundary conditions through the F12 card by unchecking the respective options. This deactivates their visibility status and boundary conditions will not be taken in account when applying focus commands. 1.2.3. Set Undeform states 1 1. Open Tools>States and in the Undeform tab of the States list press the Add button so as to set the ORIGINAL STATE as the Undeform state that will be displayed always. 2. Apply a uniform User color to the Undeform state. To do this, activate the User color toggle button. Select the Palette button to apply a color other than the default from the color selector (here the red color is applied). Tips: You can create more than one Undeform states by selecting the state you want to be displayed as undeform and pressing the Add button again. Undeform states will be displayed in the relevant list. 2 BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 7 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 3. Select SUBCASE 4 (this subcase is the combination of the first 3 subcases) in the States list. Tips: You can change states using: - The Animation scroll-bar (4). - The Up and Down keys when the focus is in the States List - The Page Up and Page Down keys when the focus is on the model - Home and End keys navigate the model to the ORIGINAL and the last state respectively. 3 4 The model is displayed deformed. The ORIGINAL STATE, which was set as the Undeform state, is also displayed in red Feature lines. 1.2.4. Fringe (contour) plots and options 1 1 1. Activate the Fringe drawing style. The model is displayed with contours. Press the arrow next to the Fringe button to invoke the menu with the available fringe options. The default options are On Element and Normal Plot. On Element, means that the element results (here Corner values) will be considered for the interpolation at each point of the surface and this will be represented in the fringe plot. Normal is a plot with smoothed colors. Any elements which do not have any scalar value are colored by the No Value color, in this case grey. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 8 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS On Element and Contour Plot. On Node and Contour Plot On Node and Normal Plot. Tips: For all fringe plots above, the Scalar option was selected, thus, the fringe plots correspond to the results that were loaded as Scalar functions (in this example Von Mises, Corner values for Top and Bottom side of shells). You may switch to X,Y, Z or T-Deform to visualize as contour plots the values loaded as Deformation results (in this example: Displacements). BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 9 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.2.5. Fringebar (color bar) options 1. To change the fringebar, press Right Mouse Button on the fringebar and from the menu that appears select the Fringe Colors > Paletes and Colors to open the respective settings card. From this card, you may double click an available color bar to set this color bar as the active fringebar. 1 To define a new color bar: 1. Press the New button at the bottom of the left list and select the Empty option. 2. Enter a name for the new fringebar, for example Tutorial_1, in the field that appears and press OK. 3. Select this new color bar in the Palettes list 4. Select the colors you want to assign to the fringe bar in the Colors list (use Ctrl key for multiple selection). 5. Press the button to assign these colors to the new fringe bar. 3 5 4 1 BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 10 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS The selected colors are now listed under the new palette. 1. Double click on the New Value Color. 1 2 2. Set the Alpha Channel to 120. 3. Double click on the name of the new palette to make it active 2 The new color bar is now set as the active and the fringe plot is displayed according to this. Tips: You may move the fringebar anywhere on the screen by moving it with the Middle Mouse Button. You may resize the fringebar by moving the lower right corner of the fringebar with the Left Mouse Button. You may alter the settings of the fringebar (fonts, add titles, color backgrounds, etc) from the Tools>Settings>Fringebar or by selecting the fringebar with Right Mouse Button and selecting the Fringebar Settings option. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 11 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.2.6. Range options In order to change the values of the fringe bar press Right Mouse Button on the fringe bar. From the menu that appears you have the options to affect the fringe bar’s range. You may scale the Max or the Min value or both. For example, suppose that you would like to identify the locations on the model that exceed the 80% of the current maximum value. 1 1. Enter 0.8 in the Scale Limits>Max Multiplier field and press Enter. The maximum value that appears now with the fringebar is the actual maximum value multiplied by 0.8. The areas that exceed this value are colored in the top color of the fringebar. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 12 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS You may set the Max or the Min value or both. For example, suppose that you would like to identify the locations on the model that stress exceeds 275 N/mm2. 1. Enter 1 again in the Scale Limits>Max Multiplier field and press Enter. 2. Enter 275 in the Scale Limits>Max Value field and press Enter. 3. Enter 0 in the Min Value and press Enter. The maximum value that appears now with the fringe bar is the value we set in the Scale Limits>Max Value. For the current example, the Tensile Strength (ST field of the NASTRAN card) for the material of the horizontal plate is set to 300 N/mm2 and that of the vertical plate is set to 275 N/mm2. Suppose now that we would like to identify the areas of these plates that exceed the allowable stress limits for these plates. 1 2 4 3 1. Activate the Non-Linear from Right Mouse Button menu on the fringebar and select the Spacing... option from Right Mouse Button menu on the fringebar. 2. In the window that appears enter a name for the new range that will be created. 3. Enter new values for each field, starting from the one at the top. For the current example, enter 300 for the top value and 275 for the next value. Press Enter in each field to confirm the value. 4. When finished, press the Plus key. The range now is saved with the specified name. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 13 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS Tips: The defined range is saved in the v15.x.x.xml file upon quitting ETA and it will be available for selection in future ETA sessions. To set one of the available ranges as the current one, select it from the relevant pull-down menu. 1.2.7. Identification of results In order to identify the extreme values of a model or of a part of a model for the current state, you can use the Identify menu option from the menu that appears if you press Right Mouse Button in the drawing area or by pressing the respective arrow next to the Identify button. 1 2 3 1. Press Right Mouse Button in the drawing area and from the menu that appears select the Identify option. nd 2. From the 2 menu select the iFunction. rd 3. From the 3 menu select the Visible Elements option The elements that hold the extreme function values (von mises values in this case) among the visible are identified and their Centroid and Corner values (since Corner values were loaded) are displayed. Zoom in to that area. Note that 2 function values are displayed. The one corresponds to the Top side of shells and the other corresponds to the Bottom side of shells. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 14 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS You can identify entities of the model with the help of the Feature Selection tool. 1 2 1. Press Right Mouse Button in the drawing area and from the menu that appears select the Identify option. 2. From the second menu select the iNode. 3. In the Feature Selection tool that appears select the Feature Line option. 3 1. Pick an element’s edge to select a line of nodes. 2. Pick again an elements edge where the previous selection was over. 1 2 BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 15 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS Press Middle Mouse Button to confirm the selection and the nodes will be identified. Tips: To control the display of identified data, go to the Tools>Settings>Windows Settings>Identify or select the Settings option from the Identify menu 1.2.8. Statistics Statistics tool is used for reporting information regarding entities of a model, for a particular subcase. Open the Statistics table from Tools>Statistics. You can see information about the parts of the model for the current subcase. Tips: Having the synchronize button activated the table is automatically updated every time the subcase changes. 2 1. Switch from All Entities to the Nodes option. The table is now empty. 2. Press the Identified button, in the menu that appears at the right side of the table, and the identified nodes are inserted in the table 1 The table's items can be sorted according to each of the columns by pressing the left mouse button on the name of the column. An arrow next to the sorting column indicates the sorting order. 3 3. Press with left mouse button the name of the second column Max :: C1 to sort the items (nodes) according to their maximum function value. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 16 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS Table’s items can be identified or isolated. 4 4. Select the first item (node with maximum function value) of the table with Right Mouse Button. 5. From the menu that appears select the Identify option. 5 Now only the node with the maximum function value is identified on the model. By pressing the button a file manager window opens and you can export the information of the Statistics table and save it in HTML or .csv format. Tips: To reset the identification of entities select the iReset option from the Identify menu or press the iReset button From Tools>States open the States card. In the Undeform tab double-click on the light bulb in order to deactivate the visibility of the undeform state. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 17 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.2.9. Annotations Annotations are a comprehensive tool for adding text, marking positions and results into a drawing or a 2Dplot window. 1 1. Open the Annotations tool by pressing the Annotations button 2. In the Pointer tab select the Element option to create annotations on elements. 3. Press the Adv.Filter button to use the Advanced Filter tool to select the elements on which annotations will be created 2 In the Advanced Filter window select to: 4. add 5. Elements 6. Scalar > centroid.func.scalar.max 7. from Each Part Max 1 (In the last field of the Advanced Filter tool the available options from the pull-down menu can be edited) 3 8. Press Ok in the Advanced Filter window. 4 5 7 6 8 Using this filter one annotation for every part is created that points to the element with the maximum function value of its part. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 18 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1. Select from the list both annotations. 2. In the Position tab of the Annotations window press the Follow button. 1 2 The annotations now are attached on the elements that they point to. 3 3. Select the two annotations in the list of the Annotations window with Right Mouse Button and from the menu that appears select the Explode Off Model 4. Switch to the Text tab and change the Float Precision to 0. 4 BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 19 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS he annotations now have been exploded out of the model, and the displayed value has no decimal digits. 3. In the Text tab of the Annotations window set the desired text and press Apply. 