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Sample PDP Goal Statements 2013-2014

Sample PDP Goal Statements
Statements without “…as measured by…”
I will learn about and implement differentiated formative and summative assessment techniques to enhance my
knowledge of my students, to evaluate student progress and performance, and to modify my teaching strategies, so
that students demonstrate standards-based learning through diverse performance modes and have a range of
opportunities to demonstrate increased mastery of content knowledge and skills.
I will research, create, and implement formative assessments to modify instruction around clear learning objectives so
that my students perform better on summative assessments.
I will research and implement different grouping arrangements based on student needs, interests, and content
standards so that students have choices in their learning and pursue content that is meaningful to their real-world
I will identify and use community resources to support student engagement and understanding of content standards
so that students are actively engaged in learning content relevant to community issues and concerns.
I will learn about and implement inclusion strategies and practices so that identified special education students
increase their access to the general education curriculum environment as well as increase their success with the
general education curriculum.
I will evaluate how to achieve learning goals through the use of technology and resources and will implement a
variety of technologies and resources so that students develop skills with a variety of technologies, engage in active
learning opportunities, and increase content knowledge.
I will learn about and implement effective classroom management techniques emphasizing individual and cooperative
group lessons aligned with learning goals, student needs, interests, and content standards so that students ask
questions and pursue problems that are meaningful to them.
I will learn about instructional strategies that engage learners so that student development of critical thinking,
problem solving, and performance skills meet district curriculum expectations.
In collaboration with colleagues, I will research and create experientially based curriculum aligned with learning goals
and linked to student interests and skills, so that my students reflect on and assess their own work and assume
group- and self-responsibility as evidenced by observation of classroom interactions, questioning, and analysis of
student work over time.
I will evaluate how to achieve learning goals through the use of technology and resources and will implement a
variety of technologies and resources so that students develop skills with a variety of technologies, engage in active
learning opportunities, and increase content knowledge.
I will learn about and implement effective classroom management techniques emphasizing individual and cooperative
group lessons aligned with learning goals, student needs, interests, and content standards so that students ask
questions and pursue problems that are meaningful to them.
Statements including “…as measured by…”
I will learn about and implement a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology, so that students
develop critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills as measured by student growth over time and also
by pre and post assessments.
I will learn about and implement art instructional and assessment strategies so that students will engage in self and
peer assessment and monitor their progress over time as measured by student participation in art critiques/reflections
and by improvement in the quality of student work based on performance criteria.
I will learn about and implement formal and informal high level questioning techniques, so that my instruction will be
varied and purposeful, so that students can engage in complex and meaningful discussions as measured by student
surveys, instructional changes and video logs.
I will learn about and implement a variety of language arts, math, vocational, and social skills curricula so that
students will learn and practice developmentally appropriate skills as measured by curricula changes and student
portfolios over time.
I will learn about and implement reading interventions with progress monitoring so that students will improve their
reading skills as measured by various progress monitoring tools and other district reading assessments.
I will learn about and implement a variety of instructional strategies so that students demonstrate increased academic
and behavioral performance in classes as evidenced by attitudinal surveys, assessment data, and a high rate of
homework completion.
I will learn about and create alternative assessments that incorporate scaffolding of content area skills so that
students will develop higher order critical thinking skills as measured by rubrics to determine levels of performance.
I will research and use a variety of instructional strategies, technologies, and materials so that students demonstrate
increased motivation as measured by attitudinal surveys and increased performance as evidenced by improvement on
performance assessments over time.
I will learn about and implement differentiated instructional strategies and assessments so that students will meet or
exceed proficiency in content area standards as evidenced by pre and post tests and formative assessments over time.
I will learn about and implement behavioral and academic research-based interventions so that students will increase
their academic and behavioral learning in inclusive classroom settings as measured by portfolios of student work, IEP
goals, and office referrals.