SEISMIK-STRATIGRAFI 1. CONTENTS: PENDAHULUAN (keberadaan data Seismik refleksi) 2. PARAMETER REKAMAN SEISMIK REFLEKSI TERHADAP GEJALA GEOLOGI 3. HUBUNGAN ANTARA, BIDANG PERLAPISAN & KARAKTER/ PARAMETER SEISMIK REFLEKSI 4. GENESA & POLA PENGISIAN CEKUNGAN BERDASARKAN SEISMIK REFLEKSI 5. CIRI & GEJALA SIKUEN PENGENDAPAN 6. PROSEDUR INTERPRETASI SERTA MAKNA, KARAKTER UNIK REKAMAN SEISMIK REFLEKSI 7. KOMPONEN-KOMPONEN KRONOSTRATIGRAFI & PRESENTASINYA 8. PETA FASIES BERDASARKAN DATA SEISMIK REFLEKSI 9. PETROLEUM SYTEM & DHI, BERDASARKAN DATA Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK) 1. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan I & ke II, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan keberadaan data seismik refleksi 2. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan ke III, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan parameter rekaman seismik refleksi terhadap gejala geologi 3. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan ke IV & V, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan hubungan antara, bid perlapisan & karakter/ parameter seismik refleksi 4. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan ke VI & VII, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan genesa & pola pengisian cekungan berdasarkan seismik refleksi. 5. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan ke IX & X, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan ciri & gejala sikuen pengendapan 6. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan ke XI & XII, mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan prosedur interpretasi serta makna, karakter unik rekaman seismik refleksi 7. Setelah menyelesaikan pertemuan ke XIII, mahasiswa mampu men-jelaskan komponen-komponen kronostratigrafi & presentasikannya 2. PARAMETER REKAMAN SEISMIK REFLEKSI TERHADAP GEJALA GEOLOGI 1. Makna Rekaman Seismik Refleksi, (Basic Seismic Observations) 1) Sedimentary reflections . 2) Unconformities . 3) Non-sedimentary reflections . 4) Artefacts & artificial reflections 2. Parameter Refleksi (individu & unit) 4) Spacing • 1) Amplitudo, 2) Polaritas, 3) Kontinyuitas, atau Frekuensi Refleksi, 5) Interval Velocity • Reflection geometries: Reflection Terminations, Reflection Configuration, External Forms 3. Perubahan Litologi, Diagenesa, Kandungan hidrokarbon 1. Basic Seismic Observations 4 major groups of systematic reflections are distinguished on seismic sections 1. 2. 3. 4. Sedimentary reflections representing bedding planes. Unconformities or discontinuities in the geological record. Non-sedimentary reflections; like fault planes, fluid contacts etc Artefacts; like diffractions, multiples, etc.. Normal sedimentary reflection Cross cutting side swipe reflection Listric fault plane, which is in part also reflective Hc fluid contact in a reservoir sequence Difraction curves on stacked Migration smiles on a migrated seismic section seismic section TWT msec 1. Sedimentary Refections • Seismic stratigraphy is the observation that individual sedimenttary reflections can be considered timelines. • This timeline concept equally signifies that seismic reflections tend to cross laterally through different depositional environments & therefore they can incorporate various lithofacies units.(geological sense) • Seismic reflections passing continuously from a top, fore to a bottomset confi-guration. In a geological sense it means going from a sand-prone shelf (vcs_z-vfs_z), into a shale-prone slope (clay-z)& finally ending up in the L-Boundary U-Boundary 2. Unconformities (UNC)/ discontinuities • Erosional truncation, …..? • Toplap …? Erosional truncation Toplap Concordance • Concordance, …? Time line≈ reflection line≈ stratal line≈ time stratigraphic unit Onlap Downlap Concordance • Unc are surfaces of erosion &/or non-deposition which constitute time-gaps in the geological record. Unc generate reflections because they separate beds with different physical properties • Strata below the unc are older & the beds overlying the surface are younger than the time-gap. So the strata between 2 unc form a time stratigraphic unit. • Reflections generated by unc are representing a hiatus in the sedimentation record & are normally diachronous. An unc coincides with a change in structural dip of the units above (U) & below (L) the interface • Several types of reflection relationships are distinguished at these uncon- An example of erosional truncation, toplap, concordance 0 1.0 Erosional truncation Toplap Concordance with subtle indications for sediment bypass If the configuration displayed by the upper sequence is considered, the following reflection relations are distinguished • Onlap whereby the younger sediments are progressively overstepping each other • Downlap in case of foresetting abutting on an unc. The younger strata are depositio nally inclined. The inclined foresetting gives an indication for the direction of the sedi ment supply. Starved sedimentation conditions prevail in the distal area. • Concordance if the overlying sediments show the same deformation as the separat ing interface & the underlying unit An example of onlap & down lap reflection configurations. Onlap Dowlap The unc represents a depositional gap in the geologic record. If it has a regional significance it is considered a depositional SB. Interpretation of the reflection terminations as indicated by blue arrows & defining unc (red lines) which are basically sedimentation gaps. Non-sedimentary Reflections; 1.0 2.0 Evidence for