DNV SERVICE DOCUMENTS SUMMARY OF CHANGES AND CURRENT DOCUMENT STATUS OCTOBER 2010 DET NORSKE VERITAS FOREWORD DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions. DNV service documents consist of amongst other the following types of documents: — Service Specifications. Procedual requirements. — Standards. Technical requirements. — Recommended Practices. Guidance. The Standards and Recommended Practices are offered within the following areas: A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B) Materials Technology C) Structures D) Systems E) Special Facilities F) Pipelines and Risers G) Asset Operation H) Marine Operations J) Cleaner Energy O) Subsea Systems The electronic pdf version of this document found through http://www.dnv.com is the officially binding version © Det Norske Veritas Any comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@dnv.com For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@dnv.com Computer Typesetting (Adobe Frame Maker) by Det Norske Veritas If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas. Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Contents – Page 3 CONTENTS Sec. 1 General ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Sec. 2 Current Service Specifications, Standards and Recommended Practices .................................... 6 Sec. 3 Summary of Changes ......................................................................................................................... 9 A. Changes to DNV Service Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 9 B. Changes to DNV Standards .......................................................................................................................................... 10 C. Changes to Recommended Practices ............................................................................................................................ 14 DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Page 5 – Sec.1 Update Scheme The update scheme of the documents is as follows: 1) Whenever revised, or undergoing significant editorial changes, a document will be given a new edition date and the main changes will be described on Page 3 of that document. The corresponding Adobe PDF file will be made available through http://www.dnv.com/resources/rules_standards/ and the date of the “Current edition” column of Table 1 in Sec.2 will be updated. 2) If, at a later date, the need arises for insignificant editorial corrections to the document, the electronic file will be updated, but the edition date will be retained. However, a new Adobe PDF file will be generated and made available through http://www.dnv.com/resources/rules_standards/. The date of the PDF file will appear in the “Editorial corrections” column of Table 1 in Sec.2. Discontinued updating of the “Amendments and Corrections” document As a result of moving away from the “Print” scheme there is no longer need for a separate “Amendments and corrections” document which intention was to supply buyers of printed documents with a detailed view of “amendments” to the documents applicable after issued in print. The electronic PDF files are now the officially binding versions and will always be kept current and downloadable. Readers of documents are encouraged to regularly check for updates in order to ensure that they hold the current updated versions. DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Sec.2 – Page 6 SECTION 2 CURRENT SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES Table 1 Current Documents Service Specifications DNV-OSS-101 Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support Units DNV-OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production, Storage and Loading Units DNV-OSS-103 Rules for Classification of LNG/LPG Floating Production and Storage Units or Installations DNV-OSS-121 Classification based on Performance Criteria Determined from Risk Assessment Methodology DNV-OSS-201 Verification for Compliance with Norwegian Shelf Legislation DNV-OSS-202 Verification for Compliance with UK Shelf Regulations DNV-OSS-300 Risk Based Verification DNV-OSS-301 Certification and Verification of Pipelines DNV-OSS-302 Offshore Riser Systems DNV-OSS-304 Risk Based Verification of Offshore Structures DNV-OSS-305 Rules for Certification and Verification of Diving Systems DNV-OSS-306 Verification of Subsea Facilities DNV-OSS-307 Verification of Process Facilities DNV-OSS-308 Verification of Lifting Appliances for the Oil and Gas Industry DNV-OSS-309 Verification, Certification and Classification of Gas Export and Receiving Terminals DNV-OSS-312 Certification of Tidal and Wave Energy Converters DNV-OSS-313 Pipe Mill and Coating Yard - Qualification DNV-DSS-314 Verification of Hydrocarbon Refining and Petrochemical Facilities DNV-DSS-315 Verification of Onshore LNG and Gas Facilities DNV-OSS-401 Technology Qualification Management Standards DNV-OS-A101 