Passport photo Membership Applica on Form Applicants Details Full Name. Mobile No. Tel No. *Date of birth (dd/mm/yy) Present address Marital Status Sex *ID/passport No. E-mail address *Home /permanent address District Loca on Sec on one : Employment Details (To be completed by an employed applicant ) Employer Employers address Work sta on Gross Monthly Income Date of appointment Kshs. Payroll Number Sources of Income Salary Pension Others (specify) Sec on two: Business Details (to be completed by a business applicant) Business Name Business Address Nature of Business Approximate Monthly Income Other Sources of Income Pension income Others (specify) Amount in words * (dd/mm/yy) Towards A Prosperous Future Together Name ID / No Contacts Address/Tel Applicant Signature Date Witness Name Signature Date of Birth % REFEREE (To be filled by the member introducing the applicant) I P/No. M/No. Confirm that the applicant Mr/Mrs/Ms is well known to me for (wife/husband, son, daughter and Friend etc). Referees signature Date MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILTY a) Is within the field of membership provided for in the bylaws. b) Is not less than eighteen years of age, if a natural person. c) Is not a member of another salary based Sacco in the country. e) Is of good character. g) Has regular income from employment, business or trade. h) Has paid entrance fee and minimum shares as prescribed in the membership policy. in the Society By-law. MEMBERS’ RIGHTS a) Receiving, periodically and regularly, or upon request, and at least once a year, a statement of accounts containing the her total shareholding. e) Using the Society’s services according to the policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors. MEMBERS’ OBLIGATIONS a) Be faithful and honest in all their dealings with the Society. of the Society. Towards A Prosperous Future Together Towards A Prospe Towards A Prosperous Future Together i) j) k) l) m) n) A end mee ngs and educa on forums and take part in Society’s decision-making. Inform non-members and encourage them to join the Society. Iden fy problems affec ng the Society and suggest solu ons. Par cipate in the Society’s projects, both physically and financially. Make use of the services of the Society as stated in its objects. Comply with these By-laws, the Co-opera ve Act, the Sacco Act, Rules, Regula ons and resolu ons of General Mee ngs. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF MEMBERSHIP CARD GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Membership Card is neither a credit card nor a cheque guarantee card and shall not be presented as such. 2. The Membership Card is for use only at Co - op Bank ATMs, other Bank Visa branded ATMS and at Visa branded merchant point of sales. 3. The Sacco reserves the right to withdraw the use of Membership Card or to refuse request for authorisa on of any Membership card transac on at any me and without prior no ce. 4. The Membership Card once issued to the Cardholder is not transferable. 5. The Membership Card is the property of the Sacco and the Card holder undertakes to return the card to the Sacco or Sacco/Fosa on demand. 6. The card must not be used for any unlawful purpose, including the purchase of goods or services prohibited by local and interna onal law. USE OF PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) 1. 2. 3. 4. The Cardholder will be issued with a PIN. The Cardholder shall exercise due care and a en on to ensure safety of the card and secrecy of the PIN at all mes and to prevent the loss of and or use of the card or PIN by any third party. The Sacco is authorized to debit the Cardholder’s account with all amounts withdrawn by means of the Membership Card using the PIN. The cardholder must not put the card and PIN together. The Cardholder should change the PIN immediately on suspicion the PIN is compromised. LOST/STOLEN MEMBERSHIP CARD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If the Membership Card is lost or stolen or misplaced the Cardholder must no fy the Sacco or call the number on the reverse side of the Membership Service Point. Verbal no fica on must be confirmed in wri ng immediately; and a lost/stolen le er of indemnity shall be signed by the Card holder. A Lost or stolen card no ce shall indicate the par culars of the cardholder including name, address, Branch that issued the Card, account number, card number, and date of repor ng. Once the no ce is received the par culars of the Lost/stolen Membership Card will then be input on the Hot Cards list. In case of dispute over effec ve date and me of repor ng loss or the , in rela on to 1 above, the me and date of receipt of the wri en confirma on shall be regarded as the date of no fica on to the Bank. The Cardholder shall be liable in respect of any transac on instruc ons affec ng the Sacco account that is given with a valid PIN. The Cardholder shall give to the Bank or any person ac ng on Bank’s behalf all necessary assistance in any inves ga ons, avail all informa on as to the circumstances of the loss or the of the Membership Card, and take all reasonable steps to assist recovery of the Membership Card. A lost card that is recovered by the Cardholder should be returned to the nearest branch of the Sacco. The Sacco or Bank has discre on on approving con nued use of such a card. If the report of a loss or the of card is communicated by someone other than the cardholder, the Sacco/Bank shall not be held liable for any damages thereto. SIGNATURE The cardholder should sign on the panel provided on the reverse of the card on receiving the card. The signature should be similar to that on the Na onal ID otherwise the card maybe rejected by merchants 24 HR SERVICE HOTLINE The card 24 hr hotline number is found on the reverse side of the Membership card. Cardholders should keep the 24 hour hotline number in their mobile number or frequently used telephone book. REPLACEMENT OF CARDS The Sacco shall replace lost or damaged cards within 2 weeks. The cardholder will be expected to pay for the replacement of the card at a rate that may change from me to me. FORGOTTEN PIN If a PIN is forgo en the Cardholder shall return their Membership card to the Sacco where a replacement card will be ordered at a fee. 1. 2. 3. 4. CANCELLATION, STOPPAGE OF MEMBERSHIP CARDS AND PAYMENT The Cardholder may at any me cancel his/her Membership Card by returning it to the point of issue. If the return is made by mail the card must be cut into two. Payments made by means of the Membership debit card are irrevocable. In case of a problem the Bank/Sacco may at any me cancel and/or stop a card without no ce or assigning any reason and without incurring any liability to the Cardholder un l a solu on is found. On closing of the account on which the Membership Card is operated, it shall be the duty of the Cardholder to return the Card immediately to the point of issue. perous Future Together Towards A Prosperous Future Together Towards A Prosperous Future Together CHARGES LIABILITY OF A CARDHOLDER *All fields with are mandatory * Fosa Prime Account is mandatory to all members ATTACH THE FOLLOWING 2 coloured passport size photos FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Member interviewed by Signature Date Imara Omega Novel Biashara Meridian Investor Any Other Membership approved by Signature Date Personal Number Member Number Data captured by Signature Date System approval by Signature Date Members file opened by Signature Date P.O Box 75629 -00200, Tel: 3751292/4, 3752341/2/3, Mobile: 0724253918, 073360059, 0703024000 Fax 0208097265, Towards A Prosperous Future Together