subaerial erosion with an important time hiatus. Peneplanisation occurred before the younger sediments were deposited 0 1.0 Submarine currents can cause considerable local erosion. Note the concordant contact lateral away from the submarine canyon fill Several characterristics are deduced from unc type: •the Subaerial, submarine, fluvial or glacial in origin The time gap is either erosional or non-depositional; the latter is indicating sediment bypass. • The topographic relief is planar, irregular or with a certain inclination. • The significance is either regional or local. • The degree of tectonic deformation gives an idea about the rate of instability of the region. • In special cases information is deduced on the relative sea level behaviour, sediment supply & rates of subsidence changes. Jenis hubungan ketidakselarasan (Unconformity) 1. Basal unconformities,🡪 ketidakselarasan dng FR berkomposisi bat dasar kristalin. (≈ nonconformities 2. Angular unconformities (ketidakselarasan menyudut) 🡪 ketidakselarasan dng FR tersusun oleh lapisan2 yg mengalami deformasi scr struktural yg su-dah terkikis/ tertoreh 3. Disconformities,🡪 ketidakselarasan dng FR mengalami erosi, ttp lapisan2 tsb belum mengalami deformasi scr struktural 4. Non-depositional Unconformities🡪 ketidakselarasan tanpa adanya erosi pd FR, termasuk di dlmnya hardgrounds, carbonate platform slope, dll Jenis Ketidakselarasan 1. 2. 3. Non-UNC Ang-UNC Dis-Confor Para-Confor Non-conformity Angular unconformity Dis-conformity Non-sedimentary reflections; like fault planes 1.0 3.0 3.11: 1.0 ? 3.0 3.10: Partly reflective listric fault plane, with strong rotation & tilting of the hanging wall sediments in respect to the sub-// foot wall deposits. Note that the oblique dip of the reflections are here tectonically induced & should not be confused with sedimentary dips. Criteria to discriminate between the 2 distinct origins is the rather uniform & regu-lar character of the lateral thick ness variation of the layers & the presen-ce of thefault curved fault Non-reflective plane withplane. clear fault-related reflection termina-tions. There is a regular spacing to the faulting, indicating a uniform stress pattern & lateral continuity of the layers. The deeper part of the section is rather chaotic & characterised by discontinuous reflections. The curved fault planes sole out in this Non-sedimentary reflections Fluid contact in a reservoir coinciding with a v/ρ con-trast that is sufficient to generate a seismic 0.5 reflection. The gas has a lower ρ & lower P-wave v than the brine porefill. The amplitu de anomaly corresponds BS to a bright spot. It is caused by the presence of a class 1.0 3 AVO re-servoir. The flat spot is the result of the FS change in pore-fill, it corresponds to the gas/water 1.5 interface. Paleo-Moho in outcrop (Mineral phase changes) Alcaline basalts Incipient oceanisation Intracratonic rift crus t Moh o lithospher e A B astenosphere resistivity 35 Brittle crust 1 Ductile crust 2 Brittle Mantle 3 (olivin) km 100 Top of L-Velocity Z Ductile mantle 4 C Artefacts; like diffractions, multiples, etc. Kesalahan pengikatan mrpkn hal umum pd interpretasi & dpt terjadi akibat: 1. Kesalahan navigasi & survei. Survei daratan, mis-ties lebih jarang terjadi di bandingkan survei di laut, dimana kesalahan penentuan posisi bisa men-capai 100 m pd perpotongan lintasan, 2. Konvensi polaritas. Bila informasi mengenai polaritas rekaman tdk diketa-hui dng baik, menyebabkan kesalahan pengikatan lintasan yg cukup besar. 3. Masalah Pemprosesan. Koreksi statik, perbedaan (kecepatan staking, pola muting, operator dekonvolusi, fasa dr wavelet, dsbnya), mrpk kemungkinan penyebab kesalahan pengikatan. Bila kesalahan tsb terjadi pd 2 survei yg berlainan, & konsisten, mk suatu static shift yg konstan dpt diterapkan. 4. Difraksi. Kesalahan pengikatan sering ditemui pd perpotongan lintasan de-kat sesar kecil. Hal ini dpt disebabkan krn interferensi ant gel refleksi & di-fraksi, terutama pd lintasan berarah miring thdp bid sesar dimana efek di-fraksi tdk dpt dihilangkan dng baik. 5. Migrasi. Proses migrasi konvensional seismik 2-D juga mrpk penyebab 2. Parameter Refleksi (individu) • 1) Amplitudo, 2) Kontinyuitas, 3), Spacing atau Frekuensi Refleksi, 4) Polaritas 5) Interval Velocity 1. Amplitudo adlh ketinggian puncak (peak) atau pa-lung (trough) refleksi, yg besarnya tergantung pd RC. ( tinggi, sdg & rendah). Perubahan vertikal amplitudo, digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi unc, sdgkan peru-bahan lateral untuk identifikasi perubahan fasies seismik 2. Kontinyuitas refleksi mencerminkan konsistensi kemenerusan lateral refleksi. Refleksi yg diskontinyu adlh kelurusan yg menerus, ttp bgn yg menerus tsb terpotong oleh suatu gap yg lebarnya ± 2 - 3 tras. Refleksi yg kontinyu mempunyai karakter yg menerus sepanjang jarak yg signifikan (km). Derajat kontinyuitas dideskripsikan sbg sgt kontinyu hingga dis-kontinyu. Kontinyuitas refleksi juga mencerminkan kondisi pe-rubahan lateral IA (litologi). Refleksi yg diskontinyu mencermin-kan lingk dimana terjadi perubahan lateral fasies, mis pd sistem fluvial. Refleksi yg kontinyu mrpkan karakter dgn kondisi peng-endapan lateral yg seragam terjadi scr ekstensif, 2. Parameter Refleksi (lanjutan) 3. Frekuensi refleksi adlh jmlh refleksi per unit waktu & dipengaruhi oleh kombinasi efek interferensi & frekuensi sinyal seismik Gambar di bawah ini menunjukkan contoh bhw karakter frekuensi refleksi dpt digunakaan untuk memandu korelasi. 4. Polaritas refleksi sering dpt ditentukan dr hub onlap pd rekaman ber-fasa min atau dr amplitudo maks rekaman berfasa nol. Kombinasi polaritas & amplitudo dpt menjadi petunjuk jenis litologi yg menyebabkan timbulnya refleksi. Cth, pd sekuen muda & dangkal, batupasir Φ tinggi yg ditutupi batulempung dpt menghasilkan amplitu-do sdg-tinggi dgn RC(-), sdgkan batulempung yg menutupi batugam-ping masif akan menghasilkan amplitude tinggi dgn RC (+) Polaritas & Seismic Trace S-Eropa (Min-Phase) RC Reverse Normal waktu S- SEG (Min- Phase) S- Eropa Standard SEG (Zero Phase) (Zero Phase) Litologi • Seismic Trace adlh data seismik yg te-rekam oleh 1 geophone, ini mencermin- kan respon dr medan gel elastik thdp kontras IA (reflektivitas) pd batas lapisan btn sediment yg satu dgn btn lainnya. Polaritas Normal - Reverse Tdpt 2 jenis konvesi polaritas: Standar SEG & Standar Eropa. Keduanya berkebalikan. Gambar ini menunjukkan Polaritas Normal & Polaritas Reverse untuk sbh wavelet fasa nol & minimum phase pd kasus RC meningkat (RC positif) yg terjadi pd contoh batas air laut dgn dasar laut/ lempung. AMPLITUDO Discontunuity 2. Parameter Refleksi (lanjutan) High Contunuity Low FREQUENCY/ SPACING High Low The Reflection Character of a Seismic Loop: ☞ R-Configuration, which is related to the geometry of the bedding pattern resulting from specific depositional processes, the original paleo topography & fluid contacts. ☞ R-Continuity, which describes continuity of the layers. It is directly related to sedimentary processes & therefore also to the environment of deposition. ☞ R-Amplitude, providing a measure for the reflection strength, litholo- gical contrast, bedding spacing & fluid contents. ☞ R_Frequency, which gives an estimation of the bed thickness & possibly Parallel to Wavy – (Expression of Seismic Facies Unit) . Continuous, Low F, Low-Med A Continuous, L-F, M-H A Discontinuous,H-F, H-A Continuous,High F, High A Chaotic • a high amplitude (horizontal excursion of seismic wiggle from the time axis) reflection character generally points to vertical alternation of contrasting lithologies (e.g. sand/shale; carbonate layers in a shaley sequence). • a low amplitude indicates more similar lithologies on both sides of the inter-face (e.g. sand/silty shale). • the frequency of a reflection (vertical separation on a seismic trace of a seismic loop between two consecutive zero crossings) can give some idea concerning the thickness of the beds. There are pitfalls when dealing with thin bed interference effect • The continuity gives information on the energy level of the deposits. a high continuity suggests a great lateral extent of the same sedimentation Unit Fasies Seismik di Endapan Paparan Berdasarkan Parameter Individu Seismik pantul H-Amplitude & continuity (interbedded H&L energy) L-Amplitude (uniform energy) L-continuity, variable amplitude (variable energy) Broad, low relief mound variable amplitude & continuity (variable energy) SFU’s on the shelf, which corresponds to a topset position on the seismic data. Continui ty is related to energy level of environment of deposition, while amplitude reflects inter-bedding of lithologies Reflection Parameters & Gelogic Significance 1. Reflection Configuration Bedding Patterns Depositonal Processes Erosion Paleotophography Fluid Contact 2. Reflection Continuity Bedding Continuity Depositional Processes 3. Reflection Amplitude Bed spacing Velocity Dencitas Contrast Fluid Content 4. Reflection Frequency Bedding Thickness Fluid Content 5. Interval Velocity Estimation of Lithology Estimation of Porosity Fluid Content 6. External Form & Areal Assosiation of SF Unit Gross Depositional Environment Sedimen Source Geologic Setting Parameter Refleksi: Reflection Geometries EXTERNAL FORMS REFLECTION REFLECTION TERMINATIONS (at Sequence B) CONFIGURATION (With Sequence) • • • • LAPOUT − Baselap (onlap, Downlap) − Toplap PRICIPAL STRATAL/ INTERNAL CONFIGURATION − − − − TRUNCATION − Erosional − Structural Pararel Subpararel Divergent Prograding Clinoforms Sigmoid, Oblique, complex sigmoid-oblique, Shingled, hummocky clinoform − Chotic CONCORDANCE − No termination − Reflection Free • MODIFYING TERMS Even, Wavy, Reguler, Uniform, Variable Hummocky,,Lenticular, Contorted, Distrupted (At Sequence & Seismic Facies Unit) − − − − − − − Sheet Sheet Drape Wedge Bank Lens Mound Fill Prinsiple of Stratal/ Unit Termination (≈ Reflection Terminations) EROSIONAL TRUNCATION OVERLYING UNCONFORMITY TOP-LAP MARINE-ONLA P P UNDERLYING UNCONFORMITY COASTAL ON-LAP INTERNAL CONVERGENC E A OFF-L LAP ONP -LA DOWN BASE-LA P Sikuen Pengendapan (Depositional Sequen-ces) adlh sbh unit stratigrafi yg terdiri dr urut2an lapisan batuan yg relatif selaras & • LAPOUT scr genetik berhubungan & dibatasi di bag atas − Baselap (onlap, & bawah-nya oleh bidang ketidakselarasan Downlap) (unconformi- ties) atau bid selaras yg sepadan − Toplap • TRUNCATION (correlative conformities) dgn bid − Erosional ketidakselarasan tsb. − Structural REFLECTION TERMINATIONS (at Sequence B) • CONCORDANCE − No termination Didlm tubuh sikuen pengendapan tsb, dicirikan dgn adanya pola perlapisan (Stratal, ≈ Reflec- Hubungan antara Bidang Perlapisan & Batas Sekuen Pengendapan • Lapout adlh pola pemberhentian (terminasi) lapisan (≈ reflection pattern) secara lateral dengan batas pengendapannya. Terminasi tsb dpt terjadi di bawah (base-lap) atau di atas (top-lap) suatu sekuan pengendapan. Toplap mencerminkan nondepositional/ hiatus (correlative conformities), sedangkan erosional truncation mencerminkan bidang erosi. (Unconformity) • Onlap adlh pola pemberhentian di sekuen bagian bawah, dimana pemberhentiannya terjadi di bagian up-dip nya. Bila pemberhentian-nya terjadi dibagian down-dip disebut downlap • Proximal onlap yi; onlap pd arah sumber sedimen & Distal downlap yi: downlap pd arah yg berlawanan dr sumber sedimen, umumnya mrpkn indikasi dr permulaan & akhir dr penye-baran secara lateral dr pengendapan. Onlap & downlap umum-nya lebih mencerminkan non-depositional hiatus drpd erosional hiatus. • Truncation-lap adlh terminasi scr lateral suatu perlapisan. Aki-bat terpotong dr batas pengendapan aslinya. Hubungan antara Pola Perlapisan & Konfigurasi Pola Refleksi di dalam Sekuen Pengendapan (Seismik Facies Unit) •Analisa fasies seismik adlh deskripsi dr parameter refleksi (al: konfigurasi, kontinyu-itas, amplitudo, frekuensi & • PRICIPAL STRATAL/ kecepatan in-terval), untuk interpretasi internal CONFIGURATION geologi − Pararel •Sebuah unit fasies seismik adlh suatu unit − Subpararel seismik yg tersusun oleh kumpulan pola − Divergent − Prograding Clinoforms refleksi yg mempunyai parameter berbeda Sigmoid, Oblique, dgn unit fasies di sekitarnya (Mitchum dkk., complex sigmoid-oblique, 1977). Dimana setiap parameter dpt Shingled, hummocky mem-berikan informasi yg mengenai kondisi clinoform geologi − Chotic •Konfigurasi internal sekuen seismik adlh − Reflection Free Even, Wavy, Reguler, : parallel, subparallel, divergent, chaotic, Uniform, Variable • MODIFYING TERMS Hummocky, Lenticular, reflection-free, mounded, sigmoid, oblique, Contorted, Distrupted complex sigmoid-oblique, shingled, REFLECTION CONFIGURATION (With Sequence) Parallel-even Parallel-wavy Sub-parallel Tangential obliqe Divergen Complex Sigmoid/ oblique Sigmoid Shingled Parallel oblique Chaotic-no stratal pattern Hummocky clinoforms Chaotic-deformed Reflection Free Distruped Contorted Lenticular Internal Reflection Configuration (IRC) • IRC Paralel (a,b) & Subparalel (d) menunjukkan kecepatan pengen-dapan yg konstan pd suatu paparan yg subside scr seragam atau pd basin plain yg stabil. Umumnya ini berasosiasi dgn bentuk eksternal: sheet, sheet drape, fill • IRC divergen (c) dicirikan oleh bentuk wedge dimana penebalan lateral lebih disebabkan oleh penebalan dr refleksi itu sendiri bukan krn onlap, toplap atau erosi. Mencerminkan variasi lateral kecepatan pengendpan Divergent Internal Reflection Configuration • DIRC are found in wedge-shaped sediment bodies, where the sediment thick ness distribution is asymmetric. Obviously important lateral thickness variations do exist. • These geometries can be due to variations in sedimentation rates, subsidence &/ or burial effects (differential compaction). • The internal reflection terminations occur randomly & don’t coincide with a distinct SB. The divergent geometry indicates syn-depositional differential tectonic movements. Clinoforms or foresets IRC • The shape & angle of repose of sediment on these slope systems is influenced by : 1) Com-position of the deposited material, 2) Sedimen-tation rate & quantity of sediment input. 3) Sali-nity of the water, 4)Water depth, 5)Energy level of the environment of deposition, 6) Position of the sea-level, which is closely related to the base-level profile, 7) Subsidence rate. • Under ideal conditions the clinoforms display a topset, foreset, bottomset relationship Sigmoid topset fore set bottomset Complex Sigmoid/ oblique Tangential obliqe • IRC sigmoid (a) mencerminkan proses agradasi yg menerus, segmen atas sejalan dgn progradasi bag tengah akibat suplai sedi-men yg relatif pelan pd basin yg relatif subsiding scr cepat dan/atau cepatnya kenaikan m.a.l. shg terbentuk pengen-dapan unit bag atas. Mereflek-sikan regim pengendapan energi rendah • IRC parallel oblique (c) mem-punyai kemiringan yg relatif lbh besar, mencerminkan energi pengendapan yg lebih tinggi. • Complex sigmoid-oblique (d) perselingan antara o & s IRC Progradasi (: sigmoid, oblique, complex s-o, shingled & hummocky. Terbentuk akibat pertumbuhan pengen-dapan scr progresif lateral dr bid pe-ngendapan yg miring, (clinoform) • IRC shingled mencerminkan progradasi fasies ke dalam air dangkal. • IRC hummocky clinoform mencerminkan progradasi lidah clinoform ke dalam air Di fferent Types of Foresets • Oblique,. This area is mainly an area of sedi-ment by-pass. This type of f-setting represents a somewhat h-energy slope system & coarser deposits may be incorporated in these f-sets. The little developed b-sets do suggest that the fall-out of debris was rather drastic & limited in areal extension. Starved Oblique Progradational (high-energy) sediment conditions reign on the distal part of the basin floor. Occasionally it may also point to the presence of contour currents that rework the material at bottom of the slope & transport them further away. The top-lap geometry indicates a rapid fall of relative sea level at the onset of the next d-s. The sedimentation mechanism is most probably traction (bedload transport) & suspension related (gradual fall-out or hemi-pelagic). • Parallel oblique, which points to little change in direction of the prograding slope. It also means a rather uniform filling in of the basin, as a lot of switching of depocenters would result in different progradation directions. This geo-metry normally also reflects a h-energy slope system • Tangential oblique, whereby the b-sets are well developed. This type of f-sets points to a very efficient transport mechanism for the sediments over the shelf area & the spreading out of material over vast basinal areas. Most likely the sediments are deposited from suspension, but also turbidity currents can bring material directly to deeper parts of the basin (fig 3.24) Different types of foresets (lanjutan) • Sigmoidal, whereby the t-set & b-sets are pre-served. Its geometry does suggest a relative rise in sea level, with a reasonable sediment supply. This geometry also might point to deposi tion from suspension (partial sediment drape). It represents there fore a L-energy slope system. Sigmoidal Progradtional (low-energy ) • Shingled, which is characterised by a much smaller f-set height. This type of low-angle f-setting is found in both a t-set as well as in a b-set position. It is interpreted either as shallow marine progradation in a H-energy environment or as deep marine progradation on the basin-floor. In the deeper mari-ne basin this shingling may Fig Progradational reflection geometry at 1.0 &1.5 sec TWT. The progradation is oriented point to the importance of mass from right to the left & it represents the flow se-dimentation. It may out-building of a basin margin (>2 km paleo indicate accre-tion in submarine waterdepth). Note the drastic scale fans or contour current mounds diffe-rence with the previous GPR figure. A (contourites). No straight for ward ma-jor unc is present in the Tertiary overbur- den, an expression of the water-depth con-notation is Hummocky Reflection Configuration HR configuration consists of irregular, discontinuous reflections with variable amplitudes. It is characterised by little systematic reflection terminations. It can occur both in t & f-set positions. It indicates the presence of cut-&-fill geometries &/or contourted bedding. The contourted bedding is the result from water esca-pe during early burial & compaction. It is characterised by oversteeping of the sedimentary laminations. Other water escape features are dish & pillar structur-es of the time the cut-&-fill is interpreted as channelised deposits Shingling/channel accretion 200 240 TMT msec 220 200 Hum mocky 220 240 Hummocky seismic facies characterised by short, curved & discontinuous reflections. Often it can be interpreted as the result of a cut-&-fill sedimentation pattern. Prograding Shelf-Slope System 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 Top-, fore- & bottom set relationships. Generally seismic reflections do cross several depositional environments. In the subsurface the coarser shelf sediments are gradually replaced by more shale-prone slope sediments without generating a distinct seismic response. Constraints in the horizon-tal resolution don’t always favour the detection of individual lateral sand pinch outs Subtle low-angle progradation or shingling, that can be difficult to outline. Trans port directions are quite different in the Ordovician Ghudun & Safiq fm. Sometimes sections are flattened on a specific horizon. It may help to compen-sate for the effects of the later tectonic deformation & facilitates the interpretation of paleo geomorphologic features. Chaotic Reflection Configuration IRC chaotic : produk dr sistem pengendapan energi tinggi, atau akibat deformasi kuat. Dpt mencer-minkan slump structures, cut & fill channel, daerah lipatan atau terse-sarkan scr kuat. IRC reflection free mencerminkan tubuh batuan beku yg besar & ma-sif, kubah garam, tubuh batupasir atau shale yg homogen dan tebal reflections of variable CRC are composed of discontinuous discordant ampli-tude & frequency. The discontinuous character suggest a highly discordered internal organisation of the deposits. It occurs in all kind of DE & may represent: • Channel fills in a proximal fan. •Slumped deposits on a slope. • Olisto-stromes • Overpressured shales • Volcanic rocks • Mobile salt deposits Chaotic Reflection Configuration Chaotic SFU, interpreted as olistostrome deposits in the Guadalquivir Basin, which is foreland basin created in response to progressive nappe emplacement in the Betic Cordilleras located to the south. Low-angle foresetted turbidites of Depo-sitional-Sequence V are downlapping on the chaotic mega-slumps. These sand-prone turbidites are gas bearing. Chaotic discontinuous SFU due to presence of deformed over pressured shales resulting from improper dewatering during rapid burial of the sediments. Chaotic Reflection Configuration 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.0 Seafloor OLIGOSEN-RECENT EOSE N 1.0 PLUG Chaotic facies dis-played by volcanic rocks shape & high-amplitude top boun-dary. Gravimetrics & magnetics support the volcanic origin. It is a volcanic centre, active on the Paleo-cene–Eocene time boundary. 2.0 3.0 Contemporaneous volcanic activity & rifting has been reported from Eastern Greenland. From here volcanic ashes were wind-blown & deposited over large parts of the North Sea basin. These ashes form an important regional seismic event, known as the Thulean Tuff marker. Reworking by other 1 k m 3 5 k m 1 3 5 (a) Grounded salt pillow with internally a chaotic sfu. Note that the overburden tectonics is detached from the deeper structures & the salt layer acts as a decollement unit. (b) Zechstein salt diapir that shows an internal chaotic sfu & associated with severe deformation of the overlying beds. The overburden shows some Reflection Free Zones RFZ areas coincide with zones where AI contrasts are weak or lacking. This implies a rather ho mogene gross lithology; it can be thick shales, limestones, sands, etc. Massive reefal build ups & even igneous bodies so-me times appear RFZ. Intensely tectonised deposits like salt dia-pirs & volcanic intrusives may also show a RFZ facies Carbonate build-up with several SFU. The high-energy reef front is characterised by lower amplitu-de chaotic reflections. Note that the gas containing re-servoir section is represented by a high amplitude SFU (bright spot). Low reflective to hummocky reflections in basalt body Volcanics in The Irish Sea Low reflective to hummocky SFU originating from a lenticular igneous body. Its presence is confirmed by the measured gravity data. The deeper seated time structure are partly caused by a pull-up effect, due to the velocity con-trast between the basalt a& the Tertiary sediments (6000 m/s versus 2800 m/s). This effect will disappear when a proper time-depth conversion is done. External eflection Configuration (ERC) Sheet-Drape (L-Energy) Slope-Front Fill (L-Energy) Onlap-Fill (Usually Energy) • ERC sheet, wedges, banks umumnya terbentuk pd fasies paparan. • Sheet drape mencerminkan pengendapan yg sera-gam, & berenergi rendah pd laut dalam. • Lens form, berasosiasi dgn progradasi clinoform. • Mound form, berasosiasi dgn deep sea fans, lobes, slump masses, contourite, carbonate buildup, reefs, volcanic mound. • Bentuk fill dicirikan oleh lapisan yg mengisi permukaan di bawahnya yg mempunyai relief negatif & ber-asosiasi dgn erosional channels, canyon fills, Various external structu- ral-trough fills, fans,geometries slumps, dll of SFU in slope & basinal areas Mounded Onlap Fill (H-Energy) Fan-Complex (H-Energy) Chaotic-Fill (Variable Energy) Contourity External Geometry of SFU The morphological external shape of the units are described in terms of: ☞ Sheets or sheet drapes, which point to uniform sedimentation con-ditions in the basin & vary little differentiation of environment of de-position. The associated SFU is sub-parallel to wavy & undulating. Generally these drapes are composed of fine-grained deposits with sedimentation out of suspension. ☞ Wedges, which indicate a sudden break in the sedimentation pattern. Internally it represents a gradual differentiation in environment of de-position & a lateral change in sedimentation rate. ☞ Banks or monoclines, which point to substantial differentiation in the sedimentation pattern. They have an elongated shape. Locally higher energy conditions exist. Often foresetted internal geometries are detected. ☞ Mounds, which represent 3D depositional buildups. They indicate •higher Carbonate build-ups together in with their talusMounds deposits.are interpreted as: energy environments the basin. • Submarine fan complexes. • Contourite deposits resulting from thermohaline density currents. • Volcanic eruption cones. Contoh2 bentuk mounded (external form of the mounded) Fan Complex Simple Fan Complex Compound Contourite Mound Migrating Wave Slump Volcanic Mound CARBONATE MOUND Pinnacle with Velocity pull-up Homogeneous with drape Homogeneous with difractions Bank edge with velocity sag Configurasi Basin Fill (Reflection patterns in fills) Bentuk fill dicirikan oleh lapisan yg mengisi permukaan di bawah-nya yang mempunyai relief negatif & berasosiasi dengan erosio-nal channels, canyon fills, structural-trough fills, fans, Reflection patterns in various sedimentary fills. Differential compaction effects slumps, dll can give a clue on the contents of channel fills. The shale prone levees are compacted much more than the sands. A convex upward bulge is therefore probably indicative for sand prone sediments Analisis Fasies Seismik (review) ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ̵ ̵ ̵ Batuan sedimen yg terbentuk pd berbagai lingkungan pengendapan tsb (spt: channel sungai, sistem delta, kipas bawah laut, carbonate mound/ reef) disebut benda geologi (≈gejala stratigrafi) Gelombang seismik yg terefleksikan kembali ke permukaan akan memberi-kan gambaran bentuk eksternal & tekstur internal dr benda2 geologi Analisis fasies seismik adlh analisis bentuk eksternal & tekstur internal benda geologi tsb dari penampang rekaman seismik. Terdapat 8 jenis bentuk eksternal yi: sheet, sheet drape, wedge, bank, lens, mound, fan & fill.(lihat gambar) Dlm analisis fasies seismik, batas dr benda2 geologi diatas disebut reflection terminations. (terminasi tsb memiliki karakter refleksi yg kuat/ amplitudo refleksi yg cukup dominan). 2 jenis batas benda geologi (sequence seismic boundary), yi: batas atas (erosional truncation & top lap) & batas bawah (onlap & downlap) Erosional Truncation (unconformity) diakibatkan oleh peristiwa erosi krn terekspos ke permukaan. Toplap diakibatkan krn tdk adanya peristiwa sedimentasi & erosi. Onlap, pd lingkungan shelf disebabkan krn kenaikan m.a.l relatif, akibat Bentuk Tekstur Internal dr Benda2 Geologi 1 1. Parallel: mrpkn pengendapan sedimen dgn rate yg seragam, atau pd paparan (shelf) dgn subsiden yg uniform atau sedi-mentasi pd stable basin plain. 2 2. Subparallel: terbentuk pd zona pengisian, atau pd situasi yg terganggu oleh arus laut. 3 3. 4 Subparallel between parallel: terbentuk pd lingkungan tek-tonik yg stabil, atau fluvial plain dgn endapan berbutir se-dang. 4. Wavy parallel: terbentuk akibat lipatan kompresi dr lapisan parallel diatas permukaan detachment atau diapir atau sheet drape dgn endapan berbutir halus. 5. Divergent: terbentuk akibat permukaan yg miring scr pro-gresif selama proses sedimentasi. 6. Chaotic: pengendapan dgn energi tinggi (mounding, cut & fill channel) atau deformasi setelah proses sedimentasi (sesar, gerakan overpressure shale, dll.) 7. Reflection free: batuan beku, kubah garam, interior reef tunggal. 8. Local chaotic: slump (biasanya laut dalam) yg diakibatkan 5 6 7 8 Bentuk Tekstur Internal Tekstur yg terprogradasi 1. Sigmoid: tekstur ini dpt terbentuk dgn suplai sediment yg cu-kup, kenaikan m.a.l relatif cepat, rejim pengendapan energi rendah, spt slope, umumnya sediment butir halus. 2. Oblique tangential: suplai sediment yg cukup sampai besar, m.a.l yg konstan spt delta, sediment butir kasar pd delta plain, channel & bars. Oblique parallel: oblique tangensial varian, sediment terpilah lebih baik. 1 2 3 3. 4 5 4. Complex: lidah delta dgn energi tinggi, dgn slope terprogra-dasi dalam energi rendah. 5. Shingled: terbentuk pd zona dangkal, dgn energi rendah. 6. Hummocky: terbentuk pd daerah dangkal tipikal antar 6 Bentuk Tekstur Pengisian Channel 1. Onlap Fill: sedimentasi pd channel dgn energi relative rendah. 2. Mounded Onlap Fill: sedimentasi dgn energi tinggi. Setidaknya terdapat dua tahap sedimentasi. 3. Divergent Fill: shale prone yg terkompaksi dgn sedimenatsi energi rendah, juga sbg tipikal tahap akhir dr pengisisan graben. 4. Prograded Fill: transport sediment dr ujung atau pd lengkungan channel. 5. Chaotic Fill: sedimenatsi pd channel dgn energi yg sangat tinggi. 6. Complex Fill: tdpt perubahan arah sedimentasi atau perubahan aliran air. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bentuk Tekstur Karbonat 1 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 1) Bentuk tekstur Mounded 2) 1. 3) Reflection free Mound: patch atau pinnacle reef; strata me-nunjukkan sedimen miring yg lebih terkompaksi (mungkin shale). Pinnacle with Velocity Pull-Up: patch atau pinnacle reef, dgn pertumbuhan bbrp tahap (multi stage), mungkin cukup poros. Bank-Edge with Velocity Sag: Shelf edge reef dgn porositas yg sgt bagus, sediment penutupnya mungkin carbonate prone. Bank-Edge Prograding Slope: shelf edge reef yg bertum-puk, tertutup oleh klastik, mengalami perubahan suplai sedi-ment. 2. 3. Fan Complex: penampang lateral dr kipas (fan) yg dekat dgn sumber sediment Volcanic Mound: margin konvergen pd tahap awal; pusat 4) aktivitas rifting pada rift basin Compound Fan Complex: superposisi dr berbagai kipas. Bentuk Eksternal Benda2 Geologi sheet Basin fill fan mound Slope front fill Channel fill 1 3 lens wedge Sheet drape 2 4 Batas Benda Geologi (sequence seismic boundary) 1. 2. 3. 4. Erosional Truncation Toplap Onlap, Downlap Bentuk Tipe2 Fasis Seismik Basin Slope & Basin Floor 1 2 3 4 1. Sheet-drape (low energy): seragam, pengendapan laut da-lam yg tdk tergantung pd relief dasar laut, litologi seragam, tidak ada pasir. 2. Slope Front Fill: kipas laut dalam, Claystone & siltstone (energi rendah) 3. Onlap-Fill (low energy): pengendapan dgn kontrol gravitasi (arus turbidit kecepatan rendah) 4. Fan-Complex (high energy): diendapkan sbg kipas, mound & slump, meskipun energi tinggi, mungkin masih mengan-dung batupasir sebagai reservoar . 5. Contourite (variable energy): biasanya sedimen butir halus, tidak menarik unutk eksplorasi, bentuk tidak simetris, arus tak berarah. 6. Mounded Onlap-Fill (High Energy): fasies peralihan antara chaotic & onlap fill, control gravitasi, reflector tdk menerus, smkn menebal kearah topografi rendah yg menandakan en-dapan energi tinggi. 7. Chaotic Fill (variable energy): mounded, terdapat pd 5 6 7 Efek Perubahan Litologi primer berasal dr batas perubahan nilai IA, akibat •Refleksi ada-nya perubahan litologi •Perubahan unit/ jenis perlapisan dpt disebabkan: perubahan pe-ngendapan, litifikasi, variasi suplai sedimen. variasi musim, dll •Jenis batuan sedimen genetik dpt dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok : 1) Sedimen mekanis & 2) Sedimen kimiawi (garam & evaporit) atau proses biologis (reef ). 3) Sedimen Organik (batubara) •Proses pengendapan & transportasi sedimen, scr mekanis dpt dikelompokkan: 1) butir yg tertransport oleh arus bedload, & 2) butir yg tertransport oleh arus suspensi ‒ Btrn ukuran pasir, tergantung pd bentuk, bj nya, dll. Btrn memerlu-kan batas kecepatan arus minimum tertentu, untuk dpt tertransport. Suatu arus berkecepatan lebih tinggi dr batas miminum tsb, akan me mindahkan btrn & kmd mengendapkannya, begitu nilai kecepatan-nya dibawah batas tsb ‒ Btrn ukuran lempung. Btrn memerlukan kecepatan relatif tinggi, curren t Shallow water current & wave activity Strom wave base Still water 100 m Sedimentation from suspension Longest time gap Onlap onto edge of clastic body increasing gap 4 increasing time gap shortest time gap llustrasi hub bentuk pengendapan sedimen butir halus & kasar & Sketsa menunjukkan bgmn bentuk tubuh sedimen klastik dpt mempengaruhi proses sedimentasi (Badley, ‘85). • Krn variasi arus kecepatan, ini mempengaruhi kecepatan pengendapan btrn pasir & lempung, mk bila episode pengendapan klastik berhenti & daerah tsb kembali mengalami pengendapan dr arus suspensi, akan didpt topografi dasar cek yg baru menutupi sedimen sebelumnya, shg membentuk pola se-kuen off laping-onlapping • Endpn btrn lempung, akan onlapped dg btrn pasir, & rumpang waktu antara edpn pasir & lempung di atas satuan pasir akan lebih besar drpd yg di daerah cek • Perubahan lateral dr endpn pasir menjadi lempung, mempunyai arti penting dr se-gi litologi & implikasi waktunya. Arti penting skala waktu pd bid perlapisan tsb, Efek Perubahan Litologi (lanjutan) • Ref-seismik, dihasilkan dr batas atas & bawah unit lap & cenderung mengikuti suatu kombinasi dr grs & rumpang waktu. Bila terdpt struktur internal yg ber-skala signifikan (mis klinoform), refleksi & bid atas maupun dasar akan meng- ikuti ketidakselarasan. • Refleksi mengikuti batas litologi, bukan batas fasies. Perubahan lateral fasies umumnya mencerminkan perubahan amplitudo, bentuk gel, frekuensi & konti-nyuitas. • Bila suatu unit klastik yg tebal membentuk kipas bawah laut, mk refleksi dr bid permukaan atas & struktur internal akan mengikuti rumpang waktu, sedang-kan refleksi & batas bawah interval turbidit klastik akan mengikuti grs waktu. • Pd lingk klastik dangkal, kebanyakan unit individual sgt tipis shg terletak antara ketebalan tuning & detectable limit. Oleh krnnya perubahan ketebalan ha-nya akan mempengaruhi amplitudo refleksi. • Pd sekuen argilit, refleksi dihasilkan dr interferensi & akan paralel dng grs waktu, umumnya berkontinyuitas sdg-baik. Amplitudo cenderung sdg-buruk. Pola refleksi divergen, mrpkn indikasi dr endpn btr halus. Tdk jarang kontras IA sgt rendah shg menunjukkan gejala reflection free. Pola refleksi caotik ter-jadi akibat slumping, aliran akibat pembebanan, naiknya tekanan pori atau ke-tidakstabilan lereng • Bat klastik kasar, dicirikan oleh konfigurasi mounded atau bentuk sheet. IRC A B Contoh Rekaman seismik sedimen-klastik halus (A) & kasar. (B) Batuan Karbonat Endpn Paparan Karbonat buildup; Sisi belakang shelf margin ke arah utara td atas perselingan lap batugamping & serpih, dgn IRC paralel, frekuensi tinggi & amplitudo rendah, refleksi interval yg buruk. Ke arah cek di selatan td endp kalkareous btr halus dgn down lap & variasi amplitudo lateral • Refleksi pd bts atasnya menghasilkan RC (+) • Pd kasus bat karbonat, sgt berpori, mk bts atas nya menghasilkan RC(-). • amplitudo tinggi, kontinyuitas baik & bila cukup tebal akan mempunyai kecepatan interval yg tinggi (≥3500 m/s) • ERC berbentuk sheet: penyebaran lateralnya sgt ekstensif & tdr atas partikel karbonat berbtr hls atau fosil mikro karbonatan yg terendpkan dr konfigurasi refleksi diagnostik endpn kar-bonat Barrier Shelf margin Pinnacle Jenis build up karbonat yg dpt dikenali dr seismik pl at fo rm Patch Basement Garam Garam mempunyai ρ ± 2.2 gr/cc, < dibandingkan jenis sedimen lainnya. Bila diendapkan dgn ketebalan yg cukup, mk akan tdk stabil, bila tertutupi oleh bat lainnya dgn ρ >>mk akan terjadi aliran gararn dgn tahapan: pillowing, diapirism, post diapirism & akan membentuk IRC yg unik Batuan Dasar ‒ banyak multipel. terbentuk pola reflection free. ‒ Bat dasar ekonomik mempunyai Ф kecil akan dicerminkan oleh refleksi lemah, diskontinyu akibat IA yg rendah & kwalitas data yg buruk Batuan Beku & Volkanik ‒ Kecepatan interval tinggi, CR (+) & amplitudo yg tinggi ‒ Mempunyai bentuk eksternal & struktur internal yg sama dgn bat sedimen Hidrokarbon ‒ Flat spot ini, mempunyai CR +, tampil sbg palung pd polaritas normal SEG atau puncak pd polaritas terbalik ‒ Meskipun kontak gas ini selalu berbentuk datar pd penampang kedlman, tapi pd penampang waktu bisa menunjukkan efek push-down akibat kece-patan rendah dr gas ini. Efek Diagenesa. Efek diagenesa yg mengakibatkan perubahan harga densitas & kecepat-an jelas akan mempengaruhi rekaman seismik & menimbullcan potensi jebakan Ekspresi seismik batuan dasar krisalin a Ekspresi seismik dr diapir garam Ekspresi seismik komplek volkanik Di bawah reflek si kuat dr batas atas bat dasar tsb (CR +), re-kaman seismik menunjukkan pola reflection free Geological Model Seismic Expression Geological Model (normal polarity) IIustrasi efek kehadiran gas pd IA reservoar Ilustrasi anomali daerah terang pd rekaman seismik Ilustrasi anomali rekaman seismik Seismic Expression (normal polarity) No reflection Effect of different reservoir pro-perties on the seismic response to the presence of gas. In the example, the reservoir is overlain by relatively low-AI sha-le. a) Reservoir of porous sand with lower- AI than the shale. b) Moderately porous sand with slightly greater AI than the shale. c) A porous limestone or low∅ sandstone with greater AI than the shale. d) A less porous lime-stone with much daerah pd higher AI buram than the shale. Dim spot associated with a gas-bearing porous Bright spot in a shallow-gas sand carbo nate overlain by interbedded sands & shales. Perubahan Litologi, Diagenesa, Kandungan hidrokarbon Efek perubahan batuan Sedimen mekanis disimpulkan bhw: • Refleksi seismik, dihasilkan dr batas atas & bawah unit lap & cenderung mengikuti suatu kombinasi dr grs & rumpang waktu. Bila terdpt struktur internal yg berskala signifikan (mis klinoform skala besar), refleksi & bid atas maupun dasar akan mengikuti ketidakselarasan. • Refleksi mengikuti batas litologi tapi bukan batas fasies. Peru-bahan lateral fasies umumnya akan dicerminkan oleh peruba-han amplitudo, bentuk gel, frekuensi & kontinyuitas. • Bila suatu unit klastik yg tebal membentuk kipas bawah laut dlm lingk air dlm, refleksi dr bid permukaan atas & struktur internal akan mengikuti rumpang waklu, sedangkan refleksi & batas ba-wah interval turbidit klastik akan mengikuti grs waktu. • Pd lingk klastik dangkal, unit individual sgt tipis shg terletak an-tara ketebalan tuning & detectable limit. Oleh krnnya perubahan ketebalan hanya akan mempengaruhi amplitudo refleksi. Kegunaan Data Seismik Refleksi • • • • • • • • Mengetahui Gejala Deformasi Struktur Pasca Pengendapan Korelasi Waktu Geologi Genesa Satuan Pengendapan Ketebalan & Lingkungan Satuan Pengendapan Paleobatimetri Burial History Relief & Topografi Bidang Ketidak Selarasan Paleogeografi & Sejarah Geologi