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Functions of HRM: Case Studies & Processes

Functions of HRM
Ajith Singh V C
Infant Jenefer A
Logesh B
Prasanna Raja Ganapathy P
Procurement to Separation
• Placement
• Induction
• Transfers
• Promotions
• Disciplinary Actions
• Termination of Services:
Resignation, Dismissal, Retrenchment
and Voluntary Retirement Schemes
• Exit Interviews
• Prevention of Employee Turnover
It deals with
• defining the jobs,
• preparation of job descriptions,
• placing the final candidates or employee on the jobs,
• providing training and management development,
• final aspect of placing the manpower in to the organization.
- Gourisankar S
Asst Prof HR OB
ICFAI Sambalpur
• Refers to the introduction of a person to the job and the organisation
Purpose is to make the employee feel at home and
• Develop a sense of pride in the organisation and commitment to the job.
• Termination of employee’s services, because of replacement of the worker by
machines or closure of the unit due to the lack of product’s demand,
produced by the unit.
• In retrenchment, the termination of services of several employees takes place
where they are sent to the home and their connection with the organisation
are completely and immediately severed.
Employee Turnover
• Employee turnover refers to the number or percentage of workers who leave
an organization and are replaced by new employees.
• Measuring employee turnover can be helpful to employers that want to
examine reasons for turnover or estimate the cost-to-hire for budget purposes.
Functions of HRM in
Ms. Padmaja Adiga
Senior HR,
Mr. Avinash Mohanraj, B.Tech.,
Third in Command,
Chennai City Head,
• Software Solution Company
• Sells software for the
o financial,
o manufacturing and
o other vertical markets
Founded : August 2012
Headquarters : Atlanta, Georgia, United States
CEO : Kim Eaton
conducted in your organisation?
• In the month of April and October every year.
• Also whenever there is a huge requirement.
2. What is the recruitment process in
your organisation?
• CCAT – Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test
• Group Discussion
• Couple of Interviews
3. What are the skills you expect from a
fresher when he/she enters into your
• Curiosity to learn
• Very Strong Analytic Skills
• Thorough knowledge of programming languages such as JAVA,
Dot NET, C-Sharp.
• Good Communication Skills
4. Which is the preferred form of recruitment
in your organisation – Employee Referral or
• Employee Referral is the most preferred method.
• As referral bonus
– 10% of basic pay to low level management,
– 20% of basic pay to middle level management and
– 25% of basic pay to top level management will be given.
• Once the vacant posts are filled by employee referral, interviews
will be conducted.
1. How does promotion take place
in your organisation?
• Meetings will take place in the month of January, April, July and
• Based on the ratings of the meeting promotion occur during April
and October.
2. What kind of criteria do you see when
you promote a person?
• Productivity
• Quality
• Knowledge Index
3. From whom the feedback of employees is
obtained for promotion purpose?
• Self assessment
• Managers
4. Does your organisation follow dry
promotion and in what situation it is
• No, it is not followed.
Development and
1. What kind of techniques or activities is
taken under employee and career
• During the quarterly meetings each employee will be assigned
with three objectives.
• The
• By this way employee and career development is attained.
development will help in your organisation’s
• Yes
• Quality is the first right thing in an organisation. Knowledge index
will produce quality.
• Quality leads to employee productivity.
• As the employee productivity is attained, organisation’s overall
productivity will also increase.
3. Do you think periodic training for the employees
will help in employee development? If so what
kind of training you follow?
• Managers
– 3 days of Classroom Training
• Non- Managers
– 5 days of Tool Training and
– Other Product Training
4. Do you conduct a career development
discussion with the employees? If so how
often are these meetings conducted?
• For every quarter meetings will be conducted.
1. What is the purpose of exit interviews?
• It is of high importance in the separation procedure.
• Exit Interviews will give feedback of the employee about the
• The feedbacks help to improve the organisation.
• The employee grievances can also be found.
2. How long is the notice period? What are
the consequences of not serving the notice
• Notice Period is for 90 days.
• Legal action will be taken on those who do not serve the notice
3. What are the major reasons people
leave the organisation?
• Major reason is for career development.
• Though , many employees will leave as the organisation is only
located in Bangalore in India.
• So they cannot relocate to any other place within the country.
4. What is the procedure of termination
in your organisation?
• If an employee is not assigned with project for more than a year
he/she can be terminated from the organisation.
• In such case, 3 months salary will be given to the employee.
• If an employee is terminated for any disciplinary complaint,
he/she will not get 3 months salary and also Experience Letter will
also not be provided.
• Food ordering and Delivery Company
• Location : Bangalore, India
• Inspired by the thought of providing a complete food ordering
and delivery solution from the best neighbourhood restaurants to
the urban foodie.
• Delivers in : Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Hyderabad,
Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune.
1. How frequently walk-ins are
conducted in your organisation?
• Four times a year
2. What is the recruitment process in
your organisation?
Right persons will be searched and called for interview from job
portals like
• Naukri
• LinkedIn
• IIMJobs
• AngelList
• Indeed
Newspaper Ads and Ads in Thanthi TV also.
3. What are the skills you expect from a
fresher when he/she enters into your
• Easy to train
• Communication Skill
• Tolerance
4. Which is the preferred form of recruitment
in your organisation – Employee Referral or
• Most preferred method is Employee Referral.
• Because employee inside the organisation knows the right
person for a job.
1. How does promotion take place
in your organisation?
• Only depending on the necessity.
2. What kind of criteria do you see
when you promote a person?
• Based on the experience through the network of delivery system.
3. From whom the feedback of employees is
obtained for promotion purpose?
• Middle Level Executives
4. Does your organisation follow dry
promotion and in what situation it is
• No
Development and
1. What kind of techniques or activities is
taken under employee and career
• Training related to job
• Promotions
development will help in your organisation’s
• Yes, obviously.
3. Do you think periodic training for the employees
will help in employee development? If so what
kind of training you follow?
• Yes
• Based on technology up gradation
• Public Relation
4. Do you conduct a career development
discussion with the employees? If so how
often are these meetings conducted?
• Yes every quarter
1. What is the purpose of exit interviews?
• The main reason behind conducting exit interview is to improve
the organisation.
• Because the feedback given by the employees will help to
retain employees and reduce employee turnover.
2. How long is the notice period? What are
the consequences of not serving the notice
• 60 days
• There are no such consequences
3. What are the major reasons people
leave the organisation?
• People in Middle Level Management will leave for monitory
• In Low Level will leave when they get a fixed source.
4. What is the procedure of termination
in your organisation?
• The notice period of 60 days will also apply for termination.
• After the termination letter has been given, the employee should
leave the organisation within 60 days.
Thank You