THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 345 E. 47th St, New Volt, N.Y.10017 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of Its Divisions or Sections, or printed in Its publications. Discussion is primed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy material for internal or personal use under circumstance not falling within the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act Is granted by ASME to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service provided that the base lee of $0.30 per page is paid directly to the CCC, 27 Congress Street, Salem MA 01970. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduMion should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Department Copyright Cl995 by ASME Ail Rights Reserved 95-G1-156 Primed in U.S.A CHARACTERISTICS CHARTS FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND SELECTION OF A GAS TURBINE COGENERATION PLANT K.Sarabchi & G.T.Polley Department of Chemical Engineering UMIST Manchester,United kingdom ABSTRACT The important and well-established performance criteria for assessment of a gas turbine cogeneration plant (GTCP) were examined. It was found that expressions could be derived for these criteria in terms of two key parameters: work efficiency and boiler efficiency. Three characteristics charts were then constructed. These covered gas turbine analysis,boiler analysis and GTCP performance analysis respectively. It is then demonstrated how these charts may be used as an effective tool for both performance prediction and preliminary design analysis. Thermodynamic design of a GTCP as an integrated system is also investigated and discussed. NOMENCLATURE Pb = Recovery boiler pressure (bar) co = Specific heat of air (taken as.1.005 KJ/Kg.k) egg = Specific heat of combustion gases (taken as 1.147 KJ/Kg.K) f = Fuel air ratio 111111111 11[1)1 11111111 ' FESR = Fuel energy saving ratio h = Specific enthalpy (KJ/Kg) Kg = Specific heat ratio of air (taken as 1.4) kg = Specific heat ratio of combustion gases (taken as 1.333) LHV = Lower heating value of fuel (taken as 50010 KJ/ICg for methane) = Mass flow rate of air(Kg/s) Trif = Mass flow rate of fuel (Kg/s) • = Energy rate of fuel input (KW) Q.6 = Energy rate of fuel for separate generation of heat and power (KW) • = Energy rate of turbine exhaust gas (KW) Qh = Process heat rate (KW) • = Heat to power ratio • = Price ratio of heat to power (taken as 1/3) r = Compressor pressure ratio T = Temperature (K or C) • = Saturation temperature at process steam pressure wo, = Specific net work (KJ/ICg air) = Net power (KW) • Tpp = Pinch point temperature difference = Thermal efficiency of a conventional "power only" plant (taken as 0.40) nog = Economic efficiency flu = Fuel utilization efficiency Tit = Efficiency of a "heat only"boiler (taken as Presented at the International Gas Turbine and Aeroengine Congress and Exposition Houston, Texas - June 5-8, 1995 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: Fig.1 Flow Diagram of A Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant Fig.2 Temperature Profile In Waste Heat Recovery Boiler Whilst, Fig.2 shows temperature- enthalpy diagram in the recovery boiler. A distinguishing feature of this work is the examination of the optimum design condition required for a GTCP if it is to be designed and optimized as an integrated system. To achieve this a pictorial representation of GTCP performance criteria is introduced. It can be used as an effective tool for both performance prediction and for preliminary design. Decision makers should find the methodology and charts useful for quickly identifying relevant design parameters and estimating main performance criteria. With cogeneration there are a number of important parameters and measures of system performance. These are defined and examined first. 0.90) = Compressor polytropic efficiency (taken as 0.9) = Turbine polytropic efficiency (taken as 0.9) TIth = Recovery boiler efficiency = Work efficiency INTRODUCTION Using gas turbines for the simultaneous raising of heat and power on industrial sites is becoming of increasing economic and environmental importance. The most common method of integrating a gas turbine into an industrial facility is through the use of the exhaust energy for steam production. It is that option that is considered here. Other applications such as where the exhaust gas energy has been used for drying or process fluid heating as a source of preheated combustion air for process heaters and boilers is the subject of ongoing work. This paper deals with the thermodynamic aspects of a GTCP in which process steam is produced in an unfired and single pressure waste heat recovery boiler. Fig.1 shows the schematic diagram of a GTCP. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Work Efficiency Work efficiency for a cogeneration system is defined as the ratio of electrical power extracted from the system to the energy of fuel input. This is equivalent to the thermal efficiency of a heat engine used solely for the production of 2 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: power. It is given by the equation: 71w— lirnet Qj cogeneration system is defined as the ratio of the total useful energy output (process heat+power) to the energy of fuel input. It is given by the expression: (1) fu Ti'Ulu Where, (2;.=m; LHV Wnet+Qh Q.r (5) (2) The individual expressions for fuel utilization efficiency, work efficiency, and heat to .power ratio can be combined to give: Specific Net Work Specific net work is defined as the net power output of the system per unit mass flow rate of inlet air. It is given by n fu =n,„(i+Rhp ) (6) • W net _ — wnet Ina Economic Efficiency (3) Although fuel utilization efficiency is probably the most widely used criteria for cogeneration system evaluation it suffers from a major drawback. As with all of the performance measures considered so far it is based solely on thermodynamics and makes no recognition of economics. One way around this problem is the use of an economic efficiency which introduces the ratio of heat to power values. This efficiency is given by the equation: Work efficiency and specific net work provide the two key parameters for the optimization of gas turbine power plant design. The former is related to fuel consumption and hence, operating cost. The latter is related to equipment size. The higher the specific net work the smaller is the size of components required for a given power output and hence, the lower the capital cost. Heat To Power Ratio A key factor in the design of a cogeneration scheme is the system's heat power ratio. This is the ratio of heat successfully absorbed by the process to the power output of the power generation system. It is given by the expression: Oh Rhp— Ti — wnec +Rv• Oh 0? (7) The economic efficiency is useful in the evaluation of the potential benefits of cogeneration and can be used in a number of ways. For instance, consider the case in which the value of power is set at y (say, the current purchase price), that of heat at x (say the current steam raising cost) and the price of fuel is z. Then the value of the cogeneration is: (4) net Fuel Utilization Efficiency The fuel utilization efficiency for a 3 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: V= W72.9 t y+ Qi; . x A typical heat to power price ratio is: .33 (and that is the value assumed in the examples described below). However, different values may be ascribed to different situations (for example when local tariffs or sales prices have been negotiated) and no value can be considered general. Economic efficiency can be related to work efficiency and heat to power ratio through the expression: ( 8) the cost of cogeneration is: C=Qt. z (9) and for breakeven: 71„0=1191(l+R,. Rhp ) Q. nnet• Y +Qh• X (14) (10) and to fuel utilization efficiency through: Or, 1+R,. Rhp) z _ w Rv• Oh. 11 eco =71 0; In order to have an operating advantage we need: 5 eco- z (12) z+ e i+Rhp (15) Fuel Energy Saying Ratio Another performance criteria developed for cogeneration systems involves a comparison between the fuel energy required to meet the given loads of electricity and heat in the cogeneration plant with that required in a separate conventional plants (say in a power station of efficiency of ti e and a "heat only" boiler of efficiency nhb ). Then the fuel energy saved is In reality, a company would have to include a consideration of both required investment and necessary return on investment in its cost appraisal. This can conveniently be allowed for through the adjustment of fuel price. A required "added value" (e) can be incorporated. Then, the required minimum economic efficiency is given by: (T lecc) required fu‘ FESR= Of s-Of t (16) Vf,s Where, Wnec+— Oh Tie rib (13) 4 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: (17) hp And of. _ Wnet +Oh (18) (24) 111v Now, using Eq.