Safety Principles and Arrangement DNV-OS-B101 Metallic Materials DNV-OS-C101 Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General (LRFD method) DNV-OS-C102 Structural Design of Offshore Ships DNV-OS-C103 Structural Design of Column Stabilised Units (LRFD method) DNV-OS-C104 Structural Design of Self-elevating Units (LRFD method) DNV-OS-C105 Structural Design of TLPs (LRFD method) DNV-OS-C106 Structural Design of Deep Draught Floating Units/Spars (LRFD and WSD Method) DNV-OS-C107 Structural Design of Ship-shaped Drilling and Well Service Units DNV-OS-C201 Structural Design of Offshore Units (WSD method) DNV-OS-C301 Stability and Watertight Integrity DNV-OS-C401 Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures DNV-OS-C501 Composite Components DNV-OS-C502 Offshore Concrete Structures DNV-OS-C503 Concrete LNG Terminal Structures and Containment Systems DNV-OS-D101 Marine and Machinery Systems and Equipment DNV-OS-D201 Electrical Installations DNV-OS-D202 Automation, Safety, and Telecommunication Systems DNV-OS-D203 Integrated Software-Dependent System (Tentative Standard) DNV-OS-D301 Fire Protection DNV-OS-E101 Drilling Plant DNV-OS-E201 Oil and Gas Processing Systems DNV-OS-E301 Position Mooring DNV-OS-E302 Offshore Mooring Chain DNV-OS-E303 Offshore Mooring Fibre Ropes DNV-OS-E304 Offshore Mooring Steel Wire Ropes DET NORSKE VERITAS Current edition Editorial corrections October 2010 October 2010 – – October 2008 October 2009 October 2008 – April 2010 October 2008 April 2004 October 2000 October 2010 October 2006 October 2010 June 2004 June 2004 October 2010 October 2010 – – – – – – – – – – – October 2008 April 2009 October 2010 October 2010 October 2010 – – – – – October 2010 April 2009 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 October 2008 – – April 2010 October 2009 October 2009 April 2009 October 2009 October 2009 October 2008 October 2008 October 2010 October 2010 October 2010 October 2010 October 2010 October 2010 October 2008 October 2008 April 2010 October 2008 October 2009 October 2010 October 2010 October 2008 October 2010 April 2009 October 2009 October 2009 – – – – – – October 2009 – – October 2009 – – – October 2009 – October 2009 Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Sec.2 – Page 8 Table 1 Current Documents (Continued) DNV-RP-F204 DNV-RP-F205 DNV-RP-F206 DNV-RP-F301 DNV-RP-F302 DNV-RP-G101 DNV-RP-G103 DNV-RP-H101 DNV-RP-H102 DNV-RP-H103 DNV-RP-J201 Riser Fatigue Global Performance Analysis of Deepwater Floating Structures Riser Integrity Management Subsea Separator Structural Design Selection and Use of Subsea Leak Detection Systems Risk Based Inspection of Offshore Topsides Static Mechanical Equipment Non-intrusive Inspection Risk Management in Marine and Subsea Operations Marine operations during Removal of Offshore Installations Modelling and Analysis of Marine Operations Qualification Procedures for CO2 Capture Technology DNV-RP-J202 Design and Operation of CO2 Pipelines DNV-RP-O401 Safety and Reliability of Subsea Systems DNV-RP-O501 Erosive Wear in Piping Systems DET NORSKE VERITAS Current edition October 2010 October 2010 April 2008 April 2007 April 2010 October 2010 October 2007 January 2003 April 2004 April 2010 April 2010 Editorial corrections – – – – – – – – – – – April 2010 – April 1985 2005 – 2007 Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Page 9 – Sec.3 SECTION 3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES A. Changes to DNV Service Specifications DNV Service Specifications – Main changes Document number Document title DNV-OSS-101 Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support Units Main changes — Well Intervention Units: The current DNV-OSS-101 does not take into account the needs of the industry. Well Intervention Unit service notation has therefore been split in two, and one of the service notations will be voluntary instead of mandatory as it is today. The WELL notation has been split in two - where the WELL-1 notation will not require the owner to certify the sub sea equipment (RS1). — ISDS: New voluntary class notations for Independent Software Dependent System Integration (ISDS-1 to 3) introduced. — Hull PMS: Hull PMS (planned maintenance system) introduced as an optional alternative survey arrangement- also for offshore units. — In-service Inspection of structures: The inspection scope for column-stabilised units has been updated with increased emphasis on renewal survey, and corresponding reduced external scope for intermediate surveys. DNV-OSS-102 Rules for Classification of Floating Production, Storage and Loading Units — Provisions for Ageing Units: Alternative to increased inspection due to age has been introduced, allowing for inspection based on the actual condition rather than age in order to maintain the required safety level. — ISDS: New voluntary class notations for Independent Software Dependent System Integration (ISDS -1 to 3) have been introduced. — Hull PMS: Hull PMS (Planned Maintenance System) has been introduced as an optional alternative survey arrangement also for offshore units. — In-service Inspection of structures: DNV-DSS-314 Verification of Hydrocarbon Refining and Petrochemical Facilities DNV-DSS-315 Verification of Onshore LNG and Gas Facilities — The inspection scope for column-stabilised units has been updated with increased emphasis on renewal survey, and corresponding reduced external scope for intermediate surveys. — Revised scope for boiler survey: Aligned with new IACS unified requirements — Revised description of Machinery PMS: Aligned with latest text from Ship Rules Pt.7 Ch.1 — Revised description of PMS RCM scheme (reliability-centred maintenance) — New alternative survey arrangement Offshore CM: Introduction of Offshore CM as a survey arrangement based on use of an approved service provider for execution of condition monitoring. — General update of references and editorial improvements: Based on experience feed-back from users. This service specification; DSS-314: “Verification of Hydrocarbon Refining and Petrochemical Facilities” replaces the previous version of the document with short name; DNV-OSS-314. There are no changes in content, only how the document is referred to, as OSS now will be used for Service Specifications intended for Offshore use. This service specification; DSS-315: “Verification of Onshore LNG and Gas Facilities” replaces the previous version of the document with short name; DNV-OSS315. There are no changes in content, only how the document is referred to, as OSS now will be used for Service Specifications intended for Offshore use. DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Sec.3 – Page 10 B. Changes to DNV Standards DNV Standards – Main changes Document number Document title DNV-OS-A101 Safety Principles and Arrangement DNV-OS-C301 Stability and Watertight Integrity Main changes — Item F301 in Sec.6 “Escape and communication” has been amended. General — Several minor updates of items that was out of date/incorrect has been carried out in order to make the OS more user-friendly. Ch.2 Sec.1 Stability DNV-OS-D101 Marine and Machinery Systems and Equipment — In Sub-section element E300, additional damage stability criterion for Self-Elevating units have been included in order to align the OS with the 2009 IMO MODU Code. General — In addition to the below stated changes, a number of corrections and clarifications have been made in the existing text. Ch.1 Sec.1 — A. General: — Included reference to Ballast Water Treatment Units in Ship Rules Pt.4 Ch.6. — B. Normative References: — Table B2 Normative references revised to be in line with systems listed in Ch.2 Sec.4. — D. Definitions: — Definition of Redundancy type revised to be in line with DNV-OS-D202. Ch.2 Sec.1 — A. Arrangement: — Arrangement of hydraulic power units and purifiers for heated fuel oil revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.1 — Requirements to plastic pipes revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Requirement for remotely controlled valves, valves on side and bottom of floating units and installations, and fittings on collision bulkhead revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Included requirements for Refrigerant Systems, in line with Ship Rules. Added reference to DNV-OS-D202. — B. Construction and Function: — Table B1 Environmental condition for unit or installation of ship-shaped type revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.1 — Guidance note regarding Main functions deleted as it is already defined in DNV-OSS-101 — Added assumption regarding availability of engines combined as emergency generators/generators for electrical propulsion/dynamic propulsion. — C. Personnel Protection: — Item C102 has been deleted. Ch.2 Sec.2 — A. General: — Updated Table A1, Classes of Piping systems in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. — B. Materials: — Use of grey cast iron revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Requirements to plastic pipes revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Page 11 – Sec.3 DNV Standards – Main changes (Continued) Document number Document title Main changes — C. Design Conditions: — Table C5 giving permissible stresses with reference to DNV specific steel qualities has been deleted and new reference made to recognized standards in DNV-OS-B101, in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Requirements for Thermal expansion stresses, Documentation of thermal stress calculation, Stress calculation and Table C6 included in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Requirements to plastic pipes revised to be in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. — E. Valves: — Requirement to valve design revised in line with Rules for classification of ships — Deleted requirement regarding