Corporate Governance Final Exam Describe basicly of corporate governance is the a system that aims to carry out the management and control of companies within the framework of accountability, transparency, responsibility, and fairness principles and create tools related to this. And corporate governance aims to the continuity of the assets of companies, institutions and, organizations. Corporate governance is a system of procedures for dealing with corporate issues, as well as rules and responsibilities that are delegated to various groups within a company. Shareholders, one of the groups, are given certain rights as company owners. These rights are protected by law, and respecting them is one of the goals of corporate governance. In the film, I have watched that there are meetings with the shareholders and the main shareholders. In the decision channel, minor shareholders may affect the decision of the main shareholders. They can vote on a variety of corporate matters, including voting, company acquisitions, and the merger or liquidation of company assets. Voting on these issues is usually held when companies hold their annual meetings. If shareholders are unable to attend the meetings, they have the right to vote in person or by proxy. If companies have taken these measures, they can also vote by post, telephone and / or mail. We can give an example of the main female character we watched in the film reaching small shareholders by letter and causing the big shareholders to change their decision in the decision process. Also, as we saw in the movie, the main male character (company owner Edward L. McKeever) is suing his company for years. Yes, shareholders who have been wronged by their Company also have the right to sue. If they have been denied access to their financial information, they can take legal action against their company. Shareholders wishing to sue their companies should first consult with local authorities on how to proceed. The main partners work for their own interests, and these interests may not always be the same as those of the other partners. In this case, it will use its control rights to maximize its own assets. As we can see in the movie, except for the owners of 5 joint companies, their salaries are higher than other employees and they arrange it themselves. In case the main shareholders in the company are in control of the cash flows of the company, they will see themselves as a priority in expenditures. This situation arises especially if their own shares have voting privileges or if they manage the company in a hierarchical structure. Institution management and institution stabilize, increase the competitiveness of the institution, increase the defense power against economic crises, increase the application of modern management techniques, increase the profitability of the institution, increase the quality and transparency of the institution management, increase the trust and trust in the institution, decrease the capital costs, decrease the loan interest , loan costs are reduced. For 4 features that corporate management should have; The principle of fairness is an expression of the company's management treating all right holders equally. This principle refers to the protection of shareholder rights, including minority shareholders and foreign partners, and the enforcement of contracts concluded. The principle of transparency requires the company to share accurate, clear and comparable information with the public. The principle of accountability requires the board of directors to monitor the performance of the top management independently and to ensure the accountability of the top managers to the shareholders. The principle of responsibility implies that companies operate in compliance with laws and regulations that reflect social values while creating value for their shareholders. These were the four things that should have been for the movie I watched. Corporate governance has been established to ensure that organizations use their resources effectively and ensure their sustainability by reflecting different interests in company strategies in parallel with the capital markets reaching a global position. Corporate governance aims to expand the concept of unity of purpose among employees to include other stakeholders, to create systems where management performance is objectively monitored and to enable performance increase. BERİL ŞANSIM ESER 20802001011