4. Change the Fonts of the text. 5. Enable the Value Based Coloring 4 5 3 The annotations now are colored regarding the value that they display. TIPS Deselect the annotations from the list to hide their highlighting. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 20 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS It is also possible to create an annotation on a part that will trace a value of the part. 1. Delete the two annotations that were created in the previous step from the List and press the New button to create a new one. 1 2 3 2. From the Pointer tab select the Part option. 3. From the Function pull-down menu select the Scalar Elem Max Val option. 4. Press the Pick button and select for which part of the model you want to trace the maximum with the new annotation. 4 Change the text and the fonts of the new annotation from the Text tab. 5 5. Press Right Mouse Button in the annotations text field and from the menu that appears select to add the Model > Subcase variable. The variable $subcase will be entered into the text. 6. Press Apply button. The new annotation finds the maximum value of the selected part, displays this value, the id of the element that holds this value and the subcase id. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 21 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS Go to subcase 7. The annotation finds again the maximum value of the selected part and points to the element that holds this value. Delete the new annotation from List and reset the identification from the iReset button. 1.2.10. Append Results - Scalar and Vector results simultaneously There is the option to load different results under the same subcase using the append results functionality 1. In the Read Results>Results>Vector tab select the Stresses > Principal Tensor> Bottom results to be loaded. 2. Deactivate Deformation and Scalar options in order not to load again Deformation and Scalar 1 results and press the Append button next to the Vector option. 3. Press Read button to load the results. 2 3 4. Press on the Vector Finge button. 4 5 5. Press on the arrow next to the button and set the Vector Scale to 0.1 These new results are added under the already loaded subcases as new Labels. You can see the active Label in the Labels switcher pull-down menu. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 22 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.2.11. Report User reports in HTML, PPTX or postscript format can be created through the Report Composer. The HTML reports are template-based and these templates could also be created inside the Report Composer using the existing editor. Open the Report Composer from Tools>Report>Report Composer. Select the PPTX option at the top left corner of the Report Composer window. 1 You can add images in the report using the Drag and Drop functionality. 1. With Left Mouse Button pressed drag an image from the 3D drawing window into the Report Composer. An image of the model is inserted in the Report Composer BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 23 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS You have the option to edit the image in the Report Composer. 1. Press and hold the Shift key. Move the edges of the image to crop it. 2. Let the Shift key free. Resize and move the image on the top left corner of the slide. Spreadsheet tables can be added in the Report. 4 5 3. First open the Statistics from Tools>Statistics. 4. Press on the button to set which columns arew visible. 5. Select some of the nodes’ data that were previously inserted in the Statistics table, with Left Mouse button. 6. Press Right Mouse Button on the selected items. From the menu that appears select to Copy selected to clipboard. 6 7. In the Report Composer right click on the slide and select Clipboard > Paste Text from Clipbload (spreadsheet) 8. Select the cell where you want to paste the data from the Statistics table with Right Mouse Button and from the menu that appears select the Paste option. A Spreadsheet table is added in the current Slide of the report. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 24 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1. Select from the Slides list the Slide 1 with Right Mouse Button. 2. From the menu that appears select the Set Title option 1 2 3. In the Text Editor window that appears write the desired title and set it’s style. 4. Press OK 3 4 The title has been inserted in the Slide. You can move it and resize it using Left Mouse Button. The Report can be saved in pptx format from the Save button. pptx Reports can be opened in Report Composer again from the Open button. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 25 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.2.12. Model Report A standard report including information about the model can be created through the Model Report. This report may comprise (depending upon the user’s selections) a table of contents, screenshots of the model and plots, as well as a tabular summary of the model entities and results Invoke the Model Report card from Tools>Report>Model Report. 2 1 1. Select the subcases to include in the Model Report. 2. Select the groups to include in the Model Report. 3. From the Parts/Elements/Materials/Boundary Elements tabs select the entities to include in the Model Report. 3 4 4. From the Results tab select the results (Displacements/Function/Nodal-Corner Function) to include in the Model Report Press the HTML Preview button to have a preview of the Model Report in HTML format. The Model Report can be saved in HTML and CSV formats and can also be added in a user report (HTML format) from the respective Add to Report button. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 26 ETA Tutorials BASIC μETA – STATIC ANALYSIS 1.3. Conclusion In this tutorial some of the basic steps for static analysis post processing have been followed. Not all capabilities were demonstrated. The user may also refer to ETA User’s Guide for the functionality of ETA and detailed description of functions and procedures. BETA CAE Systems S.A. Tutorial 1 - 27 ETA Tutorials