screw-on valve bonnets. — F. Flexible Hoses: — The requirements for flexible hoses have been revised in line with Rules for classification of ships and IACS UR P2 2.12. — G. Detachable Pipe Connections: — The requirements for detachable pipe connections have been revised in line with Rules for classification of ships and IACS UR P2 2.12. Inserted Table G2 and G3. — H. Socket Welded Joints and Slip-on Sleeve Welded Joints: — Use of slip-on sleeve welded joints in overboard pipes restricted in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. Ch.2 Sec.3 — B. Ballast, Bilge and Drainage Systems General: — Deleted general capacity requirement. — F. Air, Overflow and Sounding Pipes: — Vent for lub. oil tanks revised in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Requirement to overflow pipes and short sounding pipes revised in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. Ch.2 Sec.4 — A. General: — Added new sub-section element A100 “Scope”. — B. Cooling System: — Included requirements for combined cooling water/fuel oil heating systems, and sea chest arrangement for class notations for navigation in ice, in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. — D. Fuel Oil System: — Included acceptance criteria for use of oil fuels with a flash point less than 60°C, in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Valve arrangement on fuel oil tanks revised in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 and SOLAS Ch.II-2 — Requirements to remote stop of fuel oil pumps and fans deleted since they are already stated in DNV-OS-D201. — G. Steam Systems: — Included requirements to blow down valves on unit's side in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. — H. Hydraulic Systems: — Requirements to hydraulic cylinders are deleted and reference made to DNV Standards for Certification No. 2.9 (Approval Program No.5778.93). — I. Pneumatic Power Supply: — Revised in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6. DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Sec.3 – Page 12 DNV Standards – Main changes (Continued) Document number Document title Main changes — J. Pneumatic Starting Arrangements: — Revised in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 and experience feedback. Included requirement to fire pump drivers. — K. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC): — Added requirement for installation of electrical fan motors installed in ventilation ducts for hazardous spaces, in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.5 Ch.3 — Safety requirements for Refrigeration plants revised to be applicable for plants with total prime mover effect of 100W and above, in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.1. — L. Use of Gas and Crude Oil for Auxiliary Boilers and Turbines: — Reference to DNV-OS-E201 also applicable for gas fuelled boilers. Ch.2 Sec.5 — B. Recognised Codes and Standards: — Deleted reference to recognized codes and standards. — C. General Marine Equipment: — Clarified that for certification of machinery and equipment with similar application as for ships, requirements as given in the Rules for Classification of Ships will be applicable. Recognised international standards may be used on a case by case basis. Ch.3 Sec.1 — C. Certification of Materials and Components: — Included certification requirements for hydraulic cylinders in Table C2 — Table C5 updated in line with Rules for classification of ships Pt.4 Ch.6 — Requirement to certification of compressors revised to be in line with Ship Rules. — E. Survey During Installation and Commissioning: DNV-OS-E201 DNV-OS-E301 Oil and Gas Processing Systems Position Mooring — Deleted requirement that commissioning procedures shall be approved. Further, added some text clarifying DNV’s involvement with commissioning. — Offloading systems: — Requirements for offloading systems updated and expanded. Moved to a new separate Ch.2 Sec.12, stipulating requirements to design of arrangement, safety & control systems, hoses and hawsers of offloading systems. — Introducing a new voluntary class notation “OFFLOADING”, granted to units complying with Ch.2 Sec.12 of the revised DNV-OS-E201. — Requirements for equipment certification - relevant for the OFFLOADING notation introduced in Ch.3. — Ch.2 Sec.9 Materials and Corrosion Protection completely re-written for improved alignment with recognised industry codes and practice. — General updating of references and editorial improvements based on experience feed-back from users. Ch.2 Sec.1 — B306: Included a definition of extreme value for mooring line tensions during a squall event. — B700: Adjusted the required drag coefficients for steel wire ropes. Ch.2 Sec.2 — B101: Added fibre rope degradation method. — B110 (previous item B106): updated guidance regarding e-modules of studless chain based on information from VICINAY. — E201: Updated Table E1 with respect to in-service assessment. — F800: Requirements to investigate the possibility of VIM on steel wire and fibre ropes included. If VIM is a possible load effect, the effect shall be included in fatigue assessment. DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Page 13 – Sec.3 DNV Standards – Main changes (Continued) Document number Document title Main changes Ch.2 Sec.4 — Sub-section J, Added 103 and 200: design criteria for fibre ropes and yarn for fibre ropes. — Q105: Added requirement to measuring ranges for tension measuring equipment. — R403: Added design requirement to element between MLBE and mooring line. Ch.2 Sec.5 — A100: Added requirements for anchor shackles for mobile mooring that are not of R-quality. Ch.3 Sec.1 — B100: Added that temporary mooring is not a class requirement for DP units with DYNPOS-AUTR or AUTRO notations. Towing arrangements for ship shaped units shall be according to DNV Rules for Classification of Ships. — D602: It is emphasized that it is the technical part of the standard that could be replaced by e.g. API RP2SK and ISO 19901-7, and that equipment and material shall be certified by DNV. Ch.3 Sec.2 DNV-OS-E303 DNV-DS-J102 DNV-OS-J301 — A200: Chain qualities R4S and R5 are included in the standard. — G200: Requirements added regarding in-service condition assessment for fibre ropes. Offshore Mooring Fibre — Definitions of terms have been updated. Ropes — This standard now presents three certificate formats, ropes for Long-Term -, ropes for Mobile Moorings and one for thimbles. — Approval of Manufacturer schemes for fibre rope manufacturers and load bearing yarn manufacturers are introduced. — Testing procedure for load bearing yarns is introduced — The structure of each chapter is reorganized in order to separate the applicable requirements to long term mooring and. mobile mooring. The scope of testing for mobile mooring is brought in line with ISO 18962, whilst for long term moorings the principle of application of specific mooring systems performance is reinforced. — Rules for hardware (thimbles) have been clarified. — Testing methods, which are subject to approval, have been removed from Ch.2 Sec.3. — The previous Appendixes A, B, C and D on ‘Fibre rope stretch and stiffness’, ‘Measuring and Expressing the Rope Change-in-Length Properties’, ‘Changein-length test methods for long-term mooring’ and ‘Quality review report’ have been removed. — The term ‘soil barrier’ is replaced by ‘filter’, as this is the commonly used term in other standards. — Added a new Appendix A containing ‘scope of survey’ for fibre-rope production. Design and Manufacture of This service specification; DS-J102: “Design and Manufacture of Wind Turbine Wind Turbine Blades, Off- Blades, Offshore and Onshore Wind Turbines” replaces the previous version of the shore and Onshore Wind document with short name; DNV-OS-J102. There are no changes in content, only Turbines how the document is referred to, as OS now will be used for Standards intended for Offshore use. Standard for Classification This new DNV Offshore Standard provides special technical requirements for units which are purpose built for installation/maintenance of Offshore Wind Turbine. of Wind Turbine The standard supports the special service notation “Wind Turbine Installation Installation Units Unit” which was introduced through the DNV-OSS-101 in October 2009. DET NORSKE VERITAS Summary of Changes and Current Document Status, October 2010 Sec.3 – Page 14 C. Changes to Recommended Practices DNV Recommended Practices – Main changes Document number Document title Main changes DNV-RP-A201 Plan Approval Documenta- Sec.2 Documentation Types tion Types – Definitions — B200: Document type definition of Freeboard Plan is updated. — H190: Container stowage and securing manual is amended. — New item I260 – Control and monitoring systems - periodical test procedure — New documentation types have been added as follows: — — — — DNV-RP-F118 Pipe Girth Weld Aut System Qualification and Project Specific Procedure Validation M085 – Hazardous materials documentation - appendix 2 substances M100 – Material declaration M110 – Declaration of conformity relating to use of hazardous materials M120 – Hazardous materials location plan. In addition documentation types M081, M083 and M084 have been amended. This new document provides a uniform guideline for the general qualification of Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) systems, ensuring that the qualification and project specific validation of any AUT system is according to the requirements of OS-F101 Appendix E and is consistently performed to comply with the specific requirements of the referenced code. In principle, the guideline can be utilised for all materials but special care shall be taken for applications where inconsistent wave propagation or other wave physics are affected by structural properties. DET NORSKE VERITAS