(23) in Eqs(6),(14),and(19) fu we can introduce the expressions for fuel utilization efficiency , economic efficiency, and fuel energy saving ratio: FESR can be related to work efficiency and heat to power ratio through the expression: ru'r1rb"1 ty (1 - nrb) FESR-1- le • lib (1 +Rhp) (25) (19) ntu (11213 +1e' Rhp) oco =Rv • r If we assume rj hb = 0.9 and it = 0.4 then FESR may be written in the form FESR=1- FESR - 1- 1 +R (20) (21) The energy balance equation for the gas turbine section of a GTCP may be written as (22) Inserting Eq.(22) into Eq.(21) gives Oh ar - Wi;ec R 1- T1 w (26) (27) to produce equations that are solely in terms of work efficiency and recovery boiler efficiency. Examination of the performance criteria relationships derived above shows that although there are several measures of note, there are only two degrees of freedom between them. Fix any two and all are fixed. Know any two and all can be known. This observations allows us to set up a quick and simple means of appraising proposed cogeneration systems. If we characterize a given system in terms of work efficiency and boiler efficiency we can then quickly estimate the heat to power ratio the system will deliver and both fuel utilization and economic efficiencies. Similarly, if we know the heat to power ratio we require and set an economic efficiency we can determine the work and boiler efficiencies required from the scheme. These can then be compared with the performance of available systems and a suitable one identified. All that is needed to develop this technique are relationships between turbine operating Heat Recovery Boiler Efficiency The easiest way of making use of the heat engine exhaust is through steam raising and subsequent distribution using a site steam main. This requires the provision of a heat recovery boiler. The efficiency of that boiler is given by the expression: (if = hnec +0; 1 1 n-_) rb +1 w ( — Tlh fl e Tip 2. 511 fi, (1 t 4/9Rhp) 02.1 _ T4 -T5 zb- Q v' T4 - Ti rb+11„,(1 - Rv . nib ) (23) Or, 5 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: 450 0.50 400 0.45 350 0.40 300 0.35 250 0.30 200 0.25 150 [x /fiN ] in dlno )ti om ouT oa ds EFFICIENCIES 0.55 100 0.20 0 10 20 30 40 50 PRESSURE RATIO Fig3. Performance Criteria Versus Pressure Ratio DISCUSSIONS Results of this work may be suitably discussed in two parts. First, we introduce graphs which represent thermodynamic features of designing a GTCP as an unified or integrated system. Second, we present charts that may be used for quick evaluation and identification of GTCP's. characteristics and work efficiency and between boiler characteristics and boiler efficiency Conventional cycle analysis can be used for this purpose. This allows the examination of the effect of key operating variables like compressor pressure ratio, turbine inlet temperature, recovery boiler pressure and the steam generator pinch point temperature difference on the performance of a GTCP. The methodology for this analysis is straightforward and is given in appendix 1. 1-Graphs Related To Designing Of A GTCP As An Integrated System Fig.3 shows the variations of efficiencies and specific net work with pressure ratio for given values of turbine inlet temperature, boiler CHARTS, OBSERVATIONS, AND 6 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: ECONOMI CEFFICIENCIE S PRESSURE RATIO Fig.4 Effect Of Boiler Pressure And Pinch Point Temperature Difference On Economic Efficiencies For 13= 1200 C Therefore, we conclude that the use of gas turbine designed for maximum specific net work for cogeneration scheme, from fuel economy point of view, is more beneficial than those designed for maximum thermal efficiency. Fig.4 represents the effect of boiler pressure and pinch point temperature on the optimum pressure ratio. It is observed that , for given pressure, and pinch point temperature difference. It is observed that whilst for given turbine inlet temperature, the optimum pressure ratio for maximum economic efficiency is between those for maximum specific net work and maximum work efficiency, its value is in fact closer to that required for maximum specific net work. 7 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: 200 190 S TACKTEMPERATURE[ C] 180 170 160 150 140 130 LSo C a I 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 BOILER PRESSURE[BAR] Fig.5 Stack Temperature Versus Boiler Pressure turbine inlet temperature, the maximum economic efficiency for high boiler pressure (P b = 100 bar) is achieved at low pressure ratios and hence high exhaust temperatures. It is also seen that the optimum pressure ratio, for given turbine inlet temperature and boiler pressure, does not change considerably with pinch point temperature difference. However, dropping the pinch temperature difference from 4.0 to 20 C will result in the economic efficiency increasing by about 1 percent. There is scope here for trading off boiler capital against fuel cost. This again is the subject of current work. Fig.5 shows stack temperature variation with boiler pressure for given turbine exhaust temperature. It is observed that the range of stack temperature variation with boiler pressure decreases as turbine exhaust temperature increases. Therefore, gas turbines with very high 8 Terms of Use: Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 • 1500 1400 TURBINE INLETTEMPERATURE[ C] 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 0 10 20 PRESSURE RATIO 30 40 Fig.6 (CHART 1) Gas Turbine Characteristic Chart quickly. Gas turbine design parameters and performance criteria may be brought together in a single chart: CHART 1 (Fig.6). This chart shows the relationship between turbine inlet temperature, pressure ratio and various performance parameters. As stated above, it has been derived from an analysis of turbine performance. CHART 2 (Fig.7) presents the recovery boiler characteristics. It has been derived from an exhaust temperature (T?600 C) may be equally and efficiently used for high as well as low pressure steam generation. Turbines with lower exhaust temperature are only suitable for relatively low pressure steam generation. 2- Charts For Ouick Evaluation And Identification Of A GTCP Three characteristics charts have been constructed to evaluate and characterize a GTCP 9 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: 0.90 1 0.85 4 BOILER EFFICIENCY 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 BOILER PRESSURE[BAR] Fig.7 (CHART 2) Boiler Efficiency Versus Boiler Pressure analysis of boiler performance and allows the rapid determination of boiler efficiency as a function of boiler inlet temperature, boiler pressure, and pinch point temperature difference. Finally, we develop a chart that links these using the cogeneration system criteria (heat to power ratio, fuel utilization efficiency, economic efficiency, and fuel energy saving ratio). This is presented as CHART 3 (Fig.8). APPLICATIONS OF CHARACTERISTICS CHARTS The characteristics charts will now be applied to two cogeneration analysis problems. The first problem involves a preliminary determination of 10 Terms of Use: Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 0.50 0.45 WORKEFFIC IENCY 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 BOILER EFFICIENCY Fig.8 (CHART 3) Characteristics Charts For Gas Turbine Cogeneration Plant 11 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: 1.0 How effectively can this unit be installed in a cogeneration scheme in which steam is raised at a pressure of 20 bar? a gas turbine characteristics for a cogeneration scheme. The second involves an investigation of how suitable a given turbine is for use in a cogeneration scheme. Solution: Examination of Chart 1 shows that the turbine inlet temperature and pressure ratio are 1170 C and 16 respectively. Examination of Chart 2 shows that for a turbine exhaust temperature of 500 C and a boiler pressure of 20 bar the boiler efficiency (at boiler pinch point temperature of 40 C) is 0.64. Examination of Chart 3 then indicates that the turbine can be used to provide a heat to power ratio of around 1.2 and an economic efficiency of around 0.488. Also, fuel energy saving ratio and fuel utilization efficiency are around 0.25 and 0.76 respectively. A comparison of these two examples is interesting. In the first case we have identified a need for a turbine inlet temperature of 1200 C and a work efficiency of 0.33. In the second we are offered a machine with an inlet temperature of 1170 C and a work efficiency of 0.35. At 0.488 this machine has a lower economic efficiency than the machine identified in the first example. So, economically it is less efficient than the first machine. Why? The answer is related to the way in which the turbine is interfaced with the boiler. In the first case the turbine exhaust is set at 600 C. In the second it is dropped to 500 C. This temperature reduction would be fine for a stand alone power system. However, for a cogeneration system (with the chosen boiler temperature approach) it results in a serious fall off in boiler efficiency. The Charts clearly demonstrate this. The boiler efficiency associated with the second turbine is 0.64. Re-examination of Chart 3 indicates that with this boiler efficiency a work efficiency of around 0.37 is needed in order to achieve the required economic efficiency. Example 1 The requirements for a cogeneration scheme have been identified as: Steam flow rate: 50 t/hr Steam pressure: 20 bar Power generation: 22MW The level of power generation has been set on the basis of exporting power. The minimum economic efficiency required from the system is 0.5. Identify a suitable gas turbine configuration. Solution: The system's heat to power ratio is: 1.5 Examination of Chart 3 shows that for this ratio and economic efficiency we need a system with a work efficiency of at least 0.33 and a boiler efficiency of at least 0.75. It also shows that such a system will have a fuel energy saving ratio and fuel utilization efficiency of 0.28 and 0.83 respectively. Examination of Chart 2 shows that for steam raising at 20 bar at a boiler efficiency of 0.75 the turbine exhaust temperature must be at least 600 C (at boiler pinch point temperature difference of 40 C). Finally, examination of Chart 1 shows that for a work efficiency of 0.33 and a turbine exhaust temperature of 600 C we need a gas turbine with an inlet temperature of at least 1200C and a pressure ratio of II. Example 2 A turbine having the following characteristics is offered: Power generation: 22 MW Turbine exhaust temperature: 500 C Thermal efficiency: 0.35 12 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: 4 1- So we see, that whilst the second machine would be better in a power alone context, the first is better in a cogeneration context. Turbine Cogeneration Plant From First And Second-Law Viewpoints", Proceedings of 1992 ASME Cogen Turbo Power Congress. CONCLUSION APPENDIX 1 A pictorial representation for analysis and selection of a GTCP was introduced as three important characteristics charts. These charts may be used in two different ways: 1- If we characterize a GTCP with two performance criteria (i.e. heat to power ratio and economic efficiency), then, we can easily estimate other criteria as well as required design conditions for gas turbine and recovery boiler to meet these targets. 2- If a gas turbine is to apply for a cogeneration scheme, then, we can readily evaluate its cogeneration performance criteria. Regarding integrated design of a GTCP it was shown that using gas turbine designed for maximum specific net work in a cogeneration scheme will lead to a better fuel economy rather than those designed for maximum efficiency. Analysis procedure The methodology for calculating of performance parameters of a gas turbine cogeneration system is quite straightforward consisting essentially of the following steps: 1- Compressor and turbine specific net works may be found front the following equations: wc =cpa ( T2 T1 )= - ica -1 (28) Cpa. T 1. (r k a . TI P` —1) W t = Cpg ( T3 — T4 ) (kg-thi pc ( 2 9) Pr 3 REFERENCES Horlock, J. H, 1987, Cogeneration: Combined Heat And Power, Pergamon Press. Rice, I. G. 1987, "Thermodynamic Evaluation of Gas Turbine Cogeneration Cycles: Part 1- Heat Balance Method Analysis", ASME Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbine And Power, Vol. 109. Cal, R, 1987, "Evaluation Criteria For Cogeneration And Basic Analysis Of Gas Turbine Cogeneration", Proceedings Of 1987 ASME Cogen Turbo Power Congress. Huang, F. F., 1990, "Performance Evaluation Of Selected Combustion Gas Turbine Cogeneration Systems Based On First And Second-Law Analysis", ASME Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbine And Power, Vol. 112. Sarabchi, K, "Parametric Analysis Of Gas Then,the plant specific net work (KJ/Kg air) is given by ki„ t= (1+5) wc - wc (30) Where, f denotes fuel - air ratio. 2- the fuel air ratio can be obtained by applying the first law for combustion equation of methane. 3- Combining the energy balance equations for evaporator with that for the evaporation and economizer sections of recovery boiler gives the following relation for stack temperature: 13 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: T5 =T4 - (T4 Tsa C AT ) ( Pr. - - n 1 h12 (31) - , 6 , ) n7-nb It should be noted that process steam is considered to be saturated, condensate is assumed to return at 100 C and the ambient temperature is assumed to be 15 C. 14 Downloaded From: on 05/11/2016 Terms of Use: