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Persuasive Speech Outline: Walking for Health

Sample Outline for Persuasive Speech - COM 181
Specific Purpose:
To persuade my audience to start walking in order to improve their health.
Central Idea:
Regular walking can improve both your mental and physical health.
Method of Organization: Monroe's motivated sequence.
Let's be honest, we lead an easy life: automatic dishwashers, riding lawnmowers, T.V. remote controls,
automatic garage door openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc., etc. etc.
We live in a time-saving, energy-saving, convenient society. It's a wonderful life. Or is it? While today's
luxuries have been welcomed by the masses, they have also been accused of turning us into passive, lethargic
couch potatoes. As a reformed couch potato myself, I know how easy it can be to slip into an inactive
lifestyle. I also know how sluggish and apathetic such a lifestyle can make me feel. Today I want to urge
you to move off that couch and get your body moving. I want to persuade you to start walking.
Americans lead a sedentary lifestyle at the expense of their health.
Adults watch between 15 and 18 hours of TV a week. (statistic - Carey 82)
This means we spend approximately 40% of our leisure time in front of the TV.
(statistic - Carey 82)
Ironically, it is also reported that we really don't like many of the shows we watch.
(factual example - Carey 83)
An article in the March, 1994 issue of Walking reports that there is evidence that our
sedentary lifestyle is bad for our mental and emotional state of mind.
Studies today indicate that people are experiencing higher bouts of depression than
in the 18th and 19th century when work and life was considered more difficult.
(factual example - McAuliffe 43)
The article reports that 12.6% of Americans suffer from anxiety and another 9.5%
suffer from serious depression. (statistic - McAuliffe 42)
Our eating habits, combined with our lack of exercise is purported to be the "second leading
non-genetic contributor to death in the U.S." (factual example - Camenzind)
Nutritionist Phyllis Hall stated that we tend to eat foods that are high in fat, which
produce high levels of cholesterol in our blood, which in turns leads to plaque in our
arteries. (expert testimony - Hall)
While modifying our diet can certainly help us decrease our risk for heart disease,
studies have indicated that people who don't exercise are at an even greater risk for
heart disease. (factual example - Camenzind)
Fortunately, there is a simple, effective exercise that we can all do.
This exercise is walking.
Walking for 20 minutes at a moderate pace 3 - 4 times a week is good for our
physical and mental health. (factual example - Ullman 9)
Walking is an inexpensive form of exercise that requires no training.
Regular walking can reduce our risk for heart disease.
A 1994 article in Prevention reported that walking can curtail our risk for heart
disease. (factual example - Ullman 9)
Walking enhances an enzyme that removes triglycerides (blood fats) from our
bloodstream. (factual example - Ullman 10)
We can visualize the benefits of walking by contrasting the lifestyle choices we have.
We can take shortcuts in life and cut our life short.
Find the closest parking space in the parking lot.
Drive to the convenient store that is just around the corner from your house.
Catch the bus to take you to a building across campus.
Telephone the friend in your neighborhood to chat.
Or we can choose to lessen our risk for heart disease and improve our mental health by
making an effort to walk.
"Walking will enable you to stumble onto natural little wonders that otherwise go
unnoticed." (factual example - Ullman 10)
John P. Wiley comments on the benefits of walking by stating, "Being on your own
two feet is restful. No one is climbing on your back, leaning on a horn, . . . and if
something catches your eye, you can stop without being rear ended." (peer
testimony - Wiley 24)
In closing, I urge you to start walking more. A simple, easy activity. Park at the back of parking lots and
walk. Walk, don't drive, to your local convenient store. Walk past the bus stop and let your two feet carry
you across campus. Take 20 minutes and enjoy a walk around your neighborhood. Hide the T.V. remote
control, move off the couch, and walk -- for your heart's sake.
Works Cited
Camenzind, Paula. The Guide to Visual and Natural Healing. Pittsburgh, PA.: Rodale, 1993.
Carey, Barbara. "Turn off the T.V." Health October, 1994: 82-84.
Hall, Phyllis. Nutritional Specialist. Personal Interview. 22 May 1995.
McAuliffe, Katherine. "Out of the Blues." Walking March/April, 1994: 42-47.
Ullman, Steven A. "Feet First Prevention." Prevention January, 1994: 9-10.
Wiley, John P. "Phenomena, comments and notes." Smithsonian July, 1989: 22-24.
Sample Outline for Persuasive Speech - COM 181
Specific Purpose:
To persuade my audience to wear seatbelts every time they ride in an
Central Idea:
There are no good reasons not to wear seatbelts and one vital reason to
wear them - they may well save you from serious injury or death in an
automobile accident.
Method of Organization:
Monroe's motivated sequence
It had just stopped raining when my friend Florence and I got into the car. I fastened my seat belt, but she
didn't. I backed out of the driveway and we headed out for what we thought would be a fun evening.
After driving for awhile I entered an intersection. The light was green and so I proceeded into the
intersection just as another car turned left in front of me. Because the roads were wet, my brakes wouldn't
hold and we slid into the side of the other car. I was shaken, but all right. Then I noticed that the
windshield on the
passenger's side was shattered. I saw my friend slumped up against the seat with blood all over her face.
She had shattered the windshield.
Being in an accident, I know first hand the difference wearing seatbelts can make. Also class surveys
show that many of you don't wear your seat belts. That's why today I want to persuade you to wear your
seat belts every time you ride in an automobile.
Automobile accidents take a frightful toll in lives and injuries every year.
According to the Motor Vehicle Association, 3 million Americans are injured in auto
accidents annually. (statistic - Orme 27)
In addition, 50,000 are killed each year. (statistic - Orme 29)
This number is the equivalent to a 747 jumbo jet crashing every other day for a
year. (analogy - Orme 29)
Automobile accidents are the leading cause of death for people of high-school
and college age. (factual example - Consumers' 10)
You can save yourself from becoming part of these statistics by wearing your seatbelt.
According to the Department of Transportation, 15,000 lives would be saved annually if
every driver fastened his or her seatbelt every time he or she rode in a car. (statistic Lumet 45)
A study by the Motor Vehicle Association showed that the chances of individual death
and injury are reduced 50 percent by the use of seatbelts. (statistic - Dinkel 46)
We can visualize the benefits of seatbelts by answering some of the reasons given in
response to
my audience analysis questionnaires for not wearing seatbelts.
Some of you think you can brace yourselves in case of a crash.
But you may never see the other car in time.
Impact at 30 mph is 100 times the force of gravity. (factual example Bedard 111)
Some of you feel you don't need seatbelts for short trips.
According to the Motor Vehicle Association, most accidents occur on
local roads. (testimony - Dinkel 47)
My accident took place only five minutes from home.
Some of you fear being trapped in a burning or submerged vehicle.
Burning or submersion occurs in only .5 percent of all auto accidents.
Lumet 46)
In this kind of accident, seatbelts help keep you conscious and able to
Some of you don't use seatbelts because they are uncomfortable.
Seatbelts can be adjusted for comfort.
What's worse - a seatbelt or a wheelchair?
So I urge you to fasten your seatbelts every time you ride in a car. If my friend had worn hers she
wouldn't have received the terrible scars that remind us of that accident over a year ago. Some of
you may say that you forget, but the one time you forget may be the time you are injured or
killed. So please, buckle up. It only takes a few seconds. If you don't, you may regret it sitting
in a wheel chair, or you may not even have the chance to regret it.
Just ask Beth, a student at this university who says, "If I hadn't been wearing my seatbelt at the
time of my accident, I truly believe I would not be here today."
Works Cited
Bedard, Pat. "How Can You Tell Congress from a Shopping Bazaar?" Car and Driver November
Dinkel, James. "Capitol Thoughts." Road and Truck March 1991: 46-47.
"How Federal Officials Ignored Auto Safety." Consumers' Research Magazine April 1992: 1016.
Lumet, Alyce. "Smart Ideas for Safer Driving." Seventeen August 1992: 44-49.
Orme, Tom. "National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Ignored Automobile Safety."
Motor Trend May 1992: